time(1) BIG-IP TMSH Manual time(1)
Time - Date and Time formats.
All tmsh modules.
Date/Time Syntax
now[ [ + | - ] [ d | h | w | m ] ]
yyyy-mm-dd[ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]
mm-dd[-yyyy][ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]
mm/dd[/yyyy][ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]
Date Range Syntax
now[ [ + | - ] [ d | h | w | m ] ]--now[ [ + | - ] [ d | h | w | m ] ]
yyyy-mm-dd[ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]--yyyy-mm-dd[ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]
mm-dd[-yyyy][ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]--indefinite
epoch--mm/dd[/yyyy][ : | T ]hh:mm[:ss]
now[ [ + | - ] [ d | h | w | m ] ]
The date or time format is found in tmsh as an attribute or parameter for many configuration items. Below are the various
formats supported for both Date/Time and Date Range. Please see the examples for further assistance in using the required
nowX This date format starts with now (the current time) and is optionally followed by + or - some time span. The format
will look like the following: now[ [ + | - ] integer [ d | h | w | m ] ], where the user picks either before (-) or
after (+) the current time and then specifies integer number of minutes(m), hours(h), days(d) or weeks(w). This format
is case-insensitive.
Input Date Description
now-3d 3 days ago.
now+3h 3 hours from now.
now-3m 3 minutes ago.
now+3w 3 weeks from now.
This format requires a year, month, day separated by - characters. A time is also required, which is specified as
hour:minute:second, where the seconds are optional. The date and time must be separated by a : colon. Note: This is
the default time format for output from tmsh.
Input Date Description
2013-05-29:13:30 May 29th, 2013 at 1:30pm.
2000-01-04:12:22:30 January 4th, 2000 at 12:22pm and 30 seconds.
This format requires at least a month(m) and day(d) specified and optionally a year (y). If no year is specified, tmsh
will auto-fill the year with the current year. A time is also required in the format of hour:minute:second, where the
seconds are optional.
Input Date Description
3-12-2015:12:01:00 March 12th, 2015 at 12:01 pm.
4-15:22:10:30 April 15th of this year at 10:10 pm and 30 seconds.
This format requires at least a month(m) and day(d) specified and optionally a year (y). If no year is specified, tmsh
will auto-fill the year with the current year. A time is also required in the format of hour:minute:second, where the
seconds are optional.
Input Date Description
3/12/2015:12:01:00 March 12th, 2015 at 12:01 pm.
4/15:22:10:30 April 15th of this year at 10:10 pm and 30 seconds.
T Delimiter
Any of the above time formats may optionally use a capital letter T (as in the word Time) to separate the date from
the time, instead of using a colon (:).
Input Date Description
9/16/2005T12:01:01 September 16th, 2005 at 12:01pm and 1 second.
2011-11-12T00:03:30 November 12th, 2011 at 12:03am and 30 seconds.
Special Dates
There are two special dates that may be used in tmsh. They are indefinite and epoch. Below is an explanation of those
The date will be marked as being infinitely in the future (end of time).
The date will be marked as being infinitely in the past (beginning of time).
A Date Range is 2 dates in a valid Date Format separated by a -- (double hyphen). The dates may be any of the Date
Formats specified above. See examples below on how to use this notation.
Input Date Description
now-2d--now-4d 2 to 4 days ago.
now--now-3m From 3 minutes ago to now.
epoch--3/12/2011:12:00:00 Everything older than March 12th, 2011 at noon.
2008-03-12--indefinite Everything after midnight on March 12th, 2008.
When specifying a date range, the second date may be left out. This will cause the system to assume the second date in
the range to be now. Using this format for a date range may make it confusing when using the NowX date format listed
above. The following examples will help clarify how to use this format with any supported Date Format.
Input Date Description
now-3d From 3 days ago to now.
now+3w From now to 3 weeks from now.
epoch Everything before the current date and time.
indefinite Everything after the current date and time.
tmsh, create, modify
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F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2013, 2016. All rights reserved.
BIG-IP 2016-03-14 time(1)