Per-Application Declarations

BIG-IP AS3 3.50 introduces a per-application deployment model, which enables AS3 declarations to include only some tenant applications, leaving other applications in a tenant unaltered. This can greatly simplify updating the BIG-IP AS3 configuration (especially when the initial declaration is very large with many applications), and ease automated deployments.

In previous releases, BIG-IP AS3 only supported a tenant-based model. This meant all applications had to be included in the tenant; if you posted a declaration that did not include existing applications in that tenant, AS3 deleted them. With the per-application deployment model, you send a request to a new endpoint, which includes the tenant as a part of the URI. This allows you post a declaration that contains only one or more applications, and AS3 leaves the other applications in the tenant untouched.


The source of truth for the BIG-IP configuration remains the entire declaration. This feature allows you to update this declaration without resending the entire declaration, similar to the PATCH method.
You can use this per-application functionality together with traditional AS3 declarations, as long as you keep in mind when you post a traditional (non-per-application) declaration, it is the source of truth and configures the tenant according to the objects contained in that declaration.

If you have feedback on this feature, please open a GitHub issue at

Enabling/disabling the per-application feature

Per-Application deployments will be enabled by default, but can be disabled on the /settings endpoint. For more information about the settings endpoint, see Settings Endpoint.

To enable per-application deployments, send a POST to HTTPS://<BIG-IP IP address>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/settings with the following request body:

perAppDeploymentAllowed: true

To see the current settings, or verify the per-application feature is enabled, send a GET request to HTTPS://<BIG-IP IP address>/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/settings.

Example per-application declaration

A per-application declaration is similar to a traditional declaration, but there is no Tenant class and the per-application declaration uses a different AS3 endpoint. The per-application declaration allows all CRUD operations to a specific tenant and application in the URI path without specifying the tenant in the declaration.

The following is an example per-application declaration (note the lack of the Tenant class).

    "id": "per-app-declaration",
    "schemaVersion": "3.50.0",
    "controls": {
        "class": "Controls",
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "trace": true
    "Application1": {
        "class": "Application",
        "service": {
            "class": "Service_HTTP",
            "virtualAddresses": [
            "pool": "pool"
        "pool": {
            "class": "Pool",
            "members": [
                    "servicePort": 80,
                    "serverAddresses": [

POSTing a per-application

The URI path for POSTing a per-application declaration is /appsvcs/declare/<tenant>/applications.

For example, you could send the example declaration to: POST HTTPS://

This would update the tenant named ExampleTenant as specified in the URI, with the application Application1 as specified in the example declaration.


If you send a POST request and use a tenant name in the URI that does not already exist, AS3 creates a tenant with that name, and puts the applications into the tenant.

Using GET to view applications

There are two API paths you can use for GET requests to per-application declarations:

  • /appsvcs/declare/<tenant>/applications <br>
  • /appsvcs/declare/<tenant>/applications/[<application>]

For example:

GET HTTPS:// retrieves all applications in ExampleTenant.

GET HTTPS:// retrieves the applicationName application only in ExampleTenant.

You can also send a GET request to the /declare endpoint, and the entire declaration is returned.

Deleting a per-application declaration

To delete a specific application, you can send a DELETE request to /appsvcs/declare/<tenant>/applications/[<application name>].

You must specify the application(s) you want to delete as a part of the URI. If you delete all of the applications in a tenant, AS3 deletes the tenant as well.

For example, to delete the Application1 application from the previous example: DELETE HTTPS://

Additional per-application declarations

The following are additional example declarations for per-application deployments.

Per-Application example with multiple applications in the declaration

The following example includes two applications in the per-application declaration.

    "id": "per-app-declaration",
    "schemaVersion": "3.50.0",
    "controls": {
        "class": "Controls",
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "trace": true
    "Application1": {
        "class": "Application",
        "service": {
            "class": "Service_HTTP",
            "virtualAddresses": [
            "pool": "pool"
        "pool": {
            "class": "Pool",
            "members": [
                    "servicePort": 80,
                    "serverAddresses": [
    "Application2": {
        "class": "Application",
        "service": {
            "class": "Service_HTTP",
            "virtualAddresses": [
            "pool": "pool"
        "pool": {
            "class": "Pool",
            "members": [
                    "servicePort": 80,
                    "serverAddresses": [

Per-Application example with a pool

This example is a per-application declaration that includes an application with only a pool (no virtual service, or other objects).

    "id": "per-app-declaration",
    "schemaVersion": "3.50.0",
    "controls": {
        "class": "Controls",
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "trace": true
    "app1": {
        "class": "Application",
        "template": "generic",
        "pool1": {
            "class": "Pool",
            "loadBalancingMode": "round-robin",
            "minimumMembersActive": 1,
            "reselectTries": 0,
            "serviceDownAction": "none",
            "slowRampTime": 11,
            "minimumMonitors": 1