ltm rule command PEM subscriberΒΆ

iRule(1)		      BIG-IP TMSH Manual		      iRule(1)

       This command allows you to create, delete or retreive information of a
       PEM subscriber session with subscriber-id and subscriber-id-type in the
       PEM Session DB.

       PEM::subscriber config policy ( (get SUBS_ID (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2))
					       | (referential ((update SUBS_ID
       (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2) ( (add (PEM_POLICIES)+)
       (delete (PEM_POLICIES)+)
       (add (PEM_POLICIES)+ delete (PEM_POLICIES)+)
       (delete (PEM_POLICIES)+ add (PEM_POLICIES)+)))
							       | (set SUBS_ID

       PEM::subscriber create SUBS_ID ( (subscriber-id-type | subscriber-type)
       (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2)) (ip-address IP_ADDR)+
					      ( (provision (yes | no))
						| (aaa-reporting-interval
						| (PEM_ATTR VALUE)

       PEM::subscriber info ( ('attr' (delete)? SUBS_ID (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2) ATTR
				      | (SUBS_ID (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2)
					   ( ((imsi | imeisv | tower-id |
       user-name) (VALUE)?)
					     | (state (PEM_SESSION_STATES)?)
					     | (aaa-reporting-interval
				      | ('dtos' ( ((user-agent | device | tcp-
       fingerprint)? os)
					       | (tcp-fingerprint (ttl |
       window-size | window-scaling | source-port | hdr-length))
					       | (device name) )
				      | ('tethering' (detected | timestamp |
       sample-score) SUBS_ID (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2))

       PEM::subscriber delete SUBS_ID (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2)

       PEM::subscriber ip SUBS_ID (PEM_SUBS_TYPE2)? ((all) | (IP_ADDR)+)?

       Each PEM session carries the following standard attributes: imsi,
       imeisv, tower-id, user-name, subscriber-type, subscriber-id, state,
       aaa-reporting-interval, provision.

       Details (Syntax): PEM::subscriber create  subscriber-
       type  ip-address  [imsi ]
       [user-name ] [tower-id ] [imeisv ] [provision
       ] [ ]
	   Create a PEM subscriber session for  subscriber-type
        ip-address  with [attr valule]
       pair, including custom attribute and custom value.
	   If no subscriber-id-type is specified, it will default to imsi.

       PEM::subscriber info   imsi
       | imeisv | tower-id | user-name | state ?
	   Retrieve the value of specified field from the subscriber session
       with   if no 
       appended in the end.
	   With  appended, the command is used to set the corresponding
       attribute value for the subscriber.

       PEM::subscriber info attr delete   
	   Delete custom attribute for the subscriber session

       PEM::subscriber info attr    
	   Get the value of specified custom attribute name for the subscriber

       PEM::subscriber info attr     
	   Add a custom attribute to the subscriber session

       PEM::subscriber info dtos tcp-fingerprint   
	   Get the specified tcp fingerprint attribute for the specified
	   The attributes include (ttl, window size, window scaling value,
       source port, header length).

       PEM::subscriber info dtos ? os 
	   Get the OS identified by specified mechanism, namely user-agent and
       TAC-code, for the specified subscriber.
	   If no mechanism is specified, return the OS as determined by the
       sys db variable 'tmm.pem.dtos.sampled.os.from'.

       PEM::subscriber info dtos device name  
	   Get the device name identified by the TAC-code for the specified

       PEM::subscriber info tethering detected  
	   Returns true or false based whether tethering was detected for the

       PEM::subscriber info tethering timestamp  
	   Returns the time at which tethering detected state is changed.

       PEM::susbcriber info tethering sample-score  
	   Returns score of the last sample. The score is used to determine if
       the subscriber is tethering.

       PEM::subscriber delete  
	   Delete the subscriber session.

       PEM::subscriber config policy referential set   
	   Set referential policies to this pem subscriber session.

       PEM::subscriber config policy referential update   add/delete 
	   Delete/add referential policies to this subscriber session.

       PEM::subscriber config policy get  
	   Returns a list of policies applied to the subscriber specifying the
       subscriber-id and subscriber-id-type.

       PEM::subscriber ip  ?
	   Returns subscriber IP address when given subscriber id (subscriber-
       id-type is optional).
	   Or sets the subscriber session with an ip address list.

	    PEM::subscriber create 4086007577 subscriber-type e164 ip-address
	    PEM::subscriber config policy referential set 4086007577 e164 policy1
	    PEM::subscriber ip 4086007577 e164 2001::101
	    PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 imsi 1223456
	    PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 imeisv 2534535
	    PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 tower-id 8248249
	    PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 user-name 2139449

	    log local0.  "policy: [PEM::subscriber config policy get 4086007577 e164]"
	    log local0.  "imsi: [PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 imsi]"
	    log local0.  "imeisv: [PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 imeisv]"
	    log local0.  "tower-id: [PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 tower-id]"
	    log local0.  "user-name: [PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 user-name]"
	    log local0.  "state: [PEM::subscriber info 4086007577 e164 state]"

	    PEM::subscriber info attr 4086007577 e164 custom1 876
	    log local0.  "custom1: [PEM::subscriber info attr 4086007577 e164 custom1]"

       @BIGIP-11.6.0 --First introduced the command.

BIG-IP				  2017-01-31			      iRule(1)