Config Examples

Below are examples of using the CLI to manage authentication and global configuration settings.

Create an authentication account

The following are examples of how to create an authentication config for an authentication provider. Any commands that interact with BIG-IP or Cloud Services require that authentication to that BIG-IP is already configured.

f5 config auth create --authentication-provider bigip
    --name bigip-1 --host --user myuser
f5 config auth create --authentication-provider bigip --name bigip-2
    --host --user myuser --password mypassword --set-default
f5 config auth create --authentication-provider cs
    --name cs-1 --user --password blah

Update an authentication account

The following are examples of how to update authentication accounts:

f5 config auth update --name bigip-1 --user aws --password mypassword --set-default
f5 config auth update --name cs-1 --user --password mypassword

Delete an authentication account

The following is an example of how to delete an authentication config auth:

f5 config auth delete --name bigip-1

List all authentication accounts

The following is an example of how to list all the authentication accounts:

f5 config auth list

Toggle a default authentication account

The following is an example of how to set default authentication config auth:

f5 config auth update --name cs-1 --set-default

Set global config

The following is an example of how to set the global output format setting:

f5 config set-defaults --output json


    "message": "CLI defaults updated successfully."

Disable SSL Warnings through global config settings

The following is an example of how to disable SSL warnings:

f5 config set-defaults --disable-ssl-warnings true


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