Software Releases

This document details the CNFs software releases to date by version, and lists the CNFs software images for each release.


The CNFs and Robin software versions listed below are the tested versions, and F5 recommends these versions for the best performance and installation experience.

Supported Platforms

Red Hat OpenShift version 4.12

Software images

Container Version
f5ingress v9.2.11
tmm-img v3.1.6
tmrouted-img v0.10.3
f5-l4p-engine v2.0.8
f5-license-helper v3.0.5
spk-cwc v3.0.7
rabbit v3.0.2
cert-manager-controller 1.3.2
cert-manager-webhook 1.3.2
cert-manager-cainjector 1.3.2
f5-nsec-ips-daemon v2.1.2
f5-dssm-store v3.3.1
f5-fluentd v1.5.0
f5dr-img v0.7.8
f5-debug-sidecar v7.18.3-0.0.20
f5-toda-tmstatsd v4.0.5
f5-fluentbit v0.7.0
f5-dssm-upgrader 1.2.2
opentelemetry-collector 0.62.1

CRD bundle

Bundle Version
f5-cnf-crds-n6lan 5.0.17


The CNFs and Robin software versions listed below are the tested versions, and F5 recommends these versions for the best performance and installation experience.

Supported Platforms

Red Hat OpenShift version 4.10.32

Software images

Container Version
f5ingress v9.0.60
tmm-img v3.0.12
tmrouted-img v0.8.37
f5-l4p-engine v2.0.3
f5-license-helper v3.0.4
spk-cwc v3.0.6
rabbit v3.0.2
cert-manager-controller 1.3.2
cert-manager-webhook 1.3.2
cert-manager-cainjector 1.3.2
f5-nsec-ips-daemon v2.1.2
f5-dssm-store v3.1.0
f5-fluentd v1.4.24
f5dr-img v0.7.8
f5-debug-sidecar v7.18.3-0.0.13
f5-toda-tmstatsd v1.7.21
f5-fluentbit v0.4.1
f5-dssm-upgrader 1.0.20
opentelemetry-collector 0.62.1

CRD bundle

Bundle Version
f5-cnf-crds-n6lan 5.0.13


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