Passive FTP - Preserve Pool Member Ephemeral Port¶
Contributed by: Jason Adams -¶
This iRule fills a need to preserve an FTP Servers Passive Data
Channel Port.
F5 Networks has developed an iRule command to address this in v11.5.0+
called FTP::port, but it has yet to come to full fruition, and seems
to have provided more bugs than solutions.
This was tested on v11.6.0, but I fully expect it to work on older
versions of BIG-IP as well.
iRule Source¶
# Created by Jason Adams 2015-02-11 to make compatible with v11.6.0+
# This iRule performs NAT on ftp / ftps in ccc-mode
# It searches for "227 Entering Passive Mode" in data from
# the server and replaces it with the correct IP-address
# so that the client will connect to the correct address
# It will then create a dynamic listener on the specified VLAN
# NOTE: Replace the value of static::FTP_DATA_TIMEOUT to the idle timeout (in seconds)
# of your FTP Data Channel
# NOTE: Replace the value of static::VLAN to the name of the vlan you want to create
# your dynamic Virtual Server
# Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug-logging of this iRule in /var/log/ltm
when RULE_INIT {
set static::DEBUG 1
set static::FTP_DATA_TIMEOUT 300
if { $static::DEBUG } { log local0.debug "FTP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]. \
Mapped to [serverside {IP::local_addr}]:[serverside {TCP::local_port}] \
-> [IP::server_addr]:[serverside {TCP::remote_port}]" }
# If in debug mode, log payload of received packet
if { $static::DEBUG } { log local0.debug "payload <[TCP::payload]>" }
# check if payload contains the string we want to replace
if { [TCP::payload 50] contains "227 Entering Passive Mode" } {
# If in debug mode, log that the payload matched
if { $static::DEBUG } { log local0.debug "payload matched" }
# use a regular expression to save the ephemeral port $first $second
regexp {[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},([0-9]{1,5}),([0-9]{1,5})} [TCP::payload] all first second
# Set the Virtual Server IP Address as single octet variables
clientside {scan [IP::local_addr] %d.%d.%d.%d ip1 ip2 ip3 ip4}
# If in debug mode, log to ensure we are collecting the proper VS IP Address
if { $static::DEBUG } { log local0.debug "ip=$ip1,$ip2,$ip3,$ip4" }
# Search and replace the IP Address portion of the PASV Command to match the Virtual Server IP Address
regsub {[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3}} [TCP::payload] "$ip1,$ip2,$ip3,$ip4" packetdata
# Replace the TCP Payload with the string above.
TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $packetdata
# If in debug mode, log the new payload.
if { $static::DEBUG } { log local0.debug "changed payload <[TCP::payload]>" }
# Calculate the decimal value of the dynamic ephemeral port
# This will be used to create our dynamic Virtual Server for the FTP Data Connection
set ephemeralport [expr [expr $first * 256] + $second]
# If debugging, log the ephemeral port number.
if { $static::DEBUG } { log local0.debug "ephemeralport=$ephemeralport" }
# Create a dynamic Virtual Server to listen for the FTP Data Connection
listen {
proto 6
timeout $static::FTP_DATA_TIMEOUT
bind $static::VLAN $ip1.$ip2.$ip3.$ip4 $ephemeralport
server [IP::server_addr] $ephemeralport
allow [IP::client_addr]
# Release our variables
unset all
unset first
unset second
unset ip1
unset ip2
unset ip3
unset ip4
unset packetdata
# release the packet, and collect a new one
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