security scrubber dwbl-scrubber-category-stats

security scrubber dwbl-scrubber-category-stats(1) BIG-IP TMSH Manualsecurity scrubber dwbl-scrubber-category-stats(1)

       dwbl-scrubber-category-stats - Show the list of IPs that are associated with a scrubbed category.

       security scrubber

	show dwbl-scrubber-category-stats

       You can use the dwbl-scrubber-category-stats component to display the list of IPs that are associated with a
       scrubbed category.

	show security scrubber dwbl-scrubber-category-stats category-name [name] profile-name scrubber-profile-default

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       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2016-07-07    security scrubber dwbl-scrubber-category-stats(1)