vcmp guestΒΆ

vcmp guest(1)					  BIG-IP TMSH Manual					vcmp guest(1)

       guest - Configures a cluster of virtual machines (VMs) that run on one or all slots. This cluster is known as
       a vCMP guest.


       Configure the guest component within the vcmp module using the syntax in the following sections.

	create guest [name]
	modify guest [name]
	      hostname [hostname]
	      app-service [[string] | none]
	      boot-priority [integer]
	      initial-hotfix [hotfix-filename]
	      initial-image [image-filename]
	      management-gw [ip-address]
	      management-ip [ip-address/netmask | ip-address/prefixlen]
	      management-network [bridged | isolated]
	      slots [integer]
	      traffic-profile [vcmp-traffic-profile-name]
	      min-slots [integer]
	      allowed-slots {
		  [slot ID] ...
	      cores-per-slot [integer]
	      state [configured | provisioned | deployed]
	      virtual-disk [filename]
	      vlans [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		  [VLAN name] ...
	      capabilities [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
		  [capability Id] [ { value [integer] } ]

	list guest
	show guest


	delete guest [name]

       Manage vCMP guests running on this host.

       list vcmp guest

       Lists the current configuration of all guests.

       show vcmp guest

       Displays detailed information regarding the state and progress of all guests.

       show vcmp guest status

       Displays the running state of all guests, including each guest's prompt status.

       show vcmp guest all-properties

       Displays greater detailed statistics and information on all guests.

       create vcmp guest my_guest slots 4 min-slots 2 management-ip management-gw
       initial-image BIGIP-

       Creates a guest that should span four slots, but must span at least two, with the given management IP and
       gateway, and with the image file BIGIP-, which is used to install TMOS on the guest's virtual
       disks. By default, this guest is in the configured state and has a management network in Bridged mode.

       modify vcmp guest my_guest state provisioned

       Moves the guest into the provisioned state, which causes the host to assign the guest to slots, allocate
       hardware resources to the guest from those slots, and create virtual disks for the guests on those slots.


       Moves the guest into the deployed state, which causes the host to start and maintain VMs on each slot that the
       guest has been assigned to.

       modify vcmp guest my_guest state configured

       Moves the guest back to the configured state, which causes all of its VMs to shut down and the hardware to be
       deallocated. The guest is unassigned from all slots. The guest's virtual disks will remain on the host.

       modify vcmp guest my_guest traffic-profile fiftyMbpsSLAProfile

       Adds a traffic-profile named fiftyMbpsSLAProfile to the guest in question, which is configured under vcmp

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the guest belongs. The default value is none.
	    Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot
	    modify or delete the guest. Only the application service can modify or delete the guest.

	    Specifies the boot priority of a guest. Lower values mean higher boot priorities. The default value is
	    65535. Note: Boot priority is only applied when multiple guests start and hardware resources constrain
	    the number of guests starting.

	    Assigns the specified host name to the guest. The host name must be a FQDN. If none is given, the default
	    of ".localdomain" is used. If the guest's name contains characters that are not allowed in a
	    FQDN, then "localhost.localdomain" is used.

	    This is only a suggested value and may be changed on the guest itself. If the guest ever reverts to the
	    default host name, this suggested host name is used instead of the normal system default.

	    Specifies which hotfix image to install on newly created virtual disks for this guest. This image is only
	    used when initially creating the virtual disks. After initial creation, the typical live-install process
	    should be used on the guest to manage software upgrades. The image filename must match a verified
	    software image file that exists in the /shared/images directory, otherwise the guest will sit in a wait
	    state on any slot that is missing the hotfix image until that image is added.

	    This field is required if the guest state is provisioned or deployed, otherwise it can be left blank.

	    Specifies which software image to install on newly created virtual disks for this guest. This image is
	    only used when initially creating the virtual disks. After initial creation, the typical live-install
	    process should be used on the guest to manage software upgrades. The image filename must match a verified
	    software image file that exists in the /shared/images directory, otherwise the guest will sit in a wait
	    state on any slot that is missing the software image until that image is added.

	    This field is required if the guest state is provisioned or deployed, otherwise it can be left blank.

	    Specifies the IP address of the default gateway for the management network. This IP address is only a
	    suggested value and can be changed on the guest itself. If the guest ever reverts to the default
	    management gateway, the suggested gateway is used instead of the normal system default.

	    This field is required if the guest's management-network is bridged, otherwise it can be left blank.

	    Specifies the management IP address and netmask to assign to the guest. This address floats to the
	    primary slot of the guest.

	    This is only a suggested value and can be changed on the guest itself. If the guest ever reverts to the
	    default management IP address, the suggested IP address is used instead of the normal system default.

	    This field is required if the guest's management-network is bridged, otherwise it can be left blank.

	    Specifies the management network mode for this guest. When in Bridged mode, the management interfaces on
	    the guest's VMs are bridged to the physical management interfaces on the host blades. This enables the
	    guest to communicate with networks attached to these physical interfaces, the host itself, and other
	    guests in Bridged mode.

	    In Isolated mode, the management interfaces of the guest's VMs are completely disconnected. The only way
	    to manage such a guest is by connecting to the console on each of the guest's VMs by using the
	    /usr/bin/vconsole utility or by connecting through a configured self IP on a guest's VLAN.

	    The default value is Bridged.

	    Specifies the SSL mode for this guest. When in shared mode the guest shares the available non-dedicated
	    ssl resources with other guests that are in shared mode. when in dedicated mode the guest receives
	    dedicated SSL hardware resources proportional to number of vcpu cores. When in none mode the guest
	    receives no hardware ssl resources. The default value is shared.

	    Specifies the number of slots to which this guest should be assigned. This number must be greater than
	    zero and no bigger than the cluster size. The host will attempt to assign the guest up to this number of

	    Note that this property can be changed while the guest is in any state. While in the configured state,
	    modifying the slots property has no effect, since the guest has not yet been assigned to any slots. While
	    in the provisioned state, decreasing this field will cause the guest to be unassigned from enough slots
	    to honor the new value. The host will unassign the guest first from slots that have the most allocated
	    resources. When a guest's slots value is increased, the host attempts to assign the guest to as many
	    slots as possible, up to the new slots value. This same behavior occurs when modifying the property while
	    the guest is in the deployed state, except that running VMs are shut down on any slots that the guest is
	    unassigned from, and new VMs are deployed on any slots to which the guest has been newly assigned.

	    The default value is 1.

	    Specifies a traffic-profile to be used in defining characteristics of traffic which transits the guest's
	    data-plane. For instance a traffic-profile with a color-policer on it that limits the network throughput
	    of the guest may be applied to enforce service agreements between a host admin and a guest user, or to
	    help mitigate network level DOS of other guests in the system.

	    This field dictates the number of slots that the guest must be assigned to. If at the end of any
	    allocation attempt the guest is not assigned to at least this many slots, the attempt fails and the
	    change that initiated it is reverted. A guest's min-slots value cannot be greater than its slots value.

	    The default value is 1.

	    This list contains those slots that the guest is allowed to be assigned to. When the host determines
	    which slots this guest should be assigned to, only slots in this list will be considered. This is a good
	    way to force guests to be assigned only to particular slots, or, by configuring disjoint allowed-slots
	    lists on two guests, that those guests are never assigned to the same slot.

	    By default this list includes every available slot in the cluster. This means by default the guest is
	    allowed to be assigned to any slot.

	    This value dictates how many cores a guest is allocated from each slot that it is assigned to. Possible
	    values are dependent on the type of blades being used in this cluster. Use tab-completion to see a list
	    of possible values on the current system.

	    The default cores-per-slot value depends on the type of blades being used in this cluster.

	    Guests are put into the configured state by default. In this state, the configuration for the guest
	    exists on the host, but none of the guest's VMs are running and no hardware resources (for example: CPU
	    cores, memory) are allocated to it. When the guest moves to the provisioned state, hardware resources are
	    allocated to it, and if not already present, virtual disks are created, and the initial-image is
	    installed onto them. In the deployed state, the vcmpd daemon on the host blades use the allocated
	    resources to launch the VMs. Note that moving from the configured state to the deployed state implies the
	    actions that occur in the provisioned state. To shut down a guest's VMs without de-allocating its
	    hardware resources, move the guest from the deployed state to the provisioned state. Moving a guest to
	    the configured state causes its hardware resources to be deallocated. This does not cause the guest's
	    virtual disks to be deleted. They persist on disk and are reused when the vCMP moves back to the
	    provisioned/deployed states.

	    Specifies the filename of the virtual disk to use for this guest's VMs. If the filename does not end in
	    .img, it is appended. When the guest moves to a state in which virtual disks need to be provisioned
	    (provisioned or deployed), a new virtual disk image will be created for the guest with this given
	    filename on each slot that the guest is assigned to and does not already have a virtual disk image. The
	    initial-image is used when creating and installing new virtual disk images. If this field is left blank
	    when virtual disk images need to be provisioned for this guest, a default value of ".img" is
	    assigned. If a virtual disk by that name already exists, then an error is thrown. This prevents virtual
	    disks from accidentally being reused by this assigning of default virtual disk filenames.

	    This list contains the various capability flags and an optional value associated with the guest. The
	    possible capability flags are: appliance-mode, stats-isolated-mode, and host-software-only-mode. The
	    value attributes for these capability flags are currently ignored and may be omitted. The capabilities
	    may be added or removed from a vCMP guest in any state.

	    The appliance-mode capability disables root and bash access to the guest.

	    The stats-isolated-mode capability prevents some guest statistics from being sent to the hypervisor.

	    The host-software-only-mode capability prevents the guest from installing images and hotfixes other than
	    those provided by the hypervisor.

       create, delete, list, modify, show, tmsh, vcmp global, vcmp virtual-disk

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2010-2013, 2015-2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-04-28					vcmp guest(1)