The GTM qos_score command allows computation of a qos_score in an
iRule and manipulation of the QoS weights used for that computation.
Accepts a pool/name and pool member. If a pool is specified a pmbr
must be as well. If no pool is specified it uses the currently picked
pmbr/pool This can cause it to fail if no pmbr has been picked by the
LB code. Please note that these computations are performed using
fixed_point mathematics, and therefore have fractional components. By
default the integer and fractional components are returned as a list.
Also note that the load balance code will not incorporate weighting
from factors which have not been gathered for the specific pool/pmbr.
Takes a either no factors or a series of factor/value pairs to be used
in this specific computation. Accepted factors are:
- bps
- hit_ratio
- hops
- link_capacity
- packet_rate
- rtt
- topology
- vs_capacity
- vs_score
qos_score [pool <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>
qos_score -aslong [pool <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>
qos_score -integer [pool <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>
#v12 change to include QTYPE
qos_score [pool [QYTPE] <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>
qos_score -aslong [pool [QTYPE] <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>
qos_score -integer [pool [QTYPE] <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>
qos_score [pool <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>¶
- Returns the current value of the factor specified, or a list of the current values if more than one factor requested.
qos_score -aslong [pool <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>¶
- Returns a 64 bit unsigned integer of the current value of the factor specified, or a list of the current values if more than one factor requested.
qos_score -integer [pool <name> member <pool member>] <factor <value>>¶
- Returns only the integer portion of the current value of the factor specified, or a list of the current values if more than one factor requested.