This command gets or sets the will-topic, will-message, will-qos, and
will-retain fields of MQTT CONNECT messages.
MQTT::will topic [<will-topic>]
MQTT::will message [<will-message>]
MQTT::will qos [<will-qos>]
MQTT::will retain [<will-retain-flag>]
MQTT::will topic <will-topic>¶
- Set the will-topic field of MQTT CONNECT message to specified string.
MQTT::will message <will-message>¶
- Set the will-message field of MQTT CONNECT message to specified string.
MQTT::will qos <will-qos>¶
- Set the will-qos field of MQTT CONNECT message to specified number. Will-qos can only be 0, 1, or 2.
MQTT::will retain <will-retain>¶
- Set the will-retain field of MQTT CONNECT message to specified number. Will-retain-flag can only be 0 or 1.