wam policyΒΆ

wam policy(1)		      BIG-IP TMSH Manual		 wam policy(1)

       policy - Configures an acceleration policy for WebAccelerator.


       Configure the policy component within the wam module using the syntax
       shown in the following sections.

	create policy [name]
	modify policy [name]
	   app-service [[string] | none]
	   code [integer]
	   copy-from [name]
	   description [string]
	   nodes [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	      [name] {
		 always-proxy [yes | no]
		 app-service [[string] | none]
		 assembly-compression [enable | disable]
		 assembly-compression-ows [enable | disable]
		 assembly-concatenation [enable | disable]
		 assembly-concatenation-sets [string ] ...
		 assembly-css-inlining [enable | disable]
		 assembly-css-inlining-urls [string ] ...
		 assembly-css-reorder [enable | disable]
		 assembly-css-reorder-cache-size [integer]
		 assembly-css-reorder-urls [string ] ...
		 assembly-dns-prefetch [enable | disable]
		 assembly-dns-prefetch-domain-lists [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [string] ...
		 assembly-dns-prefetch-https-enable [enable | disable]
		 assembly-dns-prefetch-https-automatic [enable | disable]
		 assembly-ibr [enable | disable]
		 assembly-image-inlining [enable | disable]
		 assembly-image-inlining-max-size [integer]
		 assembly-image-inlining-urls [string ] ...
		 assembly-js-inlining [enable | disable]
		 assembly-js-inlining-urls [string ] ...
		 assembly-js-reorder [enable | disable]
		 assembly-js-reorder-cache-size [integer]
		 assembly-js-reorder-urls [string ] ...
		 assembly-intelligent-client-cache [enable | disable]
		 assembly-icc-force [enable | disable]
		 assembly-icc-image-max-size [integer]
		 assembly-icc-css-inlining-max-size [integer]
		 assembly-icc-js-inlining-max-size [integer]
		 assembly-icc-max-num-urls [integer]
		 assembly-icc-min-client-expiry [integer]
		 assembly-minification [enable | disable]
		 assembly-multiconnect [enable | disable]
		 assembly-on-proxies [enable | disable]
		 assembly-pdf-linearization [enable | disable]
		 cache-complete-only [enable | disable]
		 cache-first-hit [yes | no]
		 cache-mode [memory-and-disk | memory-only]
		 cache-priority [low | medium | high]
		 cache-stand-in-period [integer]
		 code [integer]
		 coherency [blade | cluster]
		 defaults-from [name]
		 description [string]
		 jpeg-quality-is-relative [yes | no]
		 jpeg-quality [integer]
		 jpeg-strip-keeps-copyright [yes | no]
		 jpeg-strip-exif [no | yes | if-safe | make-safe]
		 jpeg-sampling factor [preserve | 1x1 | 2x1 | 1x2 | 2x2]
		 jpeg-progressive-encoding [yes | no]
		 jpegxr-quality [integer]
		    [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [string] ...
		 lifetime-cache-control-extensions none
		 lifetime-cache-max-age [integer]
		 lifetime-honor-ows [yes | no]
		    [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [all-values | no-cache | no-store | no-transform |
		       max-age | must-revalidate | private | proxy-revalidate |
		       s-maxage] ...
		 lifetime-honor-ows-values none
		 lifetime-honor-request [yes | no]
		    [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [all-values | no-cache | no-store | no-transform |
		       max-age | max-stale | min-fresh] ...
		 lifetime-honor-request-values none
		 lifetime-http-heuristic [percentage]
		 lifetime-insert-no-cache [yes | no]
		 lifetime-preserve-response [yes | no]
		    [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [all-values | no-cache | no-store | no-transform |
		       max-age | must-revalidate | private | proxy-revalidate |
		       s-maxage | custom-extension] ...
		 lifetime-preserve-response-values none
		 lifetime-response-max-age [integer]
		 lifetime-response-s-maxage [integer]
		    [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [HTTP response code] ...
		 lifetime-stand-in-codes none
		 lifetime-use-heuristic [yes | no]
		 object-max-size [integer | from-profile]
		 object-min-size [integer | from-profile]
		 optimize-for-client [yes | no]
		 options { [hidden | nodelete | nowrite] ...}
		 order [integer]
		    [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [HTTP response code] ...
		 viewstate-cache [yes | no]
		 viewstate-cache-size [integer]
		 viewstate-tag [string]
		 video-optimization-fast-start [enable | disable]
		 video-optimization-max-bitrate [integer]
		 video-optimization-insert-ad [enable | disable]
		 video-optimization-preroll-ad [enable | disable]
		 video-optimization-ad-frequency [integer]
		 video-acceleration-ad-policy [string]
		 webp-quality [integer]
		 matching [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
		    [host | path | extension | method:[name] |
		     query-param:[name] | unnamed-query-param:[name] |
		     path-segment:[name] | cookie:[name] |
		     user-agent | referrer | protocol | header:[name] |
		     client-ip | content-type] {
		       app-service [[string] | none]
		       arg-alias [string]
		       arg-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
		       arg-name [string]
		       arg-ordinal [number]
		       description [string]
		       value-case-sensitive [yes | no]
		       values [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
			  [ [regex] | [string] ] {
			     app-service [[string] | none]
			     can-be-empty [yes | no]
			     can-be-missing [yes | no]
			     invert-match [yes | no]
		       values none
		 matching none
		 optimize-image [none | to-jpeg | to-gif | to-png | to-tiff]
		 png-256-colors [yes | no]
		 request-queueing [enable | disable]
		 variation [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
		    [host | extension | method:[string] |
		     query-param:[name] | unnamed-query-param:[name] |
		     path-segment:[name] | cookie:[name] |
		     user-agent | referrer | protocol | header:[name] |
		     client-ip ] {
		       app-service [[string] | none]
		       arg-alias [string]
		       arg-all [yes | no]
		       arg-ambiguous-as-unnamed [yes | no]
		       arg-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
		       arg-name [string]
		       arg-ordinal [number]
		       description [string]
		       value-case-sensitive [yes | no]
		       values [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
			  [ [regex] | [string] ] {
			     app-service [[string] | none]
			     cache-as [same | different]
			     can-be-empty [yes | no]
			     can-be-missing [yes | no]
			     invert-match [yes | no]
			     match-all [yes | no]
		       values none
		 variation none
		 [ proxy | proxy-override ]
		    [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
		    [host | extension | method:[name] |
		     query-param:[name] | unnamed-query-param:[name] |
		     path-segment:[name] | cookie:[name] |
		     user-agent | referrer | protocol | header:[name] |
		     client-ip] {
		       app-service [[string] | none]
		       arg-alias [string]
		       arg-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
		       arg-name [string]
		       arg-ordinal [number]
		       description [string]
		       value-case-sensitive [yes | no]
		       values [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
		       [ [regex] | [string] ] {
			     app-service [[string] | none]
			     can-be-empty [yes | no]
			     can-be-missing [yes | no]
			     invert-match [yes | no]
		       values none
		 [ proxy | proxy-override ] none
		 substitutions [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
		    [name] {
		       app-service [[string] | none]
		       description [string]
		       dst-alias [string]
		       dst-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
		       dst-name [string]
		       dst-ordinal [number]
		       dst-type [query-param | unnamed-query-param | path-segment]
		       dst-urls [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
			  [URI] ...
		       dst-urls none
		       src-alias [string]
		       src-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
		       src-name [string]
		       src-ordinal [number]
			 [ randomizer | request-url | query-param |
			  unnamed-query-param | path-segment ]
		       src-url [absolute | relative]
		 substitutions none
		 invalidations [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
		    [name] {
		       active [yes | no]
		       app-service [[string] | none]
		       broadcast [no | yes]
		       description [string]
		       cache-content [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
			[host | path | extension | method:[name] |
			 query-param:[name] | unnamed-query-param:[name] |
			 path-segment:[name] | cookie:[name] |
			 user-agent | referrer | protocol | header:[name] |
			 client-ip] {
			   app-service [[string] | none]
			   arg-alias [string]
			   arg-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
			   arg-name [string]
			   arg-ordinal [number]
			   description [string]
			   value-case-sensitive [yes | no]
			   request-data-alias [string]
			   request-data-direction [left-to-right | right-to-left]
			   request-data-name [string]
			   request-data-ordinal [number]
			      [ host | path | extension | method |
				query-param | unnamed-query-param |
				path-segment | cookie | user-agent |
				referrer | protocol | header |
				client-ip ]
			   values [add | modify | delete | replace-all-with] {
			     [ [regex] | [string] ] {
				app-service [[string] | none]
				can-be-empty [yes | no]
				can-be-missing [yes | no]
				invert-match [yes | no]
			  values none
	   partition [name]
	   publish-build [integer]
	   publish-comment [string]
	   published-on [date]

       Note: Policies can be created only in the Drafts folder. This is
       required to support publishing functionality. You may create multiple
       Drafts folders, one for each folder where published policies are going
       to reside.

	list policy [name ...]
	show running-config policy [name ...]

	delete policy [name ...]

	save policy [name]
	load policy [name]
	   file [filename]

	publish policy [name]
	   publish-comment [string]
	   publish-build [integer]

       Note: Published policies can be deleted, but cannot be modified. The
       only way to update a published policy is to edit and then publish its
       development version.

       You can use the policy component to manage WebAccelerator acceleration
       policies. An acceleration policy is a collection of defined rule
       parameters that dictate how the WebAccelerator system handles HTTP
       requests and responses. The WebAccelerator system uses two types of
       rules to manage content: matching rules and acceleration rules.
       Matching rules are used to classify requests by object type and match
       the request to a specific acceleration policy. Once matched to an
       acceleration policy, the WebAccelerator system applies the associated
       acceleration rules to manage the requests and responses. There are
       multiple types of acceleration rules: variation, proxy, proxy override,
       parameter value substitution, and invalidation. The WebAccelerator
       system ships with several predefined acceleration policies that are
       optimized for specific Web applications, in addition to several non-
       application specific policies for general delivery and one for an
       optional symmetric deployment.

       Note: For the following examples, the current folder is assumed to be
       set to /Common.

       create policy "Drafts/My Policy"

       Creates a new empty policy named My Policy in the folder

       create policy "Drafts/My Policy" copy-from "/Common/Generic Policy -

       Creates a new policy My Policy in the folder /Common/Drafts by copying
       standard system policy /Common/Generic Policy - Complete.

       modify policy "Drafts/My Policy" copy-from "/Common/Generic Policy -

       Modifies the policy My Policy by overwriting it with standard system
       policy /Common/Generic Policy - Complete.

       modify policy "Drafts/My Policy" nodes add { "My Node" { default-from
       Site }}

       Adds a new node My Node as the child node of the node Site.

       modify policy "Drafts/My Policy" nodes modify { "My Node" { matching
       add { content-type { values add { pages.other }}}}}

       Adds a new matching rule into the node My Node. The rule will match
       content type of the requests to WAM object type pages.other.

       publish policy "Drafts/My Policy" publish-comment "Added new node My

       Publishes the policy My Policy.

       modify policy "Drafts/My Policy" nodes delete { "My Node" }

       Deletes the node My Node from the policy My Policy.

       delete policy "My Policy"

       Deletes the policy My Policy.

       save policy "My Policy" file policy.txt

       Saves the policy My Policy into the file /var/local/wam/policy.txt.

       load policy "Drafts/My Policy" overwrite file /tmp/policy.txt

       Loads the policy My Policy from the file /tmp/policy.txt and overwrites
       the policy if it already exists.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the object
	    belongs. The default value is none. Note: If the strict-updates
	    option is enabled on the application service that owns the object,
	    you cannot modify or delete the object. Only the application
	    service can modify or delete the object.

       code Specifies a numeric non-zero code of the policy that is used for
	    troubleshooting and performance reporting. Each policy must have a
	    unique code. If not supplied, it will be generated by the system.
	    Use the keyword generate to specify that the system generate a new
	    unique code.

	    Specifies the name of an existing policy from which to copy all
	    configuration options. If this field is used in the modify
	    command, the configuration options of the existing policy will be
	    replaced with the new ones. The code, state, publish-build,
	    publish-comment, and published-at options are not updated.

	    User defined description of a policy.

	    Specifies the collection of policy nodes. Matching rules and
	    acceleration rules for acceleration policies are organized on the
	    Policy Tree, which consists of nodes. The structure of the Policy
	    Tree supports a parent-child relationship. This enables you to
	    easily randomize rules. That is, because a leaf node in a Policy
	    Tree inherits all the rules from its root node and branch node,
	    you can quickly create multiple leaf nodes that contain the same
	    rule parameters by creating a branch with multiple leaf nodes. If
	    you override or create new rules at the branch node level, the
	    WebAccelerator system reproduces those changes to the associated
	    leaf nodes.

	    Displays the administrative partition within which the policy

	    Specifies the policy build version that was used during policy
	    publishing. If not specified, this number is automatically
	    incremented by the WebAccelerator system.

	    Specifies the user supplied comment that describes the changes in
	    the policy that is being published.

	    Specifies the date and time when this policy was last published.

       file Specifies the file name where the policy is going to be saved or
	    loaded from. If a full path is not specified, it is set to
	    /var/local/wam directory.

	    Specifies that the policy file for the save command or the policy
	    component for the load command can be overwritten if it exists.

	    Specifies that all requests matching this node must be proxied. If
	    it enabled, proxy rules are not used, even if configured. proxy-
	    override rules still apply.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which this node
	    belongs. The default value is none. Note: If the strict-updates
	    option is enabled on the application service that owns the object,
	    you cannot modify or delete this node. Only the application
	    service can modify or delete this node.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system compresses
	    content for responses, using gzip-encoding. Note that to use this
	    feature, you must set the compress value for the response's object
	    type in the corresponding object-type component, and the client
	    must be able to accept gzip-encoded content. The default value is

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system requests
	    gzip-encoded or deflate-encoded content from the origin Web
	    server. Note that the origin Web server will comply only if it
	    supports compression, otherwise it will reply with uncompressed
	    content. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    perform JavaScript/CSS concatenation in HTML documents. The URLs
	    that may be concatenated are specified using the assembly-
	    concatenation-sets option. See the WebAccelerator documentation
	    for more details. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the concatenation sets that are active for this node. If
	    a URL in the HTML document that belongs to one of the enabled sets
	    is found, it will transformed with concatenation using the URL of
	    the configured set. This is an ordered set, and if the URL exists
	    in multiple active concatenation sets, the first set specified by
	    this option will be used. See the WebAccelerator documentation for
	    more details.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    inline CSS URLs in HTML documents. The CSS URLs that may be
	    inlined are specified using the assembly-css-inlining-urls option.
	    See the WebAccelerator documentation for more details. The default
	    value is disabled.

	    Specifies the CSS URLs that may be inlined.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    reorder CSS URLs to the HEAD section of HTML documents. The CSS
	    URLs that may be reordered are specified using the assembly-css-
	    reorder-urls option. See the WebAccelerator documentation for more
	    details. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the size of the intermediate cache used to store CSS
	    URLs being reordered. Increasing the size of this cache allows
	    more CSS URLs to be reordered. The default value is 8kB. The
	    maximum value is 8kB.

	    Specifies the CSS URLs that may be reordered. The URLs must be
	    fully-qualified and whitespace used to separate URLs. The URLs
	    must correspond to WebAccelerator URL resources created by the
	    command create wam resource url. See the help for wam resource

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system
	    manipulates an HTML document to add DNS prefetch tags at the end
	    of the head. The DNS prefetch tags added are the combined list of
	    domain lists specified in assembly-dns-prefetch-domain-lists. DNS
	    prefetch tags will not be inserted in the following conditions:
	    when DNS prefetching is explicitly disabled in the document,
	    either by an HTTP header or by a meta-tag in the head of the HTML
	    document; when the connection is served over HTTPS without
	    assembly-dns-prefetch-https-enable enabled; or when the connection
	    is to a client browser that does not support DNS prefetching.

	    In a document, most browsers will perform DNS prefetching on all
	    domains linked with an HREF. This will speed up performance by
	    having the browser cache possible DNS resolutions before a client
	    clicks on a link, but DNS prefetching cannot automatically occur
	    when a link is created through other means (such as javascript).
	    Inserting DNS prefetch tags addresses this issue.

	    The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the lists of domains that will be inserted into a
	    document. The domain lists must correspond to WebAccelerator
	    domain list resources created by the command create wam resource
	    domain-list. See the help for wam resource domain-list.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system
	    manipulates an HTML document to add DNS prefetch tags at the end
	    of the head when a document is served over HTTPS when the client
	    browser supports DNS prefetching. By default, most browsers that
	    support DNS prefetching will not do any DNS prefetching on pages
	    served over HTTPS. Enabling assembly-dns-prefetch-https-enable
	    will insert a meta-header that will turn on DNS prefetching on the
	    page and a meta-header turning of DNS prefetching for the rest of
	    the page. DNS prefetching cannot be turned on for the rest of an
	    HTML document once the meta-header turning of DNS prefetching is

	    DNS prefetching is turned off on most browsers serving pages over
	    HTTPS by default as a security measure. DNS prefetching can be
	    used to track which pages are seen over HTTPS by watching the
	    domain resolution requests sent out by the client. According to
	    DNS prefetch standards currently, turning on DNS prefetching on a
	    page will cause all links in the page to have their domains
	    prefetched. This is mitigated by this option with the insertion of
	    an HTTP meta-header turning off DNS prefetching after the DNS tags
	    inserted by the WebAccelerator system. Turning on DNS prefetching
	    for the rest of the page in a request served over HTTPS can be
	    done with the assembly-dns-prefetch-https-automatic option.

	    The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will not
	    insert a meta-tag into an HTML document served over HTTPS turning
	    off DNS prefetching for the rest of a page. By default, most
	    browsers that support DNS prefetching will not do any DNS
	    prefetching on pages served over HTTPS. assembly-dns-prefetch-
	    https-enable must be enabled for this option to work.

	    The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system
	    manipulates the Web browser cache to reduce requests to your site
	    for relatively static content, such as images and style sheet
	    (CSS) files. The default value is enabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    inline image URLs in CSS documents. The image URLs that may be
	    inlined are specified using the assembly-image-inlining-urls
	    option. See the WebAccelerator documentation for more details. The
	    default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the maximum size of the image that is allowed to be
	    inlined. The default value is 2kB. The maximum value is 8kB.

	    Specifies the image URLs that may be inlined.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    inline JS URLs in HTML documents. The JS URLs that may be inlined
	    are specified using the assembly-js-inlining-urls option. See the
	    WebAccelerator documentation for more details. The default value
	    is disabled.

	    Specifies the JS URLs that may be inlined.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    reorder JavaScript URLs to the end of HTML documents. The
	    JavaScript URLs that may be reordered are specified using the
	    assembly-js-reorder-urls option. See the WebAccelerator
	    documentation for more details. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the size of the intermediate cache used to store
	    JavaScript URLs being reordered. Increasing the size of this cache
	    allows more JavaScript URLs to be reordered. The default value is
	    8kB. The maximum value is 8kB.

	    Specifies the JavaScript URLs that may be reordered. The URLs must
	    be fully-qualified and whitespace used to separate URLs. The URLs
	    must correspond to WebAccelerator URL resources created by the
	    command create wam resource url. See the help for wam resource

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    Intelligent Client Cache HTML documents. See the WebAccelerator
	    documentation for more details. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    Intelligent Client Cache HTML documents, even if the client does
	    not support HTML5 localstorage. See the WebAccelerator
	    documentation for more details. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the maximum size of the image that is allowed to be
	    inlined as part of Intelligent Client Caching. The default value
	    is 32kB. The maximum value is 50kB.

	    Specifies the maximum size of the CSS that is allowed to be
	    inlined as part of Intelligent Client Caching. The default value
	    is 50kB. The maximum value is 1024kB.

	    Specifies the maximum size of the JS that is allowed to be inlined
	    as part of Intelligent Client Caching. The default value is 50kB.
	    The maximum value is 1024kB.

	    Specifies the maximum number of links in an HTML document that are
	    allowed to be inlined as part of Intelligent Client Caching. The
	    default value is 10. The maximum value is 100.

	    Specifies the minimum client expiry of a resource that is allowed
	    to be inlined as part of Intelligent Client Caching. The default
	    value is 2days.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will
	    minify JavaScript and CSS.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system modifies
	    embedded URLs with unique sub-domains that prompt the browser to
	    open more persistent connections for each supported protocol (HTTP
	    or HTTPS). To use this feature, you must configure DNS with the
	    additional domains and map those domains to the same IP address as
	    the base origin server. The default value is enabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system applies
	    the Content Compression and Intelligent Browser Referencing
	    features (if enabled) to content served to clients, even if the
	    content is not served from the WebAccelerator system's cache.
	    Enable this option if you are using the Content Compression or
	    Intelligent Browser Referencing features. The default value is

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system applies
	    linearization on PDF documents, if the documents match the node
	    matching rules. PDF linearization transforms the document to
	    include the index of the pages in the beginning. This allows Web
	    browsers to load and show specific pages rather than a whole
	    document. See the WebAccelerator documentation for more details.
	    The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies whether image optimization should be applied and the
	    format conversion to use. Each of the 4 supported formats (JPEG,
	    PNG, GIF, TIFF) can be converted to any of the others. Images
	    using a capability unique to one format may lose that feature when
	    converted to a format that does not support it. (For example,
	    animated GIFs or multipage-TIFFs will have only the first image
	    when converted to PNG or JPEG). Transparency will be lost when
	    converting from GIF or PNG to JPEG. TIFF is a container for many
	    different image formats so the results will be best-effort and may
	    not list completely.

	    A converted image will likely have a different number of bytes
	    after conversion. Some conversions are likely to produce fewer
	    bytes; however, a requested conversion will be done even if it
	    results in more bytes (for consistency). For example, you may want
	    to offer multiple formats of an image without storing them all on
	    a server.

	    A correct Content-Type header will be generated for converted
	    images, but HTML files will not be rewritten.

       optimize-for-client Specifies whether to allow conversion to a format
       and/or size which is optimum for the specific client making the request
       but which, if saved by that client and later sent elsewhere, might not
       be appropriate.
       webp-quality WebP is a "lossy" compression format. This means when you
       convert an image to a WebP and then convert it back, you will not get
       back exactly the same image you started with. Compression changes the
       amount of information stored (and therefore the number of bytes), but
       not the image dimensions (the number of pixels). The webp-quality
       attribute represents the absolute quality of the WebP produced.
       Compression (quality) is represented as a number between 1-100 where 1
       is minimal quality, but small, and 100 is high-quality, but large. For
       most images, useful values of quality will be from about 30-70.
       jpegxr-quality JPEG-XR is a "lossy" compression format. This means when
       you convert an image to a JPEG-XR and then convert it back, you will
       not get back exactly the same image you started with. Compression
       changes the amount of information stored (and therefore the number of
       bytes), but not the image dimensions (the number of pixels). The
       jpegxr-quality attribute represents the absolute quality of the JPEG-XR
       produced. Compression (quality) is represented as a number between
       1-100 where 1 is minimal quality, but small, and 100 is high-quality,
       but large. For most images, useful values of quality will be from about
       jpeg-quality-is-relative =item jpeg-quality
	    JPEG is a "lossy" compression format. This means when you convert
	    an image to a JPEG and then convert it back, you will not get back
	    exactly the same image you started with. Compression changes the
	    amount of information stored (and therefore the number of bytes),
	    but not the image dimensions (the number of pixels). When jpeg-
	    quality-is-relative is set to no, the jpeg-quality attribute
	    represents the absolute quality of the JPEG produced. Compression
	    (quality) is represented as a number between 1-100 where 1 is
	    minimal quality, but small, and 100 is high-quality, but large.
	    For most images, useful values of quality will be from about
	    30-100. Because information once lost cannot be regained,
	    converting a low-quality JPEG to a higher quality is pointless and
	    image optimization will prevent that (by not changing the original
	    to a higher JPEG quality).

	    You might be unable to choose a specific absolute quality for JPEG
	    images. When jpeg-quality-is-relative is set to yes, the relative
	    JPEG quality setting is enabled. In this case, jpeg-quality is a
	    percentage (a number between 1-100) that when multiplied by each
	    JPEG's original quality, becomes its optimized quality.

	    JPEG files have a header (called EXIF) that contains optional data
	    such as a date, time, camera model, exposure settings, and so on.
	    The EXIF header can also contain a color profile, which is
	    required when included. EXIF headers can be small or large. Unless
	    they contain a color profile, they do not affect displaying the
	    image, and so can be removed if the loss of the information they
	    contain is acceptable. There are four options for this setting:

	    no	 Leaves any EXIF headers alone.

	    yes  Always strips EXIF headers.

		 Only strips EXIF headers if they do not have color profiles
		 (ensures that images display properly).

		 Applies the color profile and then strips the EXIF header
		 (typically decreases image file size). Applying a color
		 profile requires additional CPU time.

       jpeg-strip-keeps-copyright This setting affects the meaning of jpeg-
       strip-exif. If it is set, stripping the EXIF header will strip
       everything except the Copyright notice (if one is present).
	    Sets the sampling factor to be used when producing JPEG images.
	    The default value is preserve, which matches the original file.
	    You can also explicitly specify this option, as it can sometimes
	    improve compression.

	    When enabled, progressive encoding will be used in JPEG images.
	    For large JPEG files, this can improve compression. When this is
	    enabled, it will be applied only if the file is large enough to
	    improve compression.

	    It is often possible to significantly reduce the size of PNG files
	    without changing their appearance very much by reducing the number
	    of colors to 256 optimally selected values. This optimization is
	    enabled when png-256-colors is set to yes.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system caches
	    HTML pages only if the HTML code within the page contains begin
	    and end tags. When disabled, the WebAccelerator system reviews
	    HTTP response headers to determine if the information contained on
	    the page is complete. The default value is enabled.

	    Specifies that the first response should be cached according to
	    the policy caching settings. When this is off, the response is
	    cached when more than one request for the document has been seen.
	    Turning this on can reduce cache churn for unpopular documents.
	    The default value is no.

	    Specifies how where the cached documents will be stored. The
	    default value is memory-and-disk. Possible values are:

		 The cached documents will be stored in memory or on disk.

		 The cached documents will be stored in memory only.

	    Specifies the cache admission priority of documents matching the
	    policy node. Documents with high priority are more likely to be
	    admitted into the cache. The default value is medium. Possible
	    values are:

	    low  Documents will have low priority.

		 Documents will have medium priority.

	    high Documents will have high priority.

	    Specifies the amount of time that the WebAccelerator system
	    continues to serve content from cache if the origin Web server
	    does not respond to the WebAccelerator system's requests for fresh
	    content. The default value is 0 (zero), which means the
	    WebAccelerator system responds to requests for expired content
	    with a HTTP 404 error.

       code Specifies a numeric non-zero code for the node that is used for
	    troubleshooting and performance reporting. All nodes must have
	    unique codes within the policy. If not supplied, the code will be
	    generated by the system. Use the keyword generate to specify that
	    the system generate a new unique code.

	    Specifies if the WebAccelerator system will attempt to keep
	    content matching the associated node in sync across the blades of
	    a cluster. The default behavior is to keep content in sync.

		 The cached documents will not be kept coherent across blades.
		 This causes each blade to have its own copy of a given cached

		 The cached documents will be kept coherent across blades.
		 This causes the cluster to have single version of a given
		 cached document.

	    Specifies the node that you want to use as the parent node. Your
	    new node inherits all options and values from the parent node
	    specified. The default value is none, which means this is a root

	    User defined description of a node.

	    Specifies the collection of invalidations rules. Invalidations
	    rules enable you to expire cached content before it has reached
	    its time-to-live (TTL) value. This is useful when content updates
	    are event-driven, such as when an item is added to a shopping
	    cart, a request contains a new auction bid, or a poster has
	    submitted content on a forum thread. Invalidations rules can be
	    created only on leaf nodes.

	    Enables you to configure extension tokens to be added to the
	    cache-control header of HTTP response. The WebAccelerator system
	    does not process any of these extensions. It is possible that the
	    origin Web server will send cache-control extensions as well. You
	    can choose whether to preserve them by including the custom-
	    extension in the lifetime-preserve-response-values list.

	    Specifies the amount of time that the WebAccelerator system serves
	    content from the cache before requesting fresh content from the
	    origin Web server. The default value is 4 hours.

	    Specifies, if enabled, that the WebAccelerator system honors
	    certain cache-control directives from the origin Web server
	    response to determine cache lifetime. The default value is

	    Specifies which Cache-Control directive from the origin Web server
	    response will determine cache lifetime. Available directives are
	    all-values, private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, proxy-
	    revalidate, max-age, s-maxage, and expires. This option is only
	    effective if lifetime-honor-ows is enabled.

	    Specifies, if enabled, that the WebAccelerator system honors
	    certain Cache-Control directives from the client's browser request
	    to determine cache lifetime. The default value is enabled.

	    Specifies which cache-control directive from client's browser
	    request will determine cache lifetime. Available directives are
	    all-values, no-cache, no-store, max-age, max-stale, and min-fresh.
	    This option is only effective if lifetime-honor-request is
	    enabled. The default values are max-age, max-stale, and min-fresh.

	    Specifies the percentage, based on the HTTP Last-Modified header,
	    that the WebAccelerator system uses to compute TTL values for
	    cached content. For example, if content was modified 30 days ago
	    and the lifetime-http-heuristic option is set to 50%, the
	    WebAccelerator system caches the content for 15 days. This option
	    is applicable only if you use the HTTP Last-Modified headers to
	    identify content lifetime. The default value is 50%. This option
	    is effective only if lifetime-use-heuristic is enabled.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system inserts a
	    no-cache directive into the HTTP Cache-Control header, which stops
	    the client's browser from locally caching content. This value
	    overrides the HTTP Cache-Control header cache directives sent to
	    the client by the origin Web server.

	    Specifies, if enabled, that the WebAccelerator system preserves
	    certain Cache-Control directives from the origin Web server and
	    includes them into client's browser response. The default value is

	    Specifies which Cache-Control directive from the origin web server
	    response will be preserved in response to the client's web
	    browser. Available directives are all-values, private, no-cache,
	    no-store, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age, s-maxage,
	    expires, and custom-extension. This option is only effective if
	    lifetime-preserve-response is enabled. The default value is all-

	    Specifies, when enabled, the amount of time that the client's
	    browser should locally store content. This value overrides the
	    max-age and expires the directives in the HTTP Cache-Control
	    header that are sent to the client by the origin web server, only
	    if the new value for the max-age is greater than the value
	    supplied by the origin web server. Modify this value only if there
	    is an acceptable trade off between the freshness of the content
	    served to clients and overall site performance.

	    Specifies, when enabled, the amount of time that the client's
	    browser should locally store shared content. This value overrides
	    the s-maxage and expires the directives in the HTTP Cache-Control
	    header that are sent to the client by the origin web server, only
	    if the new value for the s-maxage is greater than the value
	    supplied by the origin web server. Modify this value only if there
	    is an acceptable trade off between the freshness of the shared
	    content served to clients and overall site performance.

	    Specifies that the WebAccelerator system is allowed to serve stale
	    content from the cache if it is not able to re-validate its
	    freshness with the origin web server. The WebAccelerator system
	    serves invalid content to the downstream proxies or clients if the
	    response code from the origin web server matches one of codes
	    specified with this option. This option is effective only if
	    cache-stand-in-period has a non-zero value. The default values are
	    404, 500, and 504.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system uses the
	    percentage from lifetime-use-heuristic option to compute TTL
	    values for cached content. The default value is no.

	    Specifies the collection of matching rules. The rules consist of
	    the HTTP request data type parameters that the WebAccelerator
	    system uses to match an incoming HTTP request to a specified node.
	    The following types of HTTP parameters are available for matching
	    rules: host, path, extension, query-param, unnamed-query-param,
	    path-segment, cookie, user-agent, referrer, protocol, method,
	    header, client-ip, and content-type.

	    Specifies the minimum object size required in order for content
	    matching the associated node to eligible for caching. The default
	    behavior is to use the minimum object size specified by the
	    associated web-acceleration profile.

	    Specifies the maximum object size allowed for content matching the
	    associated node in order to eligible for caching. The default
	    behavior is to use the maximum object size specified by the
	    associated web-acceleration profile.

	    Specifies the order of the node in the Policy Tree. All nodes in
	    the policy must have an order. The order numbers are sequential,
	    staring from 2. Orders 0 and 1 are reserved for internal use. The
	    child node orders must be greater than the order of their parent
	    node. You can change the order of the nodes by updating the order
	    option of the node that you would like to move. The system honors
	    the specified order if it falls within the range of sibling node
	    orders. Otherwise, the system picks the closest valid order
	    number. The remaining nodes are automatically re-ordered to free
	    requested order number. The node order is also used as a last
	    resort to determine which node to use when multiple nodes match
	    the request. The node with a lower order wins. New nodes have
	    their order assigned automatically to make them last among their

	    Specifies the collection of proxy rules. In general, proxy rules
	    options are relevant to only requests that match their node,
	    rather than to matched responses. The following types of HTTP
	    parameters are available for proxy rules: host, query-param,
	    unnamed-query-param, path-segment, cookie, user-agent, referrer,
	    protocol, method, header, and client-ip.

	    Specifies the collection of proxy override rules. You can define
	    proxy override rules and associated conditions under which the
	    WebAccelerator system should ignore proxying rules options. The
	    following types of HTTP parameters are available for proxy
	    override rules: host, query-param, unnamed-query-param, path-
	    segment, cookie, user-agent, referrer, protocol, method, header,
	    and client-ip.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system will queue
	    requests for expired or new documents and proxy fewer requests to
	    the origin web server (OWS). If the response is cachable, the
	    response will be served to all waiting requests; if not, the
	    waiting requests will proxy normally.

	    Specifies the collection of HTTP response codes that determine
	    whether the WebAccelerator system should cache the content. The
	    valid codes are 300, 301, 302, 307, and 410. The codes 200, 201,
	    203, and 207 are included into the list implicitly. The default
	    values are 300 and 301.

	    Specifies the collection of parameter value substitution rules.
	    Some requested pages include hyperlinks that require that specific
	    information appear in the response. You can configure parameter
	    value substitution so that when a query parameter contains
	    identification information for a sites visitors, it prompts the
	    WebAccelerator system to serve different content for the request,
	    based on the specific visitor. Conversely, if parameter value
	    substitution is not configured, the WebAccelerator system uses the
	    value that it cached for the original request, for all subsequent
	    requests after the first, even if the subsequent requests have
	    different values that should be used in the response.

	    If you configure parameter value substitution, the WebAccelerator
	    system changes the targeted parameters value on the page served
	    from the cache, so that the parameter you specify appears on the
	    URL embedded in that page.

	    Specifies the collection of variation rules. When the
	    WebAccelerator system caches responses from the origin web server,
	    it uses certain HTTP request parameters to create a Unique Content
	    Identifier (UCI). The WebAccelerator system stores the UCI in the
	    form of a compiled response and uses the UCI to easily match
	    future requests to the correct content in its cache. You can
	    configure variation rules to add or modify the parameters on which
	    the WebAccelerator system bases its caching process. If the
	    WebAccelerator system receives two requests that are identical
	    except for the value of a query parameter defined in the variation
	    rule, it creates a different UCI for each, and caches each
	    response under its unique UCI. The following types of HTTP
	    parameters are available for variation rules: host, query-param,
	    unnamed-query-param, path-segment, cookie, user-agent, referrer,
	    protocol, method, header, and client-ip.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system
	    accelerates requests and responses for Web form objects that are
	    generated by ASP.NET web applications. Because the file size of
	    forms can be significant, the WebAccelerator system is able to
	    cache and substitute values, thus reducing the file size and
	    achieving faster performance.

	    Specifies the size of the ViewState object cache in kilobytes. The
	    default value is 100 kilobytes.

	    Specifies the name of the web form field where the ViewState
	    object is stored. The default value is __VIEWSTATE.

	    Specifies when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system optimizes
	    video by prefetching.

	    Specifies, the maximum bitrate of video that can be allowed in
	    kilobits per sec. The default value is 0.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system can insert
	    ad into the video.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the WebAccelerator system can insert
	    ad at the beginning of the video.

	    Specifies the frequency of ad insertion. Units in seconds.

	    Specifies the ad policy applicable when processing the video.

       type Displays the node type. The possible types are:

		 The branch nodes exist only for the purpose of propagating
		 rule parameters to leaf nodes. The WebAccelerator system does
		 not perform matching against branch nodes. Branch nodes can
		 have multiple leaf (child) nodes, as well as child branch

	    leaf A leaf node inherits rule parameters from its parent branch
		 node. The WebAccelerator system performs matching only
		 against leaf nodes, and then applies the leaf nodes
		 corresponding acceleration rules to the request.

       Both matching and acceleration rules are identified by the type, and
       optionally, by the name of HTTP parameters that are used inside the
       rules. The following types of HTTP parameters are available:

	    A rule that uses the content-type parameter is based on type
	    definitions in the object-type components. Unlike the HTTP request
	    data types, a matching rule based on content type is specific to
	    the content type parameter that the WebAccelerator system
	    generates for a response. You specify the regular expression that
	    you want a response's content type to match.

	    A rule that uses the client IP parameter is based on the IP
	    address of the client making the request. The IP address, however,
	    may not always be the address of the client that originated the
	    request. For example, if the client goes through a proxy server,
	    the IP address is the IP address of the proxy server, rather than
	    the client IP address that originated the request. If several
	    clients use a specific proxy server, they all appear to come from
	    the same IP address.

	    A rule that uses the cookie parameter is based on a particular
	    cookie that you identify by name, and for which you provide a
	    value to match against. This value is usually literal and must
	    appear on the cookie in the request or in a regular expression
	    that matches the request's cookie that appears on the cookie HTTP
	    request headers. These are the same names you use to set the
	    cookies, using the HTTP Set-Cookie response headers. The HTTP
	    request can contain multiple cookies, and the rule identifier must
	    include the name of the cookie separated with colon (:).

	    A rule that uses the extension parameter is based on the value
	    that follows the far-right period, in the far-right segment key of
	    the URL path.

	    A rule that uses the header parameter is based on a particular
	    header that you identify by name and for which you provide a value
	    to match against. You can use an HTTP request data type header
	    parameter to create rules based on any request header other than
	    one of the recognized HTTP request data types. The HTTP request
	    can contain multiple headers, and the rule identifier must include
	    the name of the header separated with colon (:).

       host A rule that uses the host parameter is based on the value provided
	    for the HTTP Host request header field. This header field
	    describes the DNS name that the HTTP request is using.

	    A rule that uses the method parameter is based on whether the
	    request uses the GET or POST method.

	    A rule that uses the query parameter is based on a particular
	    query parameter that you identify by name and for which you
	    provide a value to match against. The value is usually literal and
	    must appear on the query parameter in the request, or in a regular
	    expression that matches the requests query parameter value. The
	    query parameter can be in a request that uses GET or POST methods.
	    The HTTP request can contain multiple query parameters, and the
	    rule identifier must include the name of the header separated with
	    colon (:).

       path A rule that uses the path parameter is based on the path portion
	    of the URI. The path is defined as everything in the URL after the
	    host and up to the end of the URL, or up to the question mark
	    (whichever comes first).

	    A segment is the portion of a URI path that is delimited by a
	    forward slash (/). For example, in the path:
	    /apps/search/full/complex.jsp, apps, search, full, and complex.jsp
	    all represent path segments. The path can contain multiple
	    segments so the rule identifier must include the name of the
	    segment separated with colon (:). The name can be a segment
	    ordinal or some other string to distinguish it from other segments
	    rules in the same node.

	    A rule that uses the protocol parameter is based on whether the
	    request uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

	    A rule that uses the referrer parameter is based on the value
	    provided for the HTTP Referer in the request header. (Note the
	    misspelling of Referer. This spelling is defined for this request
	    header in all versions of the HTTP specification.) This header
	    provides the URL location that referred the client to the page
	    that the client is requesting. You do not typically base rules on
	    the Referer request header, unless you want your sites behavior to
	    be dependent on the specific referrer. For example, one
	    implementation would be for sites that provide different branding
	    for their pages based on the user's web portal or search engine.

	    An unnamed query parameter is a query parameter that has no equal
	    sign. That is, only the query parameter value is provided in the
	    URL of the request. The HTTP request may contain multiple unnamed
	    query parameters so the rule identifier must include the name of
	    it separated with colon (:). The name can be the ordinal of
	    unnamed query parameter or some other string that can make it
	    distinguishable from other unnamed query parameter rules in the
	    same node.

	    A rule that uses the user agent parameter is based on the value
	    provided for the HTTP User-Agent in the request header, which
	    identifies the browser that sent the request.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the invalidation trigger rule is
	    enabled. You can use this option to disable a specific
	    invalidation trigger rule temporary, without removing it from the

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the rule matches all HTTP parameters
	    of this type rather than one identified by arg-name or arg-
	    ordinal. This option is applicable to variation rules query-param,
	    unnamed-query-param, path-segment, cookie, and header. Such rules
	    serve as a fallback case for defining document variation. All root
	    nodes must include one variation rule of each type with this
	    option enabled. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the user supplied alias for rules that use ordinals to
	    identify HTTP request data. These include the unnamed-query-param
	    and path-segment rules. The src-alias and dst-alias options are
	    used in parameter value substitution rules to define aliases for
	    the source and target definitions correspondingly. The request-
	    data-alias option defines an alias for the invalidation trigger

	    Specifies the direction that the WebAccelerator system uses to
	    count the ordinal of path-segment. The src-direction and dst-
	    direction options are used in parameter value substitution rules
	    to define the ordinal direction for the source and target
	    definitions correspondingly. The request-data-direction option
	    defines the ordinal direction for the invalidation trigger rules.
	    The default value is left-to-right. The possible values are:

		 The path segment is counted form left to right.

		 The path segment is counted form right to left.

	    Specifies the name of the parameter type for query-param, cookie,
	    and header. If not specified, arg-name option is initialized from
	    the rule name. This option is not effective if arg-all is enabled.
	    The src-name and dst-dst options are used in parameter value
	    substitution rules to define the parameter name for the source and
	    target definitions correspondingly. The request-data-name option
	    defines the parameter name for the invalidation trigger rules.

	    Specifies, in the form of a number, the location of a parameter
	    for unnamed-query-param and path-segment rules. The numbering
	    starts at 1 and follows the direction specified in the
	    corresponding direction option. This option is not effective if
	    arg-all is enabled. The src-ordinal and dst-ordinal options are
	    used in parameter value substitution rules to define the parameter
	    ordinal for the source and target definitions correspondingly. The
	    request-data-ordinal option defines the parameter ordinal for the
	    invalidation trigger rules.

	    Specifies whether a triggered invalidation rule is broadcast to
	    other members of a multibox deployment. This option is only
	    effective when the application using this policy has multibox set
	    to farm or symmetric.

	    Specifies the parameter for which the WebAccelerator system must
	    obtain fresh content when the invalidations rule is triggered. The
	    available request types are: host, path, extension, query-param,
	    unnamed-query-param, path-segment, cookie, user-agent, referrer,
	    protocol, method, header, and client-ip.

	    Note: You must select and configure the path parameter for the
	    cached content to invalidate, or the invalidations rule will fail
	    to trigger. All other parameters are optional.

	    User-defined description of a rule.

	    Specifies the HTTP parameter type to use as target definition for
	    the request value substitution rule. A target definition contains
	    a value in the embedded URL that you want the WebAccelerator
	    system to replace with the value that you specified for the source
	    definition, during assembly. The possible values are:

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system targets the URL
		 parameter, as specified by the dst-ordinal and dst-direction
		 you define.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system targets the URL
		 parameter, as specified by the dst-name you define.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system substitutes the URL
		 parameter, as specified by the dst-ordinal you define.

	    Specifies the collection of URLs in the request for which you want
	    the WebAccelerator system to replace content.

	    Specifies a parameter in the request that triggers the
	    invalidations rule. The available request types are: host, path,
	    extension, query-param, unnamed-query-param, path-segment, cookie,
	    user-agent, referrer, protocol, method, header, and client-ip.

	    Note: You must select and configure the path parameter for the
	    request header criteria, or the invalidations rule will fail to
	    trigger. All other parameters are optional.

	    Specifies the HTTP request parameter value that the WebAccelerator
	    system should find in its cache and for which it should request
	    updated content from the origin Web server. The default value is

	    The following types of HTTP parameters are available:

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system should use the
		 corresponding value from the request that triggered the
		 invalidation. Additional data, if required to identify the
		 value, must be specified in the request-data-name, request-
		 data-ordinal, and request-data-direction options. The values
		 option is ignored.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system should not use any
		 values from the request that triggered the invalidation. You
		 must add a value into the values option with which to compare
		 the cached content.

	    Specifies the HTTP parameter type to use as source definition for
	    the request value substitution rule. A source definition contains
	    the value that the WebAccelerator system embeds in the URL, in
	    place of the cached (target definition) value, during
	    substitution. Typically, the source definition is a specific
	    request element, such as a particular query parameter; however,
	    you can specify another source type, such as a random number. The
	    possible values are:

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system substitutes the URL
		 parameter, as specified by the src-ordinal and src-direction
		 options you define.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system substitutes the URL
		 parameter, as specified by the src-name option you define.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system generates a random
		 number and places that number on the targeted location in an
		 embedded URL.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system is limited to
		 target-specific URLs embedded in a page, as defined in the
		 prefix that an embedded URL must match before the
		 WebAccelerator system performs substitution. If you use the
		 request URL as the source, the WebAccelerator system uses the
		 entire request URL as the value to substitute.

		 Specifies that the WebAccelerator system substitutes the URL
		 parameter, as specified by the src-ordinal option you define.

	    Specifies whether the request URL is a relative URL or an absolute
	    URL. The default value is absolute.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the HTTP parameter must be matched
	    against supplied value(s) in case sensitive manner. The default
	    value is no.

	    Values are a collection of rule parameters that enable you to
	    specify different parameter values for the same rule. Most rules
	    allow only one value, while variation rules support multiple
	    values. Each value can prompt a different behavior by the
	    WebAccelerator system. All variation rules must include at least
	    one value with match-all option enabled. A value can be
	    represented by actual string, regex, or multiple strings, or
	    regexes separated by space ( ).

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the defined HTTP request parameter
	    is included in the request, but has no value (is an empty string).
	    The default value is no.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the defined HTTP request parameter
	    is absent from the request. The default value is no.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the defined HTTP request parameter
	    does not match the associated regular expression that you defined.
	    The default value is no.

	    Specifies, when enabled, that the defined HTTP request parameter
	    matches all possible values. This option is available only for
	    variation rule values as a fallback case. Each variation rule must
	    have at least one value with this option enabled. The default
	    value is no.

	    Specifies whether the associated value should prompt the
	    WebAccelerator system to reply to matched requests with the same
	    or different content. This option is available only for variation
	    rule values.

       create, delete, edit, list, modify, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
       by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any
       purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express
       written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2010-2013, 2016. All rights

BIG-IP				  2016-03-14			 wam policy(1)