A namespace for creating global variables to hold constant values in a
CMP-compatible fashion. This namespace is intended only for use with
values that will not change. While it is possible to alter the value
of a global variable in the static namespace, this value will not
be propagated to other CMP nodes in the system. Therefore, doing so
may lead to unexpected results. If you need to share information
across CMP nodes, you should use the session or
table commands instead.
Note: When you use the static namespace the variable is available
to all iRules on the box. See Examples below.
when RULE_INIT {
# Change to "1" to enable debugging log statements
set static::debug 0
if { $static::debug != 0 } {
log local0. "Got HTTP request: [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
"*" { pool foo_com_pool }
"*" { pool bar_com_pool }
default { pool big_pool }
if { $static::debug != 0 } {
log local0. "Using pool [LB::server pool]"
Note that when you use the static namespace the variable is available
to all iRules on the box. In the above example, if you use
“$static::debug” for every iRule, it will enable debugging for all
iRules. As such define a static variable that will be unique to each
iRule to avoid this problem.