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End of Technical Support for F5 OpenStack LBaaS version 1

F5 announces the End of Technical Support (EoTS) for the F5 OpenStack LBaaS version 1 integration. This announcement is in compliance with the OpenStack community deprecation of the OpenStack Neutron LBaaS version 1 plugin. Customers are encouraged to move to OpenStack LBaaS version 2.

F5 ceased to repair defects and perform maintenance on the F5 OpenStack LBaaS version 1 integration as of the Openstack Ocata release in April 2017.

For additional information, please refer to the F5 End of Life policy.

Neutron Agent Commands

You can use Neutron agent commands to manage agent processes via the CLI.


In order to use the Neutron command set, you need source a user file that has admin permissions.

$ source keystonerc_admin

List all agents

$ neutron agent-list
| id                                   | agent_type         | host                                         | alive | admin_state_up | binary                    |
| 11b4c7ca-aaf9-4ac8-8b9f-2003e021cf23 | Metadata agent     | host-29                                      | :-)   | True           | neutron-metadata-agent    |
| 13c25ea9-ca58-4b69-af27-fb1ea8824f65 | L3 agent           | host-29                                      | :-)   | True           | neutron-l3-agent          |
| 4c71878e-ac49-4a60-81d3-af3793705460 | Open vSwitch agent | host-29                                      | :-)   | True           | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| 4e9df1b2-4fb7-4d01-8758-ca139038b0c8 | Loadbalancer agent | host-29                                      | :-)   | True           | neutron-lbaas-agent       |
| 640c19de-4362-4c4e-88b1-650092e62169 | DHCP agent         | host-29                                      | :-)   | True           | neutron-dhcp-agent        |
| e4921123-000c-4172-8a79-72e8f0d357e2 | Loadbalancer agent | host-29:3eb793cb-fa51-549d-a15b-253ce5405fcf | :-)   | True           | f5-oslbaasv1-agent        |

Show details for a specific agent

$ neutron agent-show <agent-id>

# neutron agent-show e4921123-000c-4172-8a79-72e8f0d357e2
| Field               | Value                                                                    |
| admin_state_up      | True                                                                     |
| agent_type          | Loadbalancer agent                                                       |
| alive               | True                                                                     |
| binary              | f5-oslbaasv1-agent                                                       |
| configurations      | {                                                                        |
|                     |      "icontrol_endpoints": {                                             |
|                     |           "": {                                              |
|                     |                "device_name": "",  |
|                     |                "platform": "Virtual Edition",                            |
|                     |                "version": "BIG-IP_v11.6.0",                              |
|                     |                "serial_number": "65d1af65-d236-407a-779a9e02c4d9"        |
|                     |           }                                                              |
|                     |      },                                                                  |
|                     |      "request_queue_depth": 0,                                           |
|                     |      "environment_prefix": "",                                           |
|                     |      "tunneling_ips": [],                                                |
|                     |      "common_networks": {},                                              |
|                     |      "services": 0,                                                      |
|                     |      "environment_capacity_score": 0,                                    |
|                     |      "tunnel_types": [                                                   |
|                     |           "gre",                                                         |
|                     |           "vlan",                                                        |
|                     |           "vxlan"                                                        |
|                     |      ],                                                                  |
|                     |      "environment_group_number": 1,                                      |
|                     |      "bridge_mappings": {                                                |
|                     |           "default": "1.1"                                               |
|                     |      },                                                                  |
|                     |      "global_routed_mode": false                                         |
|                     | }                                                                        |
| created_at          | 2016-02-12 23:13:40                                                      |
| description         |                                                                          |
| heartbeat_timestamp | 2016-02-16 17:35:11                                                      |
| host                | host-29:3eb793cb-fa51-549d-a15b-253ce5405fcf                             |
| id                  | e4921123-000c-4172-8a79-72e8f0d357e2                                     |
| started_at          | 2016-02-12 23:13:40                                                      |
| topic               | f5-lbaas-process-on-agent                                                |