apm profile oauthΒΆ

apm profile oauth(1)					BIG-IP TMSH Manual				      apm profile oauth(1)

       oauth - Configures an oauth profile.

       apm profile

       Configure the oauth component within the profile module using the syntax shown in the following sections.

	create oauth [name]
	modify oauth [name]
	    access-token-lifetime [integer]
	    allow-plain-code-challenge [enalbed | disabled]
	    app-service [[string] | none]
	    audience [add | delete | none | replace-all-with] {
	    auth-code-lifetime [integer]
	    auth-url [string]
	    client-apps [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
	    db-instance [db-instance-name]
	    defaults-from [[string] | none]
	    generate-jwt-refresh-token [true | false]
	    generate-refresh-token [true | false]
	    id-token-claims [add | delete | none | replace-all-with] {
	    id-token-lifetime [integer]
	    id-token-primary-key [jwk-config-name]
	    ignore-expired-cert [true | false]
	    issuer [string]
	    jwks-url [string]
	    jwt-access-token-claims [add | delete | none | replace-all-with] {
	    jwt-access-token-lifetime [integer]
	    jwt-ec-signature-format [binary | der]
	    jwt-refresh-token-enc-secret [string]
	    jwt-refresh-token-lifetime [integer]
	    jwt-token [enabled | disabled]
	    opaque-token [enabled | disabled]
	    openid-cfg-url [string]
	    openid-connect [enabled | disabled]
	    per-user-token-limit [integer]
	    primary-key [jwk-config-name]
	    require-pkce [enabled | disabled]
	    refresh-token-lifetime [integer]
	    refresh-token-usage-limit [integer]
	    resource-servers [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
	    reuse-access-token [true | false]
	    reuse-refresh-token [true | false]
	    rotation-keys [add | delete | none | replace-all-with] {
	    subject [[string] | none]
	    token-introspection-url [string]
	    token-issuance-url [string]
	    token-revocation-url [string]
	    trusted-ca-bundle [certificate-file-object-name]
	    userinfo-claims [add | delete | none | replace-all-with] {
	    userinfo-primary-key [jwk-config-name]
	    userinfo-url [string]
	edit oauth [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list oauth
	list oauth [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config oauth
	show running-config oauth [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	show oauth
	show oauth [name]

	delete oauth [name]

       You can use the oauth component to configure an oauth profile. An oauth profile is a pre-configured group of settings that
       you can use to configure OAuth Authorization Server.

       NOTE: For the oauth profile to take effect, this profile must be associated with an access profile. (See man page for apm
       access profile.)

	       create oauth myOAuthProfile {
		 defaults-from oauth
		 client-apps add { client_1 client_2}
		 resource-servers add { rs_1 rs_2}
		 opaque-token enabled
		 db-instance db_test
		 jwt-token enabled
		 openid-connect enabled
		 issuer https://example.f5.com
		 primary-key jwk1_hs256
		 id-token-primary-key jwk1_rs256
		 generate-jwt-refresh-token true
		 jwt-refresh-token-enc-secret password
		 auth-url /f5-oauth2/v1/authorize
		 token-issuance-url /f5-oauth2/v1/token
		 token-revocation-url /f5-oauth2/v1/revoke
		 token-introspection-url /f5-oauth2/v1/introspect
		 openid-cfg-url /f5-oauth2/v1/.well-known/openid-configuration
		 jwks-url /f5-oauth2/v1/jwks
		 userinfo-url /f5-oauth2/v1/userinfo

	    Creates an oauth profile named myOAuthProfile that is based on the default oauth profile named oauth. The profile
	    serves OAuth requests from client applications named client_1 and client_2 and resource servers named rs_1 and rs_2.

	    The profile is configured to generate both Opaque and JWT access tokens. For Opaque access token, it uses db instance
	    named db_test. For JWT access token, it uses issuer named https://example.f5.com, primary key named jwk1_hs256 to sign
	    JWT tokens and JWT refresh token encryption secret named password for encryption of refresh token generated with the
	    JWT access token. The profile also supports OpenID Connect. It uses key named jwk1_rs256 to sign ID Tokens.

	    It uses /f5_oauth2/v1/authorize as the authorization endpoint, /f5-oauth2/v1/token as token issuance endpoint,
	    /f5-oauth2/v1/revoke as revocation endpoint, /f5-oauth2/v1/introspect as token introspection endpoint for validating
	    Opaque tokens, /f5-oauth2/v1/.well-known/openid-configuration as OpenID Connect metadata configuration endpoint,
	    /f5-oauth2/v1/jwks as JWKS endpoint and /f5-oauth2/v1/userinfo as UserInfo endpoint.

		list oauth all all-properties

	    Displays a list of oauth profiles, including parameter values.

		delete oauth myOAuthProfile

	    Deletes the oauth profile named myOAuthProfile.

	    Specifies the number of minutes for which the access token should be valid. The default is 5 minutes.

	    Specifies plain code challenge method is allowed in PKCE flow or not. The default is enabled.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the object belongs. The default value is none. Note: If the
	    strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot modify or delete the
	    object. Only the application service can modify or delete the object.

	    Specifies the audience claim for which the JWT access token is intended. This is a list of values. Each value in this
	    list can be a string, URI, or session variable.

	    Specifies the number of minutes for which the authorization code should be valid. The default is 5 minutes.

	    Specifies the path of the authorization endpoint that is used to authenticate the resource owner and provide the
	    authorization code. The default is /f5-oauth2/v1/authorize.

	    Specifies the list of client applications that is served by the OAuth Authorization Server associated with this

	    Specifies the db instance that is used to store tokens generated by the OAuth Authorization Server that is associated
	    with this profile.

	    Specifies the default oauth profile from which this profile is created. The default is oauth.

	    Specifies whether a refresh token should be generated along with the JWT access token. This is applicable only for
	    "Authorization Code" and "Resource Owner Password Credentials" grant types. The default is true.

	    Specifies whether a refresh token should be generated along with the access token. This is applicable only for
	    "Authorization Code" and "Resource Owner Password Credentials" grant types.

	    Specifies the list of claims that are part of ID token.

	    Specifies the number of minutes for which the ID token should be valid. The default is 5 minutes.

	    Specifies the JWK config that is used to retrieve the shared key (symmetric) or private key (asymmetric) used to sign
	    ID token. If the key is asymmetric, the configured public key will be returned as part of JWKS URL response.

	    Specifies whether to ignore the expiry of the certificate used for signing JWT access token. If this value is true,
	    then the certificate will be used for signing JWT access token even if it is expired. The default is false.

	    Specifies the issuer claim that is part of JWT access token. This value must be a URI.

	    Specifies the path of the JWKS endpoint that returns public signing keys. These keys are used by OAuth Resource
	    Servers to verify the digital signature of JWT access token. The default is /f5-oauth2/v1/jwks.

	    Specifies the list of claims that are part of JWT access token.

	    Specifies the number of minutes for which the JWT access token should be valid. The default is 5 minutes.

	    Specifies the JWT token signature format for Elliptic Curve. The default is binary format.

	    Specifies the JWT refresh token encryption secret that is used to generate an encryption key. This key is used to
	    encrypt the refresh token when JWT token is enabled.

	    Specifies the number of minutes for which the JWT refresh token should be valid. The default is 60 minutes.

	    Specifies whether JWT access token should be generated. The default is false.

	    Specifies whether opaque (non-JWT) access token should be generated. The default is true.

	    Specifies the path of OpenID Connect endpoint that returns OpenID Connect configuration. The default is

	    Specifies whether this OAuth profile supports OpenID connect or not.

	    Specifies the maximum number of active access tokens that can be generated for a user. The default is 255. The range
	    is 0 to 5000.

	    Specifies the JWK config that is used to retrieve the shared key (symmetric) or private key (asymmetric) used to sign
	    JWT access token. If the key is asymmetric, the configured public key will be returned as part of JWKS URL response.

	    Specifies the number of minutes for which the refresh token should be valid. The default is 480 minutes.

	    Specifies the maximum number of times the access token can be obtained using the refresh token request. The default
	    value is 0, which represents unlimited number of times.

	    Specifies the list of resource servers that is served by the OAuth Authorization Server that is associated with this

	    Specifies whether an access token is reused or a new access token is generated when it is obtained using refresh token
	    request. When the access token is reused, its expiry time is extended.

	    Specifies whether this OAuth profile supports PKCE flow or not. The default is disabled.

	    Specifies whether a refresh token is reused or a new refresh token is generated when it is obtained using refresh
	    token request.

	    Specifies one or more JWK configs that contain public keys used as rotation keys. The public keys derived from this
	    set will be returned as part of JWKS URL response.

	    Specifies the subject claim that is part of JWT access token. This value can be a string, URI, or session variable.
	    The default is %{session.assigned.uuid}

	    Specifies the path of token issuance endpoint that is used to issue an access token and possibly a refresh token. The
	    default is /f5-oauth2/v1/token.

	    Specifies the path of token revocation endpoint that is used to revoke an access token or a refresh token. The default
	    is /f5-oauth2/v1/revoke.

	    Specifies the path of token introspection endpoint that is used to introspect an access token. The default is

	    Specifies the trusted ca bundle that is used during verification of JWK config specified in primary-key that uses
	    asymmetric key.

	    Specifies the list of claims that are part of UserInfo.

	    Specifies the JWK config that is used to retrieve the shared key (symmetric) or private key (asymmetric) used to sign
	    UserInfo. If the key is asymmetric, the configured public key will be returned as part of JWKS URL response.

	    Specifies the path of userinfo endpoint that is used to obtain claims about the authenticated end-user. The default is

       apm oauth, apm policy

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
       photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal
       use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2015-2017. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP							    2021-05-20					      apm profile oauth(1)