HTML::tag attribute¶
Queries, removes and changes attribute/value pairs of this HTML tag.
HTML::tag attribute [value] <name>
HTML::tag attribute count
HTML::tag attribute exists <name>
HTML::tag attribute insert <name> <value>
HTML::tag attribute names
HTML::tag attribute remove <name>
HTML::tag attribute replace <name> <value>
HTML::tag attribute value <name>¶
- Return the value of the attribute under this HTML tag.
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.0.0
HTML::tag attribute count¶
- Return the number of attributes in this HTML tag.
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.4.0
HTML::tag attribute exists <name>¶
- Return true if the HTML tag has the attribute identified by <name>
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.0.0
HTML::tag attribute insert <name> <value>¶
- Insert a string of “<name>=<value>” pair at the end of the attributes, before the closing delimiter of the tag.
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.0.0
HTML::tag attribute names¶
- Return the names of all attributes in this HTML tag.
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.4.0
HTML::tag attribute remove <name>¶
- Remove the attribute identified by <name> in this HTML tag.
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.4.0
HTML::tag attribute replace <name> <value>¶
- Replace the existing value of the attribute, identified by <name>, with <value>.
- Introduced: BIGIP-11.0.0
Auto-submit Stock Symbol Lookup on Yahoo-Finance
- The iRule enables HTML on the root path and disables HTML everywhere else. The HTML iRule scans the HTML document as it streams from the backend server and raises HTML_TAG_MATCHED event when seeing it encounters the FORM start tag and the FORM end tag. Specifically, the iRule looks for the form that has an attribute ID with a value “quote”. Once this form is found, the iRules remembers it and injects a piece of Javascript after the first FORM end tag.
when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [HTTP::uri] HTTP::header replace "Host" "" } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { $uri equals "/" } { HTML::enable } else { HTML::disable } } when HTML_TAG_MATCHED { log local0. "element = [HTML::tag name]" log local0. "attribute id = [HTML::tag attribute id]" switch [HTML::tag name] { "form" { if { [HTML::tag attribute "id"] equals "quote" } { set inject_js 1 } } "/form" { if { [info exists inject_js] && $inject_js == 1 } { unset inject_js HTML::tag append "<scr" HTML::tag append "ipt>" HTML::tag append "function submitForm() {" HTML::tag append " document.quote.s.value='FFIV';" HTML::tag append " document.quote.submit();" HTML::tag append "}" HTML::tag append "setTimeout('submitForm()', 5000);" HTML::tag append "</script>" } } } }