mgmt shared settings api-status log resource

mgmt shared settings api-status log resource(1)   BIG-IP TMSH Manual  mgmt shared settings api-status log resource(1)

       resource - Configures the logging of api-status message for the commands that have one of the specified API
       lifecycle states.

       mgmt shared settings api-status log

       Configure the resource component within the mgmt shared settings api-status log module using the syntax shown
       in the following sections.

	modify resource
	    deprecatedApiAllowed [true | false]
	    earlyAccessApiAllowed [true | false]
	    testOnlyApiAllowed [true | false]

	list resource

       There are six F5 API lifecycle states namely: internal, testOnly, earlyAccess, generalAccess, deprecated,
       noStatus. These states are described at the end of this page. For the commands, command properties in
       deprecated, earlyAccess and testOnly states the resource can be configured by the user.

       The resource settings indicate if the user attempt to access the command would generate a
       [api-status-warning]. These warning will be generated at stderr and /var/log/ltm. For example: if the
       deprecatedApiAllowed property is set to true; then it implies that the accessing the command with deprecated
       status will generate an [api-status-warning].

       Warnings will always be generated regardless of the log resource setting if the command is not available as
       per the mgmt::shared::settings::api-status::log::availability setting

       If these settings are modified in the tmsh interactive mode then, the user has to exit the tmsh interactive
       mode and re-enter for the settings to be effective.

	    Determines if the [api-status-warning] messages will be generated for the commands with deprecated state.
	    The default value is true.

	    Determines if the [api-status-warning] messages will be generated for the commands with earlyAccess
	    state. The default value is true.

	    Determines if the [api-status-warning] messages will be generated for the commands with testOnly state.
	    The default value is true.

       The remaining properties are read-only and are not user modifiable.

F5 API lifecycle policy
       The F5 API lifecycle consists of five states, namely: internal, testOnly, earlyAccess, generalAccess,
       deprecated, noStatus. These states can be described as follows:

	   Internal routing not exposed through public interface

	   Enabled only when test variable configured. Used internally for test cases that require special-case
	   workers to complete functional testing for features not exposed in public API.

	   Experimental and susceptible to change in future releases. Used for new features that haven't had time to
	   be solidified.

	   API that satisfies the API general access release policy.

	   Resource still exists in the API but indicates that there is an preferred alternative or that it may be
	   removed in the future based on deprecation policy.

	   For backward compatibility for APIs not categorized. At some point this status will be disallowed and
	   build time break will occur if resource not categorized with appropriate flag.

       In the write-up above the terms command is used in place of API to describe the behavior of the
       mgmt::shared::settings::api-status::log::resource settings.

       mgmt shared settings api-status availability, mgmt shared setting api-status log resource-property

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2013-2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-06-22      mgmt shared settings api-status log resource(1)