Rewrite_Profile (object)

Configures a rewrite profile

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
bypassList array     List of URIs that are bypassed in a web page when a rewrite mode of portal is used
certificate string     BIG-IP AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration (optional)
class* string   “Rewrite_Profile”  
clientCachingType string “cache-css-js” “cache-all”, “cache-css-js”, “cache-img-css-js”, “no-cache” The type of client caching used
javaCaFile object {“bigip”:”/Common/ca-bundle.crt”}   The CA Bundle used to verify Java applets signature certificates,Reference to a Ca Bundle
javaSignKeyPassphrase object     Passphrase if any for query authentication,A value: (a) in a cryptogram in this object; (b) in a cryptogram elsewhere in this declaration; or (c) available from a URL
label string   “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
locationSpecificEnabled boolean false true, false Specifies if this contains an attribute with values specific to the location that the BIG-IP device resides
remark string   “^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$” Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
requestSettings object {}   The request settings used for uri-translation,Request settings for Rewrite_Profile
responseSettings object {}   The response settings used for uri-translation,Response settings for Rewrite_Profile
rewriteList array     List of URIs that are rewritten inside a web page when a rewrite mode of portal is used
rewriteMode string “portal” “portal”, “uri-translation” The mode of rewriting that is used.uri-translation is a rules-based rewrite mode. portal is for use with Portal Access
setCookieRules array     The rules for rewriting HTTP Set-Cookie headers. Used with a rewrite mode of uri-translation
splitTunnelingEnabled boolean false true, false Determines if the profile provides for split tunneling
uriRules array     The rules for rewriting request and response headers and response bodies. Used with a rewrite mode of uri-translation

Rewrite_Profile.javaCaFile (object)

The CA Bundle used to verify Java applets signature certificates Reference to a Ca Bundle

Default: {“bigip”:”/Common/ca-bundle.crt”}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
bigip string   “f5bigip” formatted string Pathname of existing BIG-IP Ca Bundle
use string   “^[@A-Za-z€-￿/][@0-9A-Za-z€-￿_./-]*$” Path to object in declaration

Rewrite_Profile.javaSignKeyPassphrase (object)

Passphrase if any for query authentication A value: (a) in a cryptogram in this object; (b) in a cryptogram elsewhere in this declaration; or (c) available from a URL

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
allowReuse boolean false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value

Rewrite_Profile.requestSettings (object)

The request settings used for uri-translation Request settings for Rewrite_Profile

Default: {}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
insertXforwardedForEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if X-Forwarded-For header
insertXforwardedHostEnabled boolean false true, false Determines if X-Forwarded-Proto header
insertXforwardedProtoEnabled boolean false true, false Determines if X-Forwarded-Host header
rewriteHeadersEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if request headers are rewritten

Rewrite_Profile.responseSettings (object)

The response settings used for uri-translation Response settings for Rewrite_Profile

Default: {}

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
rewriteContentEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if response content should be rewritten
rewriteHeadersEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if response headers should be rewritten

Rewrite_Profile_Request_Settings (object)

Request settings for Rewrite_Profile

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
insertXforwardedForEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if X-Forwarded-For header
insertXforwardedHostEnabled boolean false true, false Determines if X-Forwarded-Proto header
insertXforwardedProtoEnabled boolean false true, false Determines if X-Forwarded-Host header
rewriteHeadersEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if request headers are rewritten

Rewrite_Profile_Response_Settings (object)

Response settings for Rewrite_Profile

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
rewriteContentEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if response content should be rewritten
rewriteHeadersEnabled boolean true true, false Determines if response headers should be rewritten

Rewrite_Profile_Uri_Rule (object)

A URI rule

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
client object     The client URI
server object     The server URI
type string “both” “both”, “request”, “response” The type of rule. request will affect request headers only, response will affect response headers and bodies, and both will do request and response

Rewrite_Profile_Uri_Rule.client (object)

The client URI

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
host string     The host of the client URI
path* string     The path of the client URI. Must be an absolute directory path
port string     The port of the client URI
scheme string     The scheme of the client URI

Rewrite_Profile_Uri_Rule.server (object)

The server URI

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
host string     The host of the server URI
path* string     the path of the server URI. Must be an absolute directory path
port string     The port of the server URI
scheme string     The scheme of the server URI