ltm rule command DIAMETER avpΒΆ

iRule(1)						BIG-IP TMSH Manual						  iRule(1)

       Provides detailed access to diameter attribute-value pairs.

       DIAMETER::avp (
			       ( 'codes'    ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)? ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |

			       ( 'count'    ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( 'count'    (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE)     ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |

			       ( 'length'   (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE)
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( 'read'     (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE)
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( 'delete'   (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE)
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( ('replace' | 'insert' | 'append')    (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE) AVPDATA_RAW
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( ('vflag' | 'mflag' | 'pflag' | 'flags' | 'vendorid')
							       'get' (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE)
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( ('mflag' | 'pflag')	       'set' (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE) FLAG_BINARY
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( 'flags'		       'set' (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE) FLAGS_UNSIGNEDCHAR
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( 'vendorid'		       'set' (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE) VENDOR_ID
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)?
								      ('vendor-id' UNSIGNED_INT)? ) |
			       ( 'data' 		       'get' (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE)
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('vendor-id' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? ) |
			       ( 'data' 		       'set' (AVP_NAME | AVP_CODE) AVPDATA_RAW
								      ('index' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('vendor-id' UNSIGNED_INT)?
								      ('source' DIAMETER_MESSAGE)? )

       This iRule command gives access to set and get attribute-value pairs.  Specifics for each command are below in the syntax

       The AVP upon which this command operates is specified in a flexible manner.  An AVP name or code (usually) must be
       specified, and an optional index may be also specified.	Many commands also accept a vendor-id.	When an AVP name is
       specified, it is converted to a code.  Names are written as listed in RFC 3588, formatted as e.g., "HOST-IP-ADDRESS".  AVP
       codes are 32-bit (4-octet) integer values.

       When an index is not specified, the first AVP having that code is selected.  This works exactly the same as specifying
       "index 0".

       When an index is specified, the Nth AVP having that code is selected.

       When an index and a nonzero vendor-id are specified, all of the matching vendor-specific AVP groups are searched in order.
       For example, suppose the message is structured as follows:

       - Vendor-specific group AVP, vendor-ID 3375
	 - AVP, code 8, contents "abc"
	 - AVP, code 9, contents "def" - Vendor-specific group AVP, vendor-ID 32473
	 - AVP, code 10, contents "ghi"
	 - AVP, code 8, contents "jkl" - Vendor-specific group AVP, vendor-id 3375
	 - AVP, code 8, contents "mno"

       If the iRule command reads:
	 DIAMETER::avp data get 8 octetstring index 1 vendor-id 3375 then the value returned will be the bytes "mno".

       Common Parameters for several commands:


	    * AVP code number or name as defined in RFC 3588.


	  get, set and create takes TCL\'s string data and uses "type" to
	  interpret and store the TCL string. The "type" is one of the following:
	    * octetstring - data is the same TCL string of characters
	    * integer32 - data is a 32-bit integer
	    * unsigned32 - data is an unsigned 32-bit integer
	    * integer64 - data is a 64-bit integer
	    * unsigned64 - data is an unsigned 64-bit integer

	    * ip4 - data is 4 bytes of an ipv4 address, i.e., is
	      stored as "\0x01\0x02\0x03\0x04".  The address in the AVP may
	      be preceded by a two-byte type tag as defined in RFC 6733
	      section 4.3.1; if so, the tag must be 1.
	    * ip6 - data is 16 bytes of an ipv6 address.  The address in the
	      AVP may be preceded by a two-byte type tag as defined in RFC
	      6733 section 4.3.1; if so, the tag must be 2.
	    * grouped - data is non-singular, derived, or grouped/nested
	      AVPs, and interpreted as a raw binary string. This works with
	      TCL\'s binary format ... command.  In many cases this is
	      equivalent to \'octetstring\'.

	    * octet - deprecated, not an RFC3588 type
	    * string - deprecated, not an RFC3588 type


	  Normally, this command implicitly operates on the Diameter message
	  which is currently being processed.

	  If the \'source\' argument is specified, the command will read from
	  the source argument instead.	This value must be a Diameter message
	  payload, with no header.  Instead of modifying the value given, a
	  modified copy of it will be returned as the value of the command.


       DIAMETER::avp codes [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Return list of all AVP codes. If index is specified, return
	      only AVP at index.

       DIAMETER::avp count [avpname|code] [source "source-data"]

	    * Return how many AVPs would be selected. If code is not
	      specified, returns count of all AVPs in the message.

       DIAMETER::avp length "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Return the selected AVP\'s length.  The returned value includes
	      the header fields, body length, and padding.

       DIAMETER::avp vflag get "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Get vendor-specific bit

       DIAMETER::avp mflag get "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Get "M" bit, indicating that processing of this AVP is mandatory.

       DIAMETER::avp mflag set "avpname|code" "new-mflag" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Set "M" bit, indicating that processing of this AVP is mandatory.

       DIAMETER::avp pflag get "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Get "P" bit which indicates the need for encryption for end-to-end

       DIAMETER::avp pflag set "avpname|code" "new-pflag" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Set "P" bit which indicates the need for encryption for end-to-end

       DIAMETER::avp flags get "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Get flags in unsigned char which is equivalent to VMP in binary
	      number.  For example, if all flag bits are set, this command
	      will return 7. This command makes iRule slightly faster when
	      all flags are to be retrieved.

       DIAMETER::avp flags set "avpname|code" "new-flags" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Set flags in unsigned char which is equivalent to VMP in binary

       DIAMETER::avp vendorid get "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Get the selected AVP\'s vendor-id.  If there is no vendor-id
	      (vendor flag is cleared), the return value will be 0.

       DIAMETER::avp vendorid set "avpname|code" "new-vendorid" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"] LTM version 14.0.0 and
       above: DIAMETER::avp vendorid set "avpname|code" "new-vendorid" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"] [vendor-id

	    * Set the selected AVP\'s vendor-id.  If the new vendor-id is
	      zero, the vendor-id value will be removed from the AVP and the
	      vendor flag cleared.  If the new vendor-id is non-zero, the
	      vendor flag will be set and the vendor-id value will be added.

       DIAMETER::avp data get "avpname|code" "type" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"] LTM version 11.3.0 and above:
       DIAMETER::avp data get "avpname|code" "type" [index "index"] [source "source-data"] [vendor-id "vendor-id"]

	    * Get the selected AVP\'s content and interprete it as "type".
	      "type" is one of the following: octetstring, integer32,
	      unsigned32, ip4, ip6, grouped.

       DIAMETER::avp data set "avpname|code" "new-data" "type" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"] LTM version 13.1.0 and
       above: DIAMETER::avp data set "avpname|code" "new-data" "type" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"] [vendor-id

	    * Set the selected AVP\'s content to "new-data". "type" is either
	      one of the following: octetstring, integer32, unsigned32, ip4,
	      ip6, grouped.

       DIAMETER::avp create "avpname|code" "v" "m" "p" "vendorid" "data" "type"

	    * Create new AVP and return the whole AVP as a binary, including
	      the AVP header and padding.

       DIAMETER::avp read "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Return the whole selected AVP as a binary, including the AVP
	      header and padding.

       DIAMETER::avp delete "avpname|code" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Delete the selected AVP.

       DIAMETER::avp replace "avpname|code" "new-avp" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Replace the selected AVP with "new-avp".

       DIAMETER::avp insert "avpname|code" "new-avp" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Insert new "newavp" just before the selected AVP.  If the
	      selected AVP does not exist, currently it will be appended at
	      end of all AVPs.	This specific behavior should not be
	      considered stable.

       DIAMETER::avp append "avpname|code" "new-avp" [index "avp-index"] [source "source-data"]

	    * Insert new "new-avp" just after the selected AVP.  If the
	      selected AVP does not exist, \'new-avp\' will be appended at
	      the end of all AVPs.


	     # Sets the flags of the AVP Product Name to 0 (for Vendor Specific, Mandatory, Protected and Reserved)
	     DIAMETER::avp flags set 269 0
	     # Checks that the flags are properly set (was a bug in 11.3, solved in 11.4)
	     log local0. "AVP : [DIAMETER::avp flags get 269] "
	     # Removes the Supported-Vendor-Id from the request
	     DIAMETER::avp delete 265

	The AVP 257 ("Host-IP-Address") is defined by RFC 3588 as type
	"Address", which starts the first two octets as the address type, and
	the remaining as the actual ip4 4-octet or ip6 16-octet address. So to
	create and insert AVP 257 with the ipv4 address of, we
	can use the following TCL command:

	  set my_avp_data [DIAMETER::avp create 257 0 1 0 0 [binary format Sc4 1 {192 168 1 254} ] grouped]
	  DIAMETER::avp insert 257 $my_avp_data

       @BIGIP-11.0.0 --First introduced the command.  @BIGIP-11.3.0 --Deprecated types \'octet\' and \'string\'. Use
       \'octetstring\' instead.  @BIGIP-14.0.0 --Added an optional vendor-id parameter to the 'DIAMETER::avp vendorid set'

BIG-IP							    2022-04-12							  iRule(1)