

This command returns TDS message data.


TDS::msg type
TDS::msg length
TDS::msg procid
TDS::msg procname
TDS::msg sqltext
TDS::msg xacttype
TDS::msg xactid
TDS::msg is_read
TDS::msg request_type [<read>|<write>]

TDS::msg type

  • Return an integer to identify the TDS message type per TDS protocol

TDS::msg length

  • Return an integer to identify the TDS packet length

TDS::msg procid

  • Return the proc id if the message is an RPC request

TDS::msg procname

  • Return the procname if the message is a RPC request and procid is 0

TDS::msg sqltext

  • Return the SQL text if the message is a SQLBATCH request

TDS::msg xacttype

  • Return an integer to reflect the transaction type per TDS protocol

TDS::msg xactid

  • Return the transaction ID of the message

TDS::msg is_read

  • return TRUE or FALSE based on the request content

TDS::msg request_type [<read> | <write>]

  • return readonly or write if no prarameter is given. set the requsttype to given value (override the original value)


  log local0. "A TDS request of type [TDS::msg type] is received."