sys crypto keyΒΆ

sys crypto key(1)	      BIG-IP TMSH Manual	     sys crypto key(1)

       key - Manage cryptographic keys and related objects on the BIG-IP(r)

       sys crypto

       Manage cryptographic keys and related objects of the sys crypto module
       using the syntax in the following section.

	create key [name]
	   challenge-password [string]
	   admin-email-address [string]
	   city [string]
	   common-name [string]
	     [enterprise-manager | iquery | iquery-big3d | ltm | webserver]
	   country [string]
	   curve-name [prime256v1 | secp384r1 | secp521r1]
	   email-address [string]
	   key-size [512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096]
	   key-type [dsa-private | ec-private | rsa-private]
	   lifetime [days]
	   organization [string]
	   ou [string]
	   passphrase [passphrase]
	   security-type [fips | normal | password | nethsm]
	   state [string]
	   subject-alternative-name [string]

	 show key

	 list key
	 list key [name]

	 install key [name]
	       [enterprise-manager | iquery | iquery-big3d | ltm | webserver]
	     from-local-file [filename]
	     from-url [URL]

	 delete key [name]

       You can use the key component to create, show, list, install, and
       delete cryptographic keys, and associated cryptographic objects. The
       file-objects created by these operations can be used in other BigIP
       configuration blocks such as ssl profiles.

       create key mykey

       Generates a 2048-bit (default-sized) RSA key file object named
       "mykey.key". The appropriate extension will be added to the generated
       key/cert if not already a part of the provided name.

       create key mykey key-type ec-private curve-name prime256v1

       Generates a prime256v1 curve name EC private key file object named
       "mykey.key". The appropriate extension will be added to the generated
       key/cert if not already a part of the provided name.

       create key /myfolder/mykey

       Similar to above, but creates the key "mykey.key" in folder "/myfolder"
       instead of the default "/Common". The specified folder "/myfolder" must
       already exist in order for this operation to succeed.

       create key example gen-cert gen-csr common-name "My Company Inc."
       country "US"

       Generates a 2048-bit (default-sized) RSA key file object named
       "example.key" and a self signed certificate named "example.crt". Also,
       a certificate signing request will be printed to the console for use in
       obtaining a signed certificate from a certificate authority if desired.

       create key my gen-cert gen-csr prompt-for-password common-name "My
       Company Inc." country "US"

       Similar to above, creates key "my.key" but also prompts for a password
       to be used as a challenge password in the certificate authority signing

       create key server2 gen-cert gen-csr common-name "My Company Inc."
       country "US" consumer webserver

       Generates a key and self signed certificate identified by server2. The
       consumer attribute, "webserver", is used to cause these files to be
       placed directly in the paths which can be found by the BigIP's httpd.

       show key

       Shows the number of keys installed in the system.

       list key example.key

       Lists all details of the key named "example.key". A key with the
       specified name "example.key" in this case must already be installed on
       the system in order for this operation to succeed.

       list key

       Lists all details of all keys installed in the system.

       install key example from-editor

       Opens an interactive editor session into which can be pasted a key for
       import into the BigIP system. A key file-object will be created with
       the name example which contains the contents saved from the editor

       install key example from-local-file /tmp/example.key

       Obtains a key from the file located at /tmp/example.key.

       install key example from-url

       Obtains a key from a remote host, based on the URI specified.

       delete key example.key

       Deletes the key "example.key" from the system.

	    Specifies the challenge password to create the certificate request

	    Specifies the administrator email-address to be used in creation
	    of the certificate request associated with the given key.

       city Specifies the x509 city field to be used in creation of the
	    certificate associated with the given key.

	    Specifies the x509 common-name to be used in creation of the
	    certificate associated with the given key.

	    Specifies the system component by which a key and/or associated
	    cryptographic file will be consumed. The default behavior is to
	    create file-objects for use by ltm components. This is the same as
	    specifying "ltm" for this property. If a component other than
	    "ltm" is specified then files will be installed/created into
	    locations where the specified components can find them. For
	    example, for component "webserver", keys and certs will be placed
	    in the webservers ssl directories.

	    Specifies the x509 country to be used in creation of the
	    certificate associated with the given key. The country must be a 2
	    letter country code.

	    Specifies the curve name to be used in creation of elliptic curve
	    (EC) key. This options applies only when generating EC keys.
	    Default value is prime256v1.

	    Specifies the x509 email-address to be used in creation of the
	    certificate associated with the given key.

	    Specifies that the key should be obtained from a text editor
	    session. This allows keys to be imported via cut-n-paste from
	    another location as long as they are in a text representation.

	    Specifies a local file path from which a key is to be copied.

	    Specifies a URI which is to be used to obtain a key for import
	    into the configuration of the system.

	    The URL syntax is protocol dependent. Supported schemes are
	    "HTTP", "HTTPS", "FTP", "FTPS" & "FILE."

	    Specifies option of not overwriting a key if it is in the scope.

	    Specifies that in addition to generating a key, a self-signed
	    certificate will also be created. If this option is specified then
	    x509 attributes should also be specified. Minimally, you must also
	    specify a common-name.

	    Specifies that a certificate signing request should be generated
	    along with the key. The CSR will be displayed to the terminal for
	    the purposes of use in getting a certificate signed by an outside
	    authority. X509 attributes must also be specified.

	    Specifies the size, in bits, of the key to be generated. This
	    option does not apply when generating EC keys.

	    Specifies the type of cryptographic key to be generated. Default
	    is rsa-private.

	    Specifies the certificate life time to be used in creation of the
	    certificate associated with the given key.

	    Specifies the x509 organization to be used in creation of the
	    certificate associated with the given key.

       ou   Specifies the x509 organizational unit to be used in creation of
	    the certificate associated with the given key.

	    Specifies that a password should be prompted for and then used as
	    a challenge password in generation of the CSR (Certificate Signing

	    Specifies the level of security used in storing the key in
	    question. For example a security-type of FIPS means that the key
	    should be stored on a FIPS card if one is available.

	    Specifies the x509 state or province of the certificate associated
	    with the given key.

	    Specifies an optional passphrase with which the key has been
	    protected. It may be used by consumers of the key in the data-
	    plane or control-plane to decrypt it.

	    Specifies standard X.509 extensions as shown in RFC 2459. Allowed
	    values e.g., IP:, IP:12:34,, URI:

       create, install, show, list, delete, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
       by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any
       purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express
       written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2013, 2015-2016. All rights

BIG-IP				  2016-04-12		     sys crypto key(1)