gtm global-settings load-balancing

gtm global-settings load-balancing(1)		  BIG-IP TMSH Manual		gtm global-settings load-balancing(1)

       load-balancing - Configures the load balancing settings for the Global Traffic Manager(tm).

       gtm global-settings

       Modify or display the load-balancing component within the gtm global-settings module using the syntax in the
       following sections.

	modify load-balancing
	    failure-rcode [noerror | formerr | servfail | nxdomain | notimpl | refused]
	    failure-rcode-ttl [integer]
	    failure-rcode-response [disabled | enabled]
	    ignore-path-ttl [no | yes]
	    respect-fallback-dependency [no | yes]
	    topology-longest-match [no | yes]
	    topology-prefer-edns0-client-subnet [disabled | enabled]
	    verify-vs-availability [no | yes]

	edit load-balancing

	list load-balancing
	show running-config load-balancing
	show running-config load-balancing [option]

       You can use the load-balancing component to modify or display the load balancing settings for the Global
       Traffic Manager.

       modify load-balancing ignore-path-ttl yes

       Specifies that dynamic load balancing methods can use path data, even after the time-to-live (TTL) for the
       path data expires.

       list load-balancing all-properties

       Displays all properties of the load balancing settings for the Global Traffic Manager.

	    Specifies the DNS RCODE used when failure-rcode-response is enabled. Default is noerror. Options include
	    noerror (no type exists at this name), formerr (format error in query), servfail (unable to process
	    query), nxdomain (name does not exist), notimpl (no support for this kind of query), and refused (refuse
	    to process based on policy). If failure-rcode-ttl is non-zero, only the Authority section of the noerror
	    or nxdomain response will include a SOA record.

	    When enabled, specifies that the system returns a RCODE response to Wide IP requests after exhausting all
	    load-balancing methods. This affects all Wide IPs and may only be overridden by a more specific enabled
	    configuration of a Wide IP. This response is an authoritative empty answer from the system for record
	    requests. With this option enabled, the system responds faster to requests for which it does not have
	    viable answers configured. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the negative caching TTL of the SOA for the RCODE response. The default is 0, meaning no SOA is
	    included (i.e. no caching).

	    Specifies, when set to yes, that dynamic load balancing methods can use path data, even after the time-
	    to-live (TTL) for the path data expires. The default value is no.

	    Specifies, when set to yes, that the system accepts virtual server status when the load balancing mode
	    changes to the mode specified by the fallback-mode option of the pool. The default value is no.

	    Specifies, when set to yes, that the system evaluates all topology records in the topology statement, and
	    then selects the topology record that most specifically matches the IP address in an LDNS request (in
	    other words, has the longest match). When this option is set to no, the system selects the first record
	    in the topology statement that matches the request.

	    Specifies, when set to enabled, that the system should use the edns0 client subnet option (if one exists)
	    instead of the source address when using topology load balancing. When this option is set to disabled or
	    if the query did not contain a client subnet option, the system will fall back to the source address.

	    When disabled this option can be overridden by a per wide IP setting, gtm wideip [wideip type] [wideip
	    name] topology-prefer-edns0-client-subnet [disabled | enabled].

	    Specifies, when set to yes, that the system checks the availability of virtual servers before sending a
	    connection to those virtual servers. The default value is no.

       edit, gtm global-settings general, gtm global-settings metrics, gtm global-settings metrics-exclusions, list,
       modify, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2010, 2013, 2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-09-28		gtm global-settings load-balancing(1)