ltm monitor mqtt

ltm monitor mqtt(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				  ltm monitor mqtt(1)

       mqtt - Configures a Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) monitor.

       ltm monitor

       Configure the mqtt component within the ltm monitor module using the syntax in the following sections.

	create mqtt [name]
	modify mqtt [name]
	    app-service [[string] | none]
	    clientid [ [name] | none]
	    defaults-from [name]
	    description [string]
	    destination [ip address][port]
	    interval [integer]
	    manual-resume [enabled | disabled]
	    mqtt-version [[string] | none]
	    password [none | [password] ]
	    time-until-up [integer]
	    timeout [integer]
	    up-interval [integer]
	    username [ [name] | none]

	edit mqtt [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list mqtt
	list mqtt [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show mqtt [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config mqtt
	show running-config mqtt [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	delete mqtt [name]

       Note: You cannot delete default monitors.

       You can use the mqtt component to configure a custom monitor, or you can use the default mqtt monitor that the
       Local Traffic Manager provides. This type of monitor verifies the mqtt service by attempting to establish mqtt
       connection with mqtt server.

       create mqtt my_mqtt defaults-from mqtt

       Creates a monitor named my_mqtt that inherits properties from the default mqtt monitor.

       list mqtt

       Displays the properties of all of the mqtt monitors.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the monitor belongs. The default value is none.
	    Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot
	    modify or delete the monitor. Only the application service can modify or delete the monitor.

	    Specifies the client identifier to send to MQTT server. The default value is empty.

	    Specifies the name of the monitor from which you want your custom monitor to inherit settings. The
	    default value is mqtt.

	    User defined description.

	    Specifies the IP address and service port of the resource that is the destination of this monitor. The
	    default value is *:*.

	    Possible values are:

	    *:*  Specifies to perform a health check on the IP address and port supplied by a pool member.

		 Specifies to perform a health check on the server with the IP address supplied by the pool member
		 and the port you specify.

	    IP address:port
		 Specifies to mark a pool member up or down based on the response of the server at the IP address and
		 port you specify.

	    IP address:port (with the transparent option enabled)
		 Specifies to perform a health check on the server at the IP address and port specified in the
		 monitor, routing the check through the IP address and port supplied by the pool member. The pool
		 member (the gateway) is marked up or down accordingly.

       glob Displays the items that match the glob expression. See help glob for a description of glob expression

	    Specifies, in seconds, the frequency at which the system issues the monitor check when either the
	    resource is down or the status of the resource is unknown. The default value is 5 seconds.

	    Important: F5 Networks recommends that when you configure this option and the up-interval option,
	    whichever value is greater be a multiple of the lesser value to allow for an even distribution of monitor
	    checks among all monitors.

	    Specifies whether the system automatically changes the status of a resource to up at the next successful
	    monitor check. The default value of the manual-resume option is disabled.

	    Note that if you set the manual-resume option to enabled, you must manually mark the resource as up
	    before the system can use it for load balancing connections.

	    Specifies a version to communicate with MQTT server. Default value is 3.1.1.

       name Specifies a unique name for the component. This option is required for the commands create, delete, and

	    Displays the administrative partition within which the component resides.

	    Specifies the password if the monitored target requires authentication. The default value is none.

	    Displays the items that match the regular expression. The regular expression must be preceded by an at
	    sign (@[regular expression]) to indicate that the identifier is a regular expression. See help regex for
	    a description of regular expression syntax.

	    Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, after the first successful response before a node is marked up.
	    A value of 0 (zero) causes a node to be marked up immediately after a valid response is received from the
	    node. The default value is 0 (zero).

	    Specifies the number of seconds the target has in which to respond to the monitor request. The default
	    value is 16 seconds.

	    If the target responds within the set time period, it is considered up. If the target does not respond
	    within the set time period, it is considered down. Also, if the target responds with a RESET packet, the
	    system immediately flags the target as down without waiting for the timeout interval to expire.

	    Specifies, in seconds, the frequency at which the system issues the monitor check when the resource is
	    up. The default value is 0 (zero), which specifies that the system uses the value of the interval option
	    whether the resource is up or down.

	    Important: F5 Networks recommends that when you configure this option and the interval option, whichever
	    value is greater be a multiple of the lesser value to allow for an even distribution of monitor checks
	    among all monitors.

	    Specifies the username, if the monitored target requires authentication. The default value is none.

       create, delete, edit, glob, list, modify, regex, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2010, 2012-2013, 2016-2017. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-09-05				  ltm monitor mqtt(1)