ltm rule command MR messageΒΆ

iRule(1)						BIG-IP TMSH Manual						  iRule(1)

       Returns or sets details in the message routing table.

       MR::message clone (CLONE_ID)+

       Clones the message a number of times (one for each CLONE_ID) and dispatches each cloned message as ingress. After the
       original message has completed the event in which this command is executed, each cloned message executes the MR_INGRESS
       iRule event for itself.	(CLONE_ID)+ can be one or more strings separated by space.  Protection against infinite loops
       should be considered!  Returns the clone_count, see below, (allowed only at MR_INGRESS).

       MR::message clone -count CLONE_COUNT

       Clones the message CLONE_COUNT number of times and dispatches each cloned message as ingress. After the original message
       has completed the event in which this command is executed, each cloned message executes the MR_INGRESS iRule event for
       itself.	Clone IDs of cloned messages will be automatically assigned to: (clone_count_before + 1), (clone_count_before +
       2), ..., (clone_count_before + CLONE_COUNT).  Protection against infinite loops should be considered!  Returns the
       clone_count, see below, (allowed only at MR_INGRESS).

       MR::message clone_count

       Returns the number of clones of this message (including the original).  Returns 0 if there are no clones of this message.

       MR::message clone_id

       Returns the clone id of the current message. Returns empty string for original message.

       MR::message clone_id_request

       For Requests and Messages: Acts the same as clone_id.  For Responses: Returns the clone id of the request this response
       belongs to.

       MR::message existing_connections_only (BOOLEAN)?

       Gets or sets a flag that instructs the MRF to only forward the message using existing connections, and if a connection to
       the selected host does not exist then the route will fail.

       MR::message new_connection_only (BOOLEAN)?

       Gets or sets a flag that instructs the MRF to create a new connection for this message. This connection will not be reused
       for other messages but will remain until it expires to receive any responses.

       MR::message outgoing_connection_instance_seed (NONNEGATIVE_INTEGER)?

       Gets or if been set by this iRule then this seed will be used to generate the connection instance number instead of this
       generated by some internal originating connection id.  (See MR::connection_instance iRule command).

       MR::message route

       Returns the contents of the route stored in the message.

       MR::message route none

       Clear any route already set in the message.

       MR::message route ('peer-selection-mode' | 'selection-mode' | 'mode') ('sequential' | 'seq' | 'ratio') ('peer' PEER)+

       Instructs the route table to route the message to the provided peer or list of peers and a peer-selection-mode. This form
       of the MR::message route command takes the names of configured peers or dynamic peers created via the MR::peer command.

       MR::message route ('peer' PEER)+

       Instructs the route table to route the message to the provided peer or list of peers. This form of the MR::message route
       command takes the names of configured peers or dynamic peers created via the MR::peer command.

       MR::message route ((
				   ('config' TRANSPORT_CONFIG
				       ('connection-mode' ('per-peer' | 'per-blade' | 'per-tmm' | 'per-client' |
       'per-client-per-blade' | 'per-client-per-tmm' | 'per-peer-alternate-tmm' | 'per-client-alternate-tmm'))?
				       ('max-connections' NONNEGATIVE_INTEGER)?
				   ('virtual' VIRTUAL_SERVER_OBJ
				       ('connection-mode' ('per-peer' | 'per-blade' | 'per-tmm' | 'per-client' |
       'per-client-per-blade' | 'per-client-per-tmm' | 'per-peer-alternate-tmm' | 'per-client-alternate-tmm'))?
				       ('max-connections' NONNEGATIVE_INTEGER)?
				   (('pool' POOL_OBJ) | ('host' HOST))

       Instructs the route table to route the message to the provided host or pool using the specified virtual server or transport
       config for creating the outgoing connection. If both a transport config and virtual server are listed, the transport-config
       will be used for creating a new outgoing connection, but a connection created with either transport will be usable for
       connection reuse.

       MR::message attempted

       Gets the hosts that this message has been routed towards.

       MR::message attempted none

       Clear any attempted hosts already set in the message.

       MR::message attempted ((('virtual' VIRTUAL_SERVER_OBJ)
				    ('config' TRANSPORT_CONFIG))     ('host' HOST)

       Sets the attempted hosts list. If set before routing the message (during MR_INGRESS or MR_EGRESS) a host will be selected
       from the pool that has not already been attempted.

       MR::message drop (REASON)?

       Drops the current message

       MR::message retry_count

       Returns the number of attempts to route this message that have occurred.

       MR::message status

       Returns the status of the routing operation (valid only at MR_EGRESS or MR_FAILED). Possible values are:
	   "route found"
	   "no route found"
	   "no connection"
	   "connection closing"
	   "internal error"
	   "persist key in use"
	   "standby dropped"

       MR::message originator

       Returns the transport type, transport name and IP and port of the originator of the message.

       MR::message lasthop

       Returns the message's lasthop (details of the connection that originated the message).

       MR::message nexthop none

       Clears the nexthop already set in the message.

       MR::message nexthop (HOP)?

       Returns the nextop nexthop (details of the connection the message is to be forwarded to). If the new_nexthop parameter is
       present, a nexthop may be set for the message.

       MR::message pick_host (('peer' PEER) | (('pool' POOL_OBJ) ('config' TRANSPORT_CONFIG)?)) ('carp' CARPKEY)?

       MR::message pick_host peer  [carp ] MR::message pick_host pool  [config
       ] [carp ] Returns a host picked from pool specified in the peer. If carp key is specified, it
       uses CARP algorithm to compute the host. If no carp key is specified, it uses LB algorithm of the pool object specified on
       peer object to return the host. The returned value can be used to set the host of MR::message route command.

       MR::message priority (MESSAGE_PRIORITY)?

       Gets/sets the priority of/for this message. This integer will be one of the factors to rate limit the traffic in MRF.

       MR::message snat (none | automap | ('address' HOST))

       MR::message snat none Source address translation is discarded.

       MR::message snat automap Causes the system to assign the configured self IP to the serverside connection(s).

       MR::message snat address :[] Causes the system to assign the specified source address to the serverside


	# Example 1
	when MR_INGRESS {
	    if {[GENERICMESSAGE::message is_request] != 0} {
		set host [MR::message pick_host peer /Common/mypeer]
		MR::message route config tcp_tc host $host

	# Example 2
	when MR_INGRESS {
	    if {[GENERICMESSAGE::message is_request] != 0} {
		set host [MR::message pick_host peer /Common/mypeer carp [IP::client_addr]]
		MR::message route config tcp_tc host $host

       @BIGIP-11.5.0 --First introduced the command.  @BIGIP-11.6.0 --Add MR::message retry_count --Add MR::message nexthop --Add
       MR::message lasthop @BIGIP-13.0.0 --Add peer-selection-mode keyword to MR::message route command.  --Add MR::message
       attempted @BIGIP-13.1.0 --Add connection-mode keyword to MR::message route command.  --Add max-connections keyword to
       MR::message route command.  @BIGIP-14.0.0 --Add MR::message clone --Add MR::message clone_count --Add MR::message clone_id
       --Add MR::message clone_id_request --Add MR::message pick_host --Add MR::message existing_connections_only --Add
       MR::message outgoing_connection_instance_seed @BIGIP-14.1.0 --Add MR::message new_connection_only @BIGIP-15.0.0 --Adjust
       MR::message cloning command descriptions to be exolicit about when clones execute MR_INGRESS, and clarify the wording.
       @BIGIP-16.1.0 --Add MR::message priority

BIG-IP							    2022-04-12							  iRule(1)