This command transmits an MQTT message to sender of the incoming
message. If called from MQTT_CLIENT_INGRESS message will be sent to
the client. If called from MQTT_SERVER_INGRESS message will be sent to
the server.
Please note that the current message will be forwarded to destination.
Use MQTT::drop to drop the current message. This command is valid for
all MQTT message types.
MQTT::respond type CONNECT client_id <client_id>
[keep_alive <time-in-seconds>]
[clean_session <0 | 1>]
[protocol_name <name-string>]
[protocol_version <level-number>]
[username <name-string>]
[password <password-string>]
[will_topic <topic-string>]
[will_message <message-string>]
[will_qos <0 | 1 | 2>]
[will_retain <0 | 1>]
MQTT::respond type CONNACK return_code <0-5> [session_present <session-present-flag>]
MQTT::respond type PUBLISH topic <topic-name> payload <content>
[<qos 0> | <qos 1 | 2> packet_id <packet-id-number>]
[dup <0 | 1>]
[retain <0 | 1>]
MQTT::respond type <PUBACK | PUBREC | PUBREL | PUBCOMP | UNSUBACK> packet_id <packet-id-number>
MQTT::respond type SUBSCRIBE packet_id <packet-id-number> topic_list {<topic-name> <qos>}+
MQTT::respond type SUBACK packet_id <packet-id-number> return_code_list {<return-code>}+
MQTT::respond type UNSUBSCRIBE packet_id <packet-id-number> topic_list {<topic-name> <qos>}+
MQTT::respond type CONNECT client_id
- [keep_alive <time-in-seconds>] [clean_session <0 | 1>]
- [protocol_name <name-string>] [protocol_version <level-number>]
- [username <name-string>] [password <password-string>]
- [will_topic <topic-string>] [will_message <message-string>]
- [will_qos <0 | 1 |2>] [will_retain <0 | 1>]
The client_id is required parameter, keep_alive must be smaller than
65536. Default values for optional parameters are:
- keep_alive -: 60 seconds.
- clean_session -: 1
- protocol_name -: MQTT
- protocol_version -: 4
- username -: “”
- password -: “”
- will_topic -: “”
- will_message -: “”
- will_qos -: 0
- will_retain -: 0
MQTT::respond type CONNACK return_code
- [ session_present <session-present-flag> ]
The values must be set to one of the following:.
- 0 - Connection Accepted.
- 1 - Connection Refused, unacceptable protocol version.
- 2 - Connection Refused, identifier rejected.
- 3 - Connection Refused, Server unavailable.
- 4 - Connection Refused, bad username or password.
- 5 - Connection Refused, not authorized. The <session-present-flag> can be set to 0 or 1. The default value is 0.
MQTT::respond type PUBLISH topic payload
- [{qos 0} | {qos <1 | 2> packet_id <packet-id-number>} ]
- [dup <0 | 1>]
- [retain <0 | 1>]
For PUBLISH, the topic and payload are required parameters. If qos is
1 or 2, then packet_id must also be specified. must be smaller than
65536. Default values for optional parameters are:
- qos -: 0
- dup -: 0
- retain -: 0
MQTT::respond type PUBACK packet_id
MQTT::respond type PUBREC packet_id
MQTT::respond type PUBREL packet_id
MQTT::respond type PUBCOMP packet_id
For PUBACK, PUBREC, PUBREL, and PUBCOMP, packet_id is a required
parameter. No other parameter should be specified. must be smaller
than 65536.
MQTT::respond type SUBSCRIBE packet_id topic_list { }+
For SUBSCRIBE, packet_id and topic_list are required parameters. No
other parameter should be specified. must be smaller than 65536. can
only be 0,1, or 2.
MQTT::respond type SUBACK packet_id return_code_list {}+
For SUBACK, packet_id and return_code_list are required parameters. No
other parameter should be specified. must be smaller than 65536.
MQTT::respond type UNSUBSCRIBE packet_id topic_list { }+
For UNSUBSCRIBE, packet_id and topic_list are required parameters. No
other parameter should be specified. Please note that values will be
ignored. It is required to make format of topic_list same between
MQTT::respond type UNSUBACK packet_id
For UNSUBACK, packet_id is required parameter.
MQTT::respond type PINGREQ
For PINGREQ should be used with no parameter.
MQTT::respond type PINGRESP
For PINGRESP should be used with no parameter.
MQTT::respond type DISCONNECT
For DISCONNECT should be used with no parameter.
Enrich MQTT username with SSL client-certificate common name, reject unauthorized accesses:
set cn ""
set cn [ lindex [ split [lindex [ split [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]] "," ] 0 ] "=" ] 1 ]
log local0. "Client Cert Common Name: $cn"
if {[MQTT::type] == "CONNECT"} {
if {$cn == ""} {
MQTT::respond type CONNACK return_code 5
} else {
set user [MQTT::username]
MQTT::username "$cn:$user"