Service_Address (object)¶
Service IP address definition (BIG-IP virtual-address). NOTE: When BIG-IP AS3 creates a Service_Address, it is placed in /tenant/serviceAddress (and not /tenant/app/serviceAddress) on the BIG-IP system.
Properties (* = required):
name | type(s) | default | allowed values | description |
arpEnabled | boolean | true | true, false | If true (default), the system services ARP requests on this address |
class | string | “Service_Address” | ||
icmpEcho | string | “enable” | “enable”, “disable”, “selective” | If true (default), the system answers ICMP echo requests on this address |
label | string | “^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$” | Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML | |
remark | string | “^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$” | Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks | |
routeAdvertisement | string | “disable” | “enable”, “disable”, “selective”, “always”, “any”, “all” | If true, the route is advertised |
serverScope | string | “any” | “any”, “all”, “none” | Specifies when the virtual address is considered available. When a virtual address is available and Route Advertisement is enabled or selective, the BIG-IP system advertises the route for the virtual address. The default value is ‘any’. ‘any’ When any virtual server is available: Advertises the route when any virtual server is available. ‘all’ When all virtual servers are available: Advertises the route when all virtual servers are available. ‘none’ Always advertises the route regardless of the virtual servers available. |
spanningEnabled | boolean | false | true, false | Enable all BIG-IP systems in device group to listen for and process traffic on the same virtual address |
trafficGroup | string | “default” | Specifies the traffic group which the Service_Address belongs. | |
virtualAddress* | string | “f5ip” formatted string | The virtual IP address. Defaults to mask /32. |