ltm profile dnsΒΆ

ltm profile dns(1)	      BIG-IP TMSH Manual	    ltm profile dns(1)

       dns - Configures a Domain Name System (DNS) profile.

       ltm profile

       Configure the dns component within the ltm profile module using the
       syntax in the following sections.

	create dns [name]
	modify dns [name]
	    app-service [[string] | none]
	    avr-dnsstat_sample_rate [integer]
	    cache [string]
	    defaults-from [ [name] | none]
	    description [string]
	    dns64 [disabled | secondary | immediate | v4-only]
	    dns64-additional-section-rewrite [disabled | v6-only | v4-only | any]
	    dns64-prefix [IPv6 prefix]
	    dns-security [string]
	    edns0-client-subnet-insert [disabled | enabled]
	    enable-cache [no | yes]
	    enable-dnssec [no | yes]
	    enable-dns-express [no | yes]
	    enable-dns-firewall [no | yes]
	    enable-gtm [no | yes]
	    enable-hardware-query-validation [no | yes]
	    enable-hardware-response-cache [no | yes]
	    enable-logging [no | yes]
	    enable-rapid-response [no | yes]
	    log-profile [ [name] | none]
	    process-rd [no | yes]
	    process-xfr [no | yes]
	    rapid-response-last-action [allow | drop | noerror | nxdomain | refuse | truncate]
	    unhandled-query-action [allow | drop | hint | noerror | reject]
	    use-local-bind [no | yes]

	edit dns [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	mv dns [ [[source-name] [destination-name]] | [[name] to-folder [folder-name]] | [[] to-folder [folder-name]] ]

	reset-stats dns
	reset-stats dns [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list dns
	list dns [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config dns
	show running-config dns [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	delete dns [name]

       You can use this component to create, modify, display, or delete a DNS
       profile to define how the BIG-IP system handles DNS traffic. You can
       also display and reset DNS profile statistics.

       create dns my_dns_profile defaults-from dns

       Creates a DNS profile named my_dns_profile that inherits its settings
       from the system default DNS profile.

       list dns

       Displays the properties of all DNS profiles.

       mv dns /Common/my_dns_profile to-folder /Common/my_folder

       Moves a custom dns profile named my_dns_profile to a folder named
       my_folder, where my_folder has already been created and exists within

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the profile
	    belongs. The default value is none. Note: If the strict-updates
	    option is enabled on the application service that owns the object,
	    you cannot modify or delete the profile. Only the application
	    service can modify or delete the profile.

	    Sets AVR DNS statistics rate. The default value is 0, which means
	    AVR DNS statistics is disabled. If the sampling rate is set to 1,
	    each query will be sent to the analytics database. If the sampling
	    rate is set to an integer N, every Nth query will be sent and the
	    analytics database will count it N times. When sampling rate is
	    greater than one, the statistics will be inaccurate if the traffic
	    volume is low. However, when the traffic volume is high, the
	    system performance will benefit from sampling and the inaccuracy
	    will be negligible. Also be aware that analytics database has its
	    own internal sampling mechanism. The sampling rate does not apply
	    to DNS firewall statistics. AVR DNS statistics contain query name,
	    query type, virtual server IP and client IP.

	    Specifies the user-created cache that the system uses to cache DNS
	    responses. When you select a cache for the system to use, you must
	    also enable the DNS cache setting.

	    Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile.
	    Your new profile inherits all settings and values from the parent
	    profile specified. The default value is dns.

	    User defined description.

	    Sets DNS64 mapping mode. The default value is disabled.

	    Sets DNS64 additional section rewriting. For AAAA and A records in
	    additional section, this field specifies how they are being
	    rewritten. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies DNS64 mapping IPv6 prefix.

	    Indicates the DNS security profile the system uses.

	    Indicates, when enabled, that the system should set the edns0
	    client subnet option to the source address for queries that do not
	    already contain a client subnet option. Also specifies that the
	    system should remove the client subnet option from responses to
	    clients that did not send a client subnet option in their most
	    recent query.

	    Indicates whether the system caches DNS responses. The default
	    value is no.

	    Indicates whether to perform DNS Security Extension (DNSSEC)
	    operations on the DNS packet, for example, respond to DNSKEY
	    queries; add RRSIGs to response.

	    Indicates whether the dns-express service is enabled. The service
	    handles zone transfers from the primary DNS server.

	    Indicates whether DNS firewall capability is enabled. The default
	    value is no.

	    Indicates whether the Global Traffic Manager handles DNS
	    resolution for DNS queries and responses that contain Wide IP
	    names. The default value is yes.

	    On supported platforms, indicates whether the hardware will
	    accelerate query validation. The default value is no.

	    On supported platforms, indicates whether the hardware will cache
	    responses. The default value is no.

	    Indicates whether to enable high speed logging for DNS queries and
	    responses or not. Default value is no. When it is set to yes, a
	    DNS profile must be configured with a log-profile.

	    On supported platforms, indicates whether to allow queries to be
	    answered by Rapid Response. The default value is no. When enabled,
	    if the query name matches a GTM Wide IP name and GTM is enabled on
	    this profile, the DNS query will bypass Rapid Response.

       glob Displays the items that match the glob expression. See help glob
	    for a description of glob expression syntax.

	    Specifies the DNS logging profile used to configure what events
	    get logged and their message format.

       name Specifies a unique name for the component. This option is required
	    for the commands create, delete, and modify.

	    Displays the administrative partition within which the profile

	    Indicates whether to process client-side DNS packets with
	    Recursion Desired set in the header. The default value is yes. If
	    set to no, processing of the packet will be subject to the
	    unhandled-query-action option.

	    Indicates whether the system answers zone transfer requests for a
	    DNS zone created on the system. The default value is no. The
	    enable-dns-express and process-xfr settings affect how the system
	    responds to zone transfer requests.

	    Specifies what action to take when Rapid Response is enabled and
	    the incoming query has not matched a DNS-Express Zone. Default is
	    drop. Option allow sends non-matching queries up the regular
	    packet processing path. All other options result in a response
	    returned immediately to the client: truncate (truncate), nxdomain
	    (non-existent name), noerror (no data), refuse (REFUSED return

	    Displays the items that match the regular expression. The regular
	    expression must be preceded by an at sign (@[regular expression])
	    to indicate that the identifier is a regular expression. See help
	    regex for a description of regular expression syntax.

	    dns profiles can be moved to any folder under /Common, but
	    configuration dependencies may restrict moving the profile out of

	    Specifies the action to take when a query does not match a Wide IP
	    or a DNS Express Zone. The default value is allow.

	    Indicates whether non-GTM and non-dns-express requests should be
	    forwarded to the local BIND.

       create, delete, edit, glob, list, ltm virtual, modify, mv, regex,
       reset-stats, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
       by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any
       purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express
       written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP				  2017-05-26		    ltm profile dns(1)