sys crypto ca-bundle-manager

sys crypto ca-bundle-manager(1BIG-IP TMSH Manuasys crypto ca-bundle-manager(1)

       ca-bundle-manager - Certificate Authority (CA) certificate bundle
       manager on the BIG-IP(r) system.

       sys crypto

       A ca-bundle-manager manages cryptographic ca-bundles using the syntax
       given in the following sections.

	 create ca-bundle-manager [name]
	 modify ca-bundle-manager [name]
	     description [string]
	       [add | delete | replace-all-with] ] {
		  [cert file obj] ...
	       [add | delete | replace-all-with] ] {
		  [url] ...
	       [add | delete | replace-all-with] ] {
		  [cert file obj] ...
	       [add | delete | replace-all-with] ] {
		  [url] ...
	     proxy-server [ [hostname] | [ipv4] | [ipv6] ]
	     proxy-port [ port number ]
	     trusted-ca-bundle [certificate file object]
	     update-interval [days]
	     time-out [seconds]
	     update-now [yes | no]

	 list ca-bundle-manager [name]

	 delete ca-bundle-manager [name]

       You can use the ca-bundle-manager component to automatically update and
       install CA-bundles on the system from two sources - local certificate
       file objects and remote URL resources, using set include/exclude
       operations. The set include/exclude operations are equivalent to
       mathematical set addition/subtraction operations. For example, the user
       may use include-bundle and include-url options to combine CA-
       certificates from various sources, and use exclude-bundle and exclude-
       url options to remove certain CA-certificates from the final CA-bundle
       file. The generated CA-bundle file will be installed as a certificate-
       file-object on the system, and used as trusted CA-bundle by other
       modules. Additionally, the user may set the update frequency of the CA-
       bundle, or use web proxy for downloading the remote URL resources. By
       default, a newly created CA-bundle manager does not create or update
       the managed CA-bundle object unless it has a positive update interval
       or being explicitly told to do so by the update-now option.
       Additionally, the calculated CA-bundle must contain at least two CA
       certificates to be installed on the system.

       modify sys crypto ca-bundle-manager bmgr include-bundle add {
       ca-bundle.crt } include-url add { }
       trusted-ca-bundle trusted-ca-chain.crt update-interval 30

       Creates a ca-bundle-manager bmgr from two sources, one is a locally
       installed certificate file object ca-bundle.crt, and the other is from
       remote URL resource using trusted CA
       bundle . bmgr is refreshed from the two sources
       every 30 days.

       modify sys crypto ca-bundle-manager bmgr update-now yes

       Extending from above example, this command triggers an immediate update
       of the generated ca-bundle from its sources.

       list sys crypto ca-bundle-manager bmgr -hidden

       Shows all the properties of the ca-bundle-manager bmgr, including the
       hidden fields.

       delete sys crypto ca-bundle-manager bmgr

       Deletes the ca-bundle-manager bmgr from the system. Note that the
       generated ca-bundle certificate file object is not removed, and can
       still be used.

	    Specifies user defined description.

	    Specifies a list of certificate file objects to include for
	    generating the new ca-bundle.

	    Specifies a list of remote ca-bundles at the URLs to include for
	    generating the new ca-bundle.

	    Specifies a list of certificate file objects to exclude from the
	    new ca-bundle.

	    Specifies a list of remote ca-bundles at the URLs to exclude from
	    the new ca-bundle.

       partition Displays the administrative partition within which this ca-
       bundle-manager resides.
       proxy-server Specifies the host name or IP address of the proxy server
       for accessing remote URL resources. Only HTTP proxy is supported.
       Optional http:// may be prepended.
       proxy-port Specifies the port number of the proxy server for accessing
       remote URL resources. Default is 3128.
	    Specifies the trusted CA certificate bundle when downloading ca-
	    bundles from the other URLs.

	    Specifies the update interval in days to refresh the remote ca-
	    bundles at the URLs. Default value is 0, which means the generated
	    ca-bundle is not dynamically updated.

	    Specifies the time-out period in seconds to download the remote
	    ca-bundles at the URLs. The value ranges between 1 and 3600 (1
	    hour). The default value is 8 seconds.

	    Specifies whether the ca-bundle-manager should immediately refresh
	    its generated ca-bundle from all its sources and recalculate its
	    certificate contents. The default value is no.

	    Specifies a read-only attribute from which this ca-bundle-manager
	    was last updated.

	    Specifies a read-only attribute, which indicates the ca-bundle
	    certificate file object name, managed by this ca-bundle-manager.

       create, list, modify, delete, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
       by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any
       purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express
       written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2013, 2016. All rights

BIG-IP				  2017-09-05   sys crypto ca-bundle-manager(1)