ltm rule command ACCESS oauthΒΆ

iRule(1)					  BIG-IP TMSH Manual					     iRule(1)

       OAuth related ACCESS iRule

       ACCESS::oauth sign ((-payload VALUE) (-key JWK_OBJECT)
				  (-ignore-cert-expiry)?  (-header VALUE)?
				  (-alg JWS_ALGS)?)#

       OAuth related ACCESS iRule

       ACCESS::oauth sign [ -header  ] -payload  -key 
			  [ -alg  ] [ -ignore-cert-expiry ]

	    * Returns a JSON Web Signature token based on provided payload and signed
	      with provided JWK object. When the specified JWK object does not specify
	      a JWS signing algorithm, an additional signing algorithm is required
	      and must be provided with the -alg option. Unless specified with the
	      -header option, JOSE header section of JWS will be derived and auto-generated
	      from the available JWK object and signing algorithm, and the generated JOSE
	      header will include a signing algorithm, and JWK key ID or certificate
	      SHA-1 thumbprint or SHA-256 thumbprint whichever is available first in that
	      order.  When the specified JWK object contains a certificate, this command
	      by default ensures that only a certificate with a valid expiration is allowed
	      to be used , unless the -ignore-cert-expiry option is specified.

	    * Requires APM module

       JSON Web Signature string.

	when RULE_INIT {
	    # This is an example of using ACCESS::oauth sign command to perform
	    # JWT access token resigning.
	    # Here we predefined the list of incoming claims which BIG-IP
	    # needs to include in the JWT. Here we assumed there is an OAuth Scope
	    # Agent configured, which produces the session variables for each claim.
	    # Once the JWT payload is constructed, here we use ACCESS::oauth sign
	    # command to sign the payload, and produce a JWS.
	    set static::claim_list_string { {sub} {name} }
	    set static::claim_list_boolean_int { {admin} }
	    set static::jws_cache {oauth-sign-test-jws_cache}
	    set static::jwt_issuer {}
	    set static::jwt_sess_var_name {session.oauth.scope.last.jwt}
	    set static::jwt_expires_in 10
	    set static::jwt_leeway 0
	    set static::jwt_sdb_timeout_adjustment 3

	proc gettimeofday {} {
	    return [ clock seconds ]

	proc generate_payload { claim_list_string claim_list_boolean_int } {
	    set payload "\{"
	    append payload {"issuer":"} $static::jwt_issuer {"}
	    set iat [ call gettimeofday ]
	    append payload {,"iat":} $iat
	    append payload {,"exp":} [ expr { $iat + $static::jwt_expires_in } ]
	    append payload {,"nbf":} [ expr { $iat - $static::jwt_leeway } ]
	    foreach claim $claim_list_string {
		set value [ ACCESS::session data get "$static::jwt_sess_var_name.$claim" ]
		if { [ string length value ] == 0 } {
		append payload {,"} $claim {":"} $value {"}
	    foreach claim $claim_list_boolean_int {
		set value [ ACCESS::session data get "$static::jwt_sess_var_name.$claim" ]
		if { [ string length value ] == 0 } {
		append payload {,"} $claim {":} $value
	    append payload "\}"
	    return $payload

	proc generate_jws {} {
	    set payload [ call generate_payload $static::claim_list_string $static::claim_list_boolean_int ]
	    return [ ACCESS::oauth sign -payload $payload -alg RS512 -key /Common/jwk-rsa-2 -ignore-cert-expiry ]

	proc get_user_key {} {
	    set data [ ACCESS::session sid ]
	    binary scan [ md5 $data ] H* data
	    return $data

	proc get_user_key_from_sdb {} {
	    return [ ACCESS::session data get {session.jwt.cache.user_key} ]

	proc set_user_key_to_sdb {} {
	    ACCESS::session data set {session.jwt.cache.user_key} [ call get_user_key ]

	proc calc_sdb_timeout {} {
	    return [ expr { $static::jwt_expires_in - $static::jwt_sdb_timeout_adjustment } ]

	proc get_jws_from_cache {} {
	    set user_key [ call get_user_key ]
	    set jws [ table lookup -notouch -subtable $static::jws_cache $user_key ]
	    if { [ string length $jws ] != 0 } {
		return $jws
	    return [ table set -notouch -subtable $static::jws_cache -excl $user_key [ call generate_jws ] [ call calc_sdb_timeout ]  [ call calc_sdb_timeout ] ]

	proc get_jws { from_cache } {
	    if { $from_cache == "yes" } {
		return [ call get_jws_from_cache ]
	    } else {
		return [ call generate_jws ]

	proc delete_jws_cache {} {
	    set user_key [ call get_user_key_from_sdb ]
	    ACCESS::log "Delete cache for $user_key"
	    table delete -subtable $static::jws_cache $user_key

	    call set_user_key_to_sdb

	    set jws [call get_jws "yes" ]
	    HTTP::header replace Authorization "Bearer $jws"

	    call delete_jws_cache

       @BIGIP-13.1.0 --First introduced the command.

BIG-IP						      2020-06-23					     iRule(1)