gtm wideip cname

gtm wideip cname(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				  gtm wideip cname(1)

       cname - Configures a wide IP that accepts CNAME queries.

       gtm wideip

       Configure the wideip cname component within the gtm module using the syntax shown in the following sections.

	create wideip cname [name]
	modify wideip cname [name]
	    aliases []
	    app-service [[string] | none]
	    description [string]
	    [disabled | enabled]
	    failure-rcode [formerr | noerror | notimpl | nxdomain | refused | servfail]
	    failure-rcode-ttl [integer]
	    failure-rcode-response [disabled | enabled]
	    last-resort-pool [type name]
	    load-balancing-decision-log-verbosity [[pool-member-selection | pool-member-traversal | pool-selection | pool-traversal] | none]
	    minimal-response [disabled | enabled]
	    metadata none
	      [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
		[metadata_name ... ] {
		  persist [ true | false ]
		  value [ "value content" ]
		persistence [disabled | enabled]
	    persist-cidr-ipv4 [integer]
	    persist-cidr-ipv6 [integer]
	    pool-lb-mode [global-availability | ratio | round-robin | topology]
	    pools none
	      [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
		[pool name]...
	    rules none
	    rules {
		[rule name]
	    topology-prefer-edns0-client-subnet [disabled | enabled]
	    ttl-persistence [integer]

	edit wideip cname [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	reset-stats wideip cname
	reset-stats wideip cname [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list wideip cname
	list wideip cname [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config wideip cname
	show running-config wideip cname [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show wideip cname
	show wideip cname [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	    (default | exa | gig | kil | meg | peta | raw | tera | yotta | zetta)
	    (detail | global)

	delete wideip cname [all | [name] ]

       You can use the wideip component to create, modify, display, or delete a wide IP that responds to CNAME
       queries. A CNAME wide IP is a mapping of a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) to its canonical name.

       create wideip cname

       Creates a CNAME wide IP named

       delete wideip cname

       Deletes the CNAME wide IP named www.my_wide_ip.

	    Specifies alternate domain names for the web site content you are load balancing. You can use two
	    different wildcard characters, asterisk (*) and question mark (?), to represent one or more characters.
	    The default value is none.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which this wide ip belongs. The default value is none.
	    Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot
	    modify or delete this wide ip. Only the application service can modify or delete this wide ip.

	    User defined description. Note: Advanced search on the GUI's Wideip list page can be turned on/off by
	    modifying the DB variable ui.advancedsearch via the tmsh command "modify sys db ui.advancedsearch value
	    true/false". This will result in a new description column and the inclusion of that field in the search.

       [disabled | enabled]
	    Specifies whether the wide IP and its resources are available for load balancing.

	    Specifies the DNS RCODE used when failure-rcode-response is enabled. Default is noerror. Options include
	    noerror (no type exists at this name), formerr (format error in query), servfail (unable to process
	    query), nxdomain (name does not exist), notimpl (no support for this kind of query), and refused (refuse
	    to process based on policy). If failure-rcode-ttl is non-zero, only the Authority section of the noerror
	    or nxdomain response will include a SOA record.

	    When enabled, specifies that the system returns a RCODE response to Wide IP requests after exhausting all
	    load-balancing methods. This response is an authoritative empty answer from the system to CNAME record
	    requests. With this option enabled, the system responds faster to CNAME requests for which it does not
	    have CNAME records configured. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies the negative caching TTL of the SOA for the RCODE response. The default is 0, meaning no SOA is
	    included (i.e. no caching).

       glob Displays the items that match the glob expression. See help glob for a description of glob expression

	    Specifies a last resort pool to use when load balancing requests for this wide IP. Any CNAME pool type is
	    allowed. The default value is none.

	    Specifies the amount of detail logged when making load balancing decisions. This is used for debugging
	    purpose only. Performance will be affected if the value is not none. Please reset it back to none after
	    done debugging. With the option pool-selection, the log will contain pool load balancing algorithm
	    details. This includes common actions taken to a set of pools (for example, whether all pools reset the
	    ratio counter during the algorithm) and the result of the load balancing algorithm (for example, whether
	    a pool is finally selected and the reason if applicable). With the option pool-traversal, the log will
	    contain details of all pools traversed during load balancing. With the option pool-member-selection, the
	    log will contain pool member load balancing algorithm details. This includes common actions taken to a
	    set of pool members and the result of the load balancing algorithm. With the option pool-member-
	    traversal, the log will contain details of all pool members traversed during load balancing. The default
	    value is none.

	    Specifies GTM will form the smallest allowable DNS response to a query. Typically, this will be a single
	    resource record in the answer section. When set to disabled, GTM will attempt to chase CNAME chains, if
	    required, to obtain the ultimate answer, and it will attempt to add address resource records to the
	    additional section of the response for each answer when needed. The default value is enabled.

	    Specifies user-defined data to associate with a server. By default the persist attribute is set to true.
	    This means the data is saved into the configuration file.

       name Specifies a unique name for the component. This option is required for the commands create and modify.

	    Displays the administrative partition within which the component resides.

	    When enabled, specifies that when a local DNS server makes repetitive requests on behalf of a client, the
	    system reconnects the client to the same resource as previous requests. The default value is disabled.

	    Specifies a mask used to group IPv4 LDNS addresses. This feature allows one persistence record to be
	    shared by LDNS addresses that match within this mask.

	    Specifies a mask used to group IPv6 LDNS addresses. This feature allows one persistence record to be
	    shared by LDNS addresses that match within this mask.

	    Configures the pools the system uses when load balancing requests for this wide IP. The default value is

	    Specifies the load balancing method used to select a pool in this wide IP. This option is relevant only
	    when multiple pools are configured for this wide IP. The default value is round-robin.

	    The available load balancing methods are:

		 Specifies that the system selects a pool by following the order of the Pool list. The system
		 repeatedly selects the first pool in the list for as long as its status is available. If the pool
		 becomes unavailable for any reason, the system then repeatedly selects the next pool in the list,
		 and so on.

		 Specifies that the system selects a pool based on the ratio that you assign to the pool.

		 Specifies that the system selects pools sequentially.

		 Specifies that the system selects a pool based on topology information in the incoming LDNS request.
		 Note that this load balancing method works only if you have configured a topology statement.

	    Displays the items that match the regular expression. The regular expression must be preceded by an at
	    sign (@[regular expression]) to indicate that the identifier is a regular expression. See help regex for
	    a description of regular expression syntax.

	    Specifies the iRules(r) that this wide IP uses for load balancing decisions. 'when' clauses for each
	    event are grouped across all iRules(r) on this wide IP. For each event, clauses are evaluated in the
	    listed rules order. The default value is none.

	    Specifies, in seconds, the length of time for which a persistence entry is valid. This value can range
	    from 0 through 4294967295 seconds. The default value is 3600.

	    Specifies, when set to enabled, that this wide IP should use the edns0 client subnet option (if one
	    exists) instead of the source address when using topology load balancing. When this option is set to
	    disabled or if the query did not contain a client subnet option, the system will fall back to the source

	    This setting has no effect when the global setting, configured under gtm global-settings load-balancing
	    topology-prefer-edns0-client-subnet [disabled | enabled], is set to enabled.  When either setting is
	    enabled then this feature will be enabled.

       create, delete, edit, glob, gtm pool, list, modify, regex, reset-stats, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-09-28				  gtm wideip cname(1)