JSON Web Token Protection¶
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact and self-contained way to represent information between two parties in a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format and is commonly used for authentication and authorization. With BIG-IP Next it is possible to control access to its application using JWT validation. BIG-IP Next WAF validates the authenticity and well-formedness of JWTs coming from a client, denying access to the service exclusively when the validation process fails. JWT is mainly used for API access.
When a user logs in to a web application, they might receive a JWT, which can then be included in subsequent requests to the server. The server can validate the JWT to ensure that the user is authenticated to access the requested resources.
BIG-IP Next WAF provides JSON Web Token (JWT) protection. BIG-IP Next WAF will be placed in the path leading to the application server and will handle the token for the application. This includes:
Validating the token’s existence and ensuring its correct structure for specific URLs.
Verifying the token’s signature based on provisioned certificates.
Checking the validity period of the token.
Extracting the user identity from the token and using it for logging and session awareness.
The JSON Web Token consists of three parts: the Header, Claims and Signature. The first two parts are in JSON and Base64 encoded when carried in a request. The three parts are separated by a dot “.” delimiter and put in the authorization header of type “Bearer”, but can also be carried in a query string parameter.
Header: It contains information about the type of token (usually “JWT”) and the cryptographic algorithm being used to secure the JSON Web Signature (JWS).
Claims: This refers to the statements or assertions about an entity (typically, the user) that the token is issued for. Claims are key/value pairs contained within the token’s payload. The claims is the second part of a JWT and typically looks like this:
{ "sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "iat": 1654591231, "nbf": 1654607591, "exp": 1654608348 }
In the example above, the payload contains several claims:
sub (Subject): Represents the subject of the JWT, typically the user or entity for which the token was created.
name (Issuer): Indicates the entity that issued the JWT. It is a string that identifies the issuer of the token.
iat (Issued At): Indicates the time at which the token was issued. Like exp, it is represented as a timestamp.
nbf (Not Before): Indicates the time before which the token should not be considered valid.
exp (Expiration Time): Specifies the expiration time of the token. It is represented as a numeric timestamp (e.g., 1654608348), and the token is considered invalid after this time.
These claims provide information about the JWT and can be used by the recipient to verify the token’s authenticity and determine its validity. Additionally, you can include custom claims in the payload to carry additional information specific to your application.
Signature: To create the signature part, the header and payload are encoded using a specified algorithm and a secret key. This signature can be used to verify the authenticity of the token and to ensure that it has not been tampered with during transmission. The signature is computed based on the algorithm and the keys used and also Base64-encoded.
BIG-IP Next WAF supports the following types of JWT:¶
JSON Web Signature (JWS) - JWT content is digitally signed. The following algorithm can be used for signing:
RSA/SHA-256 (RS256 for short)
Here is an example of a Header which describes a JWT signed with HMAC 256 encryption algorithm:
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT"
Configuring BIG-IP Next WAF to Authenticate JSON Web Token¶
Access Profile¶
BIG-IP Next WAF introduces a new policy entity known as “Access Profile” to authenticate JSON Web Token. Access Profile is added to the WAF policy to enforce JWT settings. JSON Web Token needs to be applied to the URLs for enforcement and includes the actions to be taken with respect to access tokens. It is specifically associated with HTTP URLs and does not have any predefined default profiles.
{{< note >}}At present, only one Access Profile is supported within the WAF policy. However, the JSON schema for the policy will be designed to accommodate multiple profiles in the future.{{< /note >}}
The Access Profile includes:
Enforcement Settings: Here you can configure the “enforceMaximumLength,” “enforceValidityPeriod,” and “keyFiles” settings within the scope of this profile, allowing you to enable or disable them as needed.
Location: Here you can modify the location settings, choosing between “header” or “query,” as well as specifying the “name” for the header or parameter.
Access Profile Settings: Here you can set the “maximumLength” as well as specify the “name” and “type” for the Access Profile, with “jwt” representing JSON Web Token.
Access Profile example:
In the following example all Access Profile properties are configured to enforce specific settings within the WAF policy. In this instance, we have established an Access Profile named “access_profile_jwt” located in the authorization header. The “maximumLength” for the token is defined as 2000, and “verifyDigitalSignature” is set to true.
"policy": {
"name": "jwt_policy",
"template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_WAF"
"access-profiles": [
"description": "",
"enforceMaximumLength": true,
"enforceValidityPeriod": false,
"keyFiles": [
"contents": "{\r\n \"keys\": [\r\n {\r\n \"alg\": \"RS256\",\r\n \"e\": \"AQAB\",\r\n \"kid\": \"1234\",\r\n \"kty\": \"RSA\",\r\n \"n\": \"tSbi8WYTScbuM4fe5qe4l60A2SG5oo3u5JDBtH_dPJTeQICRkrgLD6oyyHJc9BCe9abX4FEq_Qd1SYHBdl838g48FWblISBpn9--B4D9O5TPh90zAYP65VnViKun__XHGrfGT65S9HFykvo2KxhtxOFAFw0rE6s5nnKPwhYbV7omVS71KeT3B_u7wHsfyBXujr_cxzFYmyg165Yx9Z5vI1D-pg4EJLXIo5qZDxr82jlIB6EdLCL2s5vtmDhHzwQSdSOMWEp706UgjPl_NFMideiPXsEzdcx2y1cS97gyElhmWcODl4q3RgcGTlWIPFhrnobhoRtiCZzvlphu8Nqn6Q\",\r\n \"use\": \"sig\",\r\n \"x5c\": [\r\n \"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\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}", # there can be only one JWKs file (contents) in the policy JSON schema, however, the total amount of JWK in the JWKs is limited to 10.
"fileName": "JWKSFile.json"
"location": {
"in": "header", # the other option is: "query"
"name": "authorization" # the name of the header or parameter (according to "part")
"maximumLength": 2000,
"name": "access_profile_jwt",
"type": "jwt",
"usernameExtraction": {
"claimPropertyName": "sub",
"enabled": true,
"isMandatory": false
"verifyDigitalSignature": true
"urls": [
"name": "/jwt",
"accessProfile": {
"name": "access_profile_jwt"
"attackSignaturesCheck": true,
"isAllowed": true,
"mandatoryBody": false,
"method": "*",
"methodsOverrideOnUrlCheck": false,
"name": "/jwt",
"performStaging": false,
"protocol": "http",
"type": "explicit"
Access Profile in URL Settings¶
The next step to configure JWT is to define the URL settings. Add the Access Profile name that you defined previously under the Access Profiles in the “name” field. From the previous example, we associate the Access Profile “access_profile_jwt” with the “name”: /jwt in the URLs section to become effective, which means URLs with /jwt name are permitted for this feature and will be used for all JWT API requests.
Note that the Access Profile cannot be deleted if it is in use in any URL.
Authorization Rules in URLs¶
A new entity named as authorizationRules
is introduced under the URL. This entity encompasses an authorization condition essential for “Claims” validation, enabling access to a specific URL based on claims of a JWT.
The authorizationRules
entity consists of the following two mandatory fields:
: a unique descriptive name for the condition predicatecondition
: a boolean expression that defines the conditions for granting access to the URL
Here is an example of declarative policy using an authorizationRules
entity under the access profile:
"urls": [
"name": "/api/v3/shops/items/*",
"accessProfile": {
"name": "my_jwt"
"authorizationRules": [
"condition": "claims['scope'].contains('pet:read') and claims['scope'].contains('pet:write')",
"name": "auth_scope"
"condition": "claims['roles'].contains('admin') or claims['roles'].contains('inventory-manager')",
"name": "auth_roles"
"condition": "claims['email'].endsWith('petshop.com')",
"name": "auth_email"
authorizationRules Condition Syntax Usage¶
The authorizationRules
use a Boolean expression to articulate the conditions for granting access to the URL. The conditions use the same syntax as in Policy Override Rules with one additional attribute “claims”.
Claims Attribute¶
The newly introduced attribute “claims” is a mapping of JSON paths for claims from the JWT to their respective values. Only structure nesting is supported using the “.” notation.
A few points to remember regarding JWT claims:
Note that, at the moment, accessing individual cells within JSON arrays isn’t possible. Instead, the entire array gets serialized as a string, and its elements can be evaluated using string operators like “contains”.
While it is technically feasible to consolidate all conditions into one with “and” between them, it’s not recommended. Dividing them into multiple conditions enhances the readability and clarity of the policy, particularly when explaining the reasons for authorization failure.
See below example for JWT claims:
"scope": "top-level:read",
"roles": [
"sub": "joe@doe.com"
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "NY",
"city": "New York",
"street": "888 38th W"
then the claims can be:
claims['scope'] = "top-level:read"
claims['roles'] = "["inventory-manager", "price-editor]" # the whole array is presented as a string
claims['address.country'] = "US"
claims['company'] = null # does not exist
claims['address'] = "{ \"address\": { .... } }" # JSON structs can be accessed using the dot "." notation
Attack Signatures¶
Attack signatures are detected within the JSON values of the token, i.e. the header and claims parts, but not on the digital signature part of the token. The detection of signatures, and specifically which signatures are recognized, depends on the configuration entity within the policy. Typically, this configuration entity is the Authorization HTTP header or else, the header or parameter entity configured as the location of the token in the Access Profile.
If the request doesn’t align with a URL associated with an Access Profile, an attempt is made to parse the “bearer” type Authorization header, but no violations are raised, except for Base64. More information can be found below:
Token parsed successfully - No violations are detected when enforced on URL with or without Access Profile.
There are more or less than two dots in the token -
is detected when enforced on URL with Access Profile.Base64 decoding failure -
is detected when JWT parts fail base64 URL decoding.VIOL_PARAMETER_BASE64
is detected when enforced with Access Profile.JSON parsing failure -
is detected when enforced on URL with Access Profile.
JSON Web Token Violations¶
BIG-IP Next WAF introduces three new violations specific to JWT: VIOL_ACCESS_INVALID
Under the “blocking-settings,” user can either enable or disable these violations. Note that these violations will be enabled by default. The details regarding logs will be recorded in the security log.
See the below example for these violations.
"policy": {
"name": "jwt_policy",
"template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_WAF" },
"blocking-settings": {
"violations": [
"alarm": true,
"block": false,
"alarm": true,
"block": false,
"alarm": true,
"block": false,