HTTP Compression profile (object)

HTTP Compression profile with configurable options

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
allowHTTP10 boolean false true, false Specifies whether to forward HTTP 1.0 requests/responses (default false)
bufferSize integer 4096 256 - 4294967295 Maximum number of response octets to buffer before deciding whether to apply compression (default 4096)
class* string   “HTTP_Compress”  
contentTypeExcludes array     List of response Content-Type values which BIG-IP AS3 should not compress. Values are regular expressions that match Content-Type strings
contentTypeIncludes array “text/”   List of response Content-Type values which BIG-IP AS3 should compress. Values are regular expressions that match Content-Type strings
cpuSaver boolean true true, false If true (default), system will reduce compression rate when CPU utilization exceeds cpuSaverHigh threshold and increase it when CPU utilization falls below cpuSaverLow threshold
cpuSaverHigh integer 90 15 - 99 CPU utilization percentage (default 90) above which BIG-IP AS3 should moderate compression
cpuSaverLow integer 75 10 - 95 CPU utilization percentage (default 75) below which the system returns compression to normal
gzipLevel integer 1 1 - 9 Compression level (default 1); higher values produce greater compression but use more CPU cycles
gzipMemory integer 8 1 - 256 Compression memory allocation in kilobytes (default 8), should be a power of two
gzipWindowSize integer 16 1 - 128 Compression window size in kilobytes (default 16), should be a power of two
keepAcceptEncoding boolean false true, false Specifies that the system does not remove the Accept-Encoding header from an HTTP request (default false)
label string   “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
minimumSize integer 1024 128 - 131072 BIG-IP AS3 will not compress responses of fewer octets than this (default 1024)
preferMethod string “gzip” “gzip”, “deflate” Select preferred compression method (default gzip, strongly recommended)
remark string   “^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$” Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
selective boolean false true, false If true, BIG-IP AS3 will only compress a response when an iRule attached to the virtual server requests it (default is false, meaning BIG-IP AS3 will compress responses which meet the criteria in this profile)
uriExcludes array     List of request URI’s for which BIG-IP AS3 should not compress responses. Values are regular expressions that match request URI strings
uriIncludes array     List of request URI’s for which BIG-IP AS3 should compress responses. Values are regular expressions that match URI strings
varyHeader boolean true true, false If true (default), a Vary header will appear in compressed responses