destinationAddress |
The advertised IPv4 address of the application. |
ipv6destinationAddress |
The advertised IPv6 address of the application. |
destinationPort |
Defines the service port for ingress connections. |
ipProtocol |
Specifies the virtual server IP protocol: tcp, udp, or any (default). |
selfipAsDest |
Specify whether to use selfip as the destination IP address for the secure context. If selfipAsDest is set to true and destination addresses are not specified, then the selfIPs from the vlans.vlanList get configured as destination IPs. The default is false. |
profile |
Specifies the profile to be used by the virtual server: fastl4 (default), tcp, udp, or ipother. |
fastL4Settings.profileName |
Specifies how TMM handles connections using the F5BigFastl4Setting CR's value. |
tcpSettings.clientSide |
Specifies how TMM handles clientside TCP connections using the F5BigTcpSetting CR's value. |
tcpSettings.serverSide |
Specifies how TMM handles serverside TCP connections using the F5BigTcpSetting CR's value. |
udpSettings.clientSide |
Specifies how TMM handles clientside UDP connections using the F5BigUdpSetting CR's value. |
udpSettings.serverSide |
Specifies how TMM handles serverside UDP connections using the F5BigUdpSetting CR's value. |
natPolicy |
Specifies the F5BIGNatPolicy CR to reference using the parameter. |
firewallEnforcedPolicy |
Specifies the F5BigFwPolicy CR to reference using the parameter. |
protocolInspectionProfile |
Specifies the F5BigIpsPolicy CR using the parameter. |
logProfile |
Specifies the F5BigLogProfile CR using the parameter. |
iRules |
The F5BigZeroratingirule CR to reference or one or more iRules CRs within F5BigContextSecure CR. |
snat.type |
Specifies the type of address translation: none (default), automap, or snat. |
snat.pool |
When snat.type is snat, specifies the F5BigCneSnatpool CR to reference using the parameter. "test_pool" |
protocolInspectionProfile |
Specifies the F5BigIpsPolicy CR using the parameter. |
vlans |
Specifies one or more F5BigNetVlan CRs using the parameter, that listen for application traffic. |
vlans.disableListedVlans |
When enabled, accept traffic on all VLANs except those defined in the vlans.vlanList paramter: true (default) or false. |
vlans.vlanList |
Specifies a list of F5BigNetVlan CRs to listen for ingress traffic, using the CR's parameter. |
loadBalancingMethod |
Specifies the load balancing method used to distribute traffic across pool members: round-robin distributes connections evenly across all pool members (default), and ratio-least-connections distributes connections first to members with the least number of active connections. |
fastL4.idleTimeout |
Specifies the number of seconds that a fastL4 connection can remain idle before deletion: 0 to 4294967295. The default values is 300. |
ipother.client.idleTimeout |
Specifies the number of seconds that an ipother client-side connection can remain idle before deletion: 0 to 4294967295. The default is 60. |
ipother.server.idleTimeout |
Specifies the number of seconds that an ipother server-side connection can remain idle before deletion: 0 to 4294967295. The default is 60. |