

Searches a data group list for a member whose key matches the specified string, and if a match is found, returns the data-group member string.
Note: findclass has been deprecated in v10 in favor of the new class commands. The class command offers better functionality and performance than findclass

Only the key value of the data group list member (the portion up to the first separator character, which defaults to space unless otherwise specified) is compared to the specified string to determine a match.
If a match is found, and no separator character is specified, the command returns the entire member value associated with the matched key (including the key).
If a match is found and a separator is specified, the data group member is split at the first separator, and the portion of the list member following the first separator is returned.
Note that you should not use a $:: or :: prefix on the datagroup name when using the class command (or in any datagroup reference on 9.4.4 or later). In v9.4.4 - 10, using $::datagroup_name will work but demote the virtual server from running on all TMMs. For details, see the CMP compatibility page. In v11, using $::datagroup_name will result in a runtime error and TCP reset being sent to the client!


findclass <string> <data group> [<separator>]

findclass <string> <data group>

  • Searches for a member whose key exactly matches . If a match is found, it returns the entire data group list member intact, including the key and the separator.

findclass <string> <data group> <separator>

  • Searches for a member whose key exactly matches . If a match is found, it returns the portion of the data group list member following the first instance of .


class dest_pairs_dg {
  "8080 proxy"
  "8020 snatpool2"
  "8081 proxy2"
  "8084 proxy3"
  "8140 snatpool6"

  set my_spool [findclass [TCP::local_port] dest_pairs_dg " "]
  if { $my_spool ne "" } {
    snatpool $my_spool

class URIredirects_dg {

  set location [findclass [HTTP::uri] URIredirects_dg " "]
  if { $location ne "" }
    HTTP::redirect $location

class myRedirects_dg {
  " 302"
  " 301"


   # Check if there is a class entry which starts with the requested URI
   set row [findclass [string tolower [HTTP::host]] myRedirects_dg]

   # Check if there was a matched row
   if { $row ne "" }{

      # Send a response using the status and location from the class
      HTTP::respond [getfield $row " " 2] Location [getfield $row " " 3][HTTP::uri] Connection Close

      # Clear the row variable
      unset row