sys log-config filter

sys log-config filter(1)			  BIG-IP TMSH Manual			     sys log-config filter(1)

       filter - Configures the filter component which filters out log messages for distribution by the publisher

       sys log-config

       Configure the filter component within the sys log-config module using the syntax shown in the following

	create filter [name]
	modify filter [name]
	  app-service [[string] | none]
	  description [string]
	  level       [ alert | crit | debug | emerg | err | info | notice | warn ]
	  message-id  [ 8 digit hex number | none ]
	  publisher   [[string] | none]
	  source      [ accesscontrol | accessperrequest | adapt | adfs-proxy | alertd | all |
			api-protection | apmacl | arp | authz | autodiscd | autodosd | avr |
			based | bcm56xxd | bdosd | big3d | big3dshim | bigd | bigdb | bigdbd | bigpipe |
			bigstart | bp | keymgmtd | checkcert | chmand | cifs | clusterd | coapi | common |
			common-f5logging | common-fpdd | config-db | connapi | cs |  cssd | csyncd |
			daemon | debugd | deflate | devmgmtd | diameter | dmon | dosprotect | dummy | dwbld | dynad |
			eca | em-admin | em-alert | em-clientlib | em-common | em-device | em-discovery |
			em-file | em-lib | em-report | em-stats | em-swim | errdefsd | eventd | evrouted |
			fflag | fips | firewall-FQDN | firewall-nat | fix | ftp | get-dossier | gtmd | gtp |
			guestagentd | ha | ha-table | halmsg | hclientd | hornet-lib | hornet-nest |
			hornet-nest-flow-manager | hornet-nest-updater | hornet-neuron-updater | hornet-server |
			hornet-text-client | hostagentd | http | htconnector | hwctl | hwpd |
			icrd | imap | ip | ipfix | ipfix-proxy | ipfixirules | iprepd | ipsec | isession | istatsd |
			ivs | lacpd | layer4 | libhal | lind | lldpd | localdb | lopd | lsn | lsnapi | mamidbridged |
			map | mapi | mcp | mcpd | mcpd-apm | mcpd-asm | mcpd-centmgmt | mcpd-clustering |
			mcpd-dev | mcpd-dpi | mcpd-firewall | mcpd-framework | mcpd-gtm | mcpd-ips | mcpd-ltm |
			mcpd-net | mcpd-pem | mcpd-sys | mcpd-wam | mcpd-woc |
			mdm | mgmt-acld | mr | mrsip | msgbusd | mysqlhad | natstatsd | net |
			network | no-source | packet-filter | pccd | pcp | pem | pfmand | pgadmind |
			pkcs11d | pktclass | plugin | policy | pop3 | portal-access | pptp | probe-plusplus |
			promptstatusd | provisioning | pva | pvad | qkcloud | radius | ramcache | rba |
			rewrite | rtsp | rules |
			saspd | scim | scriptd | sctp | sdmd | sflow | shell | shmmapd | smtps | snmp | sod |
			spolicy | ssl | ssl-orchestrator | sso | stated | statsd | statusd | stmm | stpd | subagents | swg |
			syscall | system-check | tamd | tcl-checker | tcpdump | tftp | tmm | tmm-tcp |
			tmrouted | tmsh | ts | tunnel | urlc | urldb | urldbmgrd | vcmpd | vdi | vxland |
			webssh | websso | woc-plugin | wr-urldbd | xconfig | xdb | zfd | zxfrd | gpa | cryptod |
			icr-eventd | ips | dpi ]

	list filter
	list filter [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	delete filter [name]

       You can use the filter component to configure the filters for the common logging interface.

       create filter my_filter publisher my_pub

       Creates a filter named my_filter with the publisher my_pub.

       delete filter my_filter

       Deletes the filter named my_filter.

       list filter my_filter

       Displays properties of the filter named my_filter.

       all  Specifies that you want to modify all of the existing components of the specified type.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the filter belongs.	The default value is none.
	    Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot
	    modify or delete the filter. Only the application service can modify or delete the filter.

	    User defined description.

       glob Displays the items that match the glob expression. See help glob for a description of glob expression

	    The minimum severity level of logs to be filtered. The severity levels in increasing order are debug,
	    info, notice, warn, err, crit, alert, and emerg.  The default value is debug.

	    A refinement for filtering out specific logs. The default value is none.  This is an eight digit hex
	    number. The proper hex value can be obtained from an existing log message by extracting the eight digit

	    For example, the message-id for the example log message below is highlighted.

	    Oct  9 15:38:20 bigip1 notice mcpd[21498]: 01070410:5: Removed subscription with subscriber id logstatd

       name Specifies a unique name for the component. This option is required for the commands create, delete, and

	    A publisher to send filtered log messages. The default value is none.

	    Displays the items that match the regular expression. The regular expression must be preceded by an at
	    sign (@[regular expression]) to indicate that the identifier is a regular expression. See help regex for
	    a description of regular expression syntax.

	    The stream of log messages that will be filtered by the created/modified filter. The default value is

       create, delete, glob, list, modify, regex, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008, 2012-2013, 2015. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2019-09-11			     sys log-config filter(1)