Environment Variable Settings

The configuration file for ADCaaS application is appcluster.rc. Configuration variables are categorized as below:

  • ADCaaS Configuration:

    ADCAAS_APP_PORT: The port ADCaaS listens on. Default: 3000, http, or https.

    ADCAAS_APP_HOST: Default:

    ADCAAS_APP_PROTOCOL: Default: http

    ADCAAS_CERT_KEY: Key file when using https. Default: /var/data/certs/domain.key.

    ADCAAS_CERT_CRT: Cert file when using https. Default: /var/data/certs/domain.crt.

    ADCAAS_ENABLE_HTTPS: Whether to use https. Default: false.

    ENABLE_EFK: Whether to enable installation of Elasticsearch/Fluentd/Kibana. Default: true.

  • Postgres Configuration:

    DATABASE_USER: Database username. Default: postgres.

    DATABASE_PASSWORD: Database password. Default: postgres.

    DATABASE_DB: Database name. Default: postgres.

    DATABASE_PORT: database server port. Default: 5432.

    DATABASE_HOST: database host name. Default: postgres-server. In a Docker container cluster, the postgres-server is the linked name, which is recognized by other containers. You need to customize to other values when using different database instances (i.e. databases in the AWS cloud).

  • OpenStack Configuration:

    This section needs to be updated when initializing ADCaaS based on your OpenStack environment.

    OS_AUTH_URL: OpenStack keystone auth URL. Format: http://<hostname>:<port>/<version>. For example:

    OS_USERNAME: OpenStack service tenant admin username. ADCaaS needs a user with the role of service tenant admin to do some queries over multi-tenants. This user is usually created in keystone dedicated for an ADCaaS application.

    OS_PASSWORD: OpenStack service tenant admin’s password.

    OS_TENANT_ID: OpenStack service tenant ID.

    OS_FLOATINGIP_NETWORK_ID: OpenStack floating IP network ID, for example: a33f84be-e058-482b-9efd-5cef248a6ca4.

    OS_DOMAIN_NAME: Required if identity version is v3. Default value: Default.

    OS_REGION_NAME: Required if region name is not default RegionOne.

    OS_INTERFACE: OpenStack endpoint type. Default: public.

    OS_AVAILABLE_ZONE: Possible useful variable. Default: nova.

  • Onboarding Configuration:

    BIGIQ_* configurations needs to be updated when initializing ADCaaS based on your BIGIQ.

    BIGIQ_HOST: BIG-IQ address. For example:

    BIGIQ_PORT: DO endpoint. Default: https://do-server:443. do-server is a link address in docker-compose. Within docker-compose, the DO process listens on 443.

    BIGIQ_USERNAME: The BIG-IQ username. BIG-IQ is used as a license manager.

    BIGIQ_PASSWORD: The BIG-IQ password.

    BIGIQ_POOL: The license pool name on BIG-IQ.

    DO_RPM_PACKAGE: DO RPM package. In order to reduce the workload of onboarding, install the DO functionalities to BIG-IP. Default value: /var/dependencies/f5-declarative-onboarding-1.5.0-11.noarch.rpm.

    AS3_RPM_URL: AS3 RPM package to install to BIG-IP VE. Default value: file:///var/dependencies/f5-appsvcs-3.10.0-5.noarch.rpm.

    VE_DNS_SERVERS: Onboarding VE parameters. Use a comma to seperate. For example,, Default:

    VE_DNS_SEARCH: Onboarding VE parameters. For example, openstack.local1,openstack.local2, Default: openstack.local.

    VE_NTP_SERVERS: Onboarding VE parameters. Default: 0.pool.ntp.org,1.pool.ntp.org.

    VE_NTP_TIMEZONE: Onboarding VE parameters. Default: UTC.

    VE_LTM_LEVEL: Onboarding VE parameters. Four values for the LTM and ASM provision levels: dedicated | nominal | minimum | none. Default: nominal.

    VE_ASM_LEVEL: Nominal.

  • ASG Configuration:

    ASG_HOST: ASG hostname. Default: asg-server. It is a linked name in docker-compose.

    ASG_PORT: ASG port. Default: 443. Within docker-compose, the ASG process listens on 443.