dSSM Database¶
The Service Proxy for Kubernetes (SPK) distributed Session State Management (dSSM) Pods provide centralized and persistent storage for the Service Proxy Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) Pods. The dSSM Pods are Redis data structure stores that maintain application traffic data such as DNS/NAT46 translation mappings. The dSSM Pods bind to Kubernetes persistence volumes to persist data in the event of a container restart.
This document describes the dSSM Pods, and guides you through configuring and installing the f5-dssm-sentinel and f5-dssm-db containers.
Note: To upgrade the dSSM databases and preserve all persisted data, review the Upgrading dSSM guide.
Sentinels and DBs¶
The dSSM Pods integrate as a StatefulSet, containing three dSSM Sentinel Pods and three dSSM DB Pods to maintain high availability. The Sentinel Pods elect and monitor a primary dSSM DB Pod, and if the primary dSSM DB Pod fails, a secondary DB will assume the primary role.
Additional high availability¶
The dSSM Pods also use the standard Kubernetes node affinity
and PodDisruptionBudget
features to maintain additional levels of high availability.
Each dSSM Sentinel and DB Pod schedules onto a unique cluster node by default. The dSSM scheduling behavior can be modified using the dSSM Helm affinity_type
Setting | Description |
required | Ensures the target cluster node does not currently host a Pod with the app=f5-dssm-db annotation (default). |
preferred | Attempt to schedule Pods onto unique nodes, but two dSSM Pods may schedule onto a single node when no schedulable nodes exists. |
custom | Scheduling behavior may be tuned specifically to the cluster admins requirements using the dSSM values.yaml file. |
Helm parameter examples:
affinity_type: "required"
affinity_type: "required"
Kubernetes Assigning Pods overview.
A minimum of 2 dSSM Pods remain available at all times based on the dSSM Helm pod_disruption_budget
parameter. This parameter blocks voluntary interruptions to the dSSM Pod’s Running status. For example, if three schedulable nodes are available, and the admin runs oc adm drain
on two of nodes in quick succession, the second action will be blocked until another schedulable node is added to the cluster.
Helm parameter examples:
min_available: 2
min_available: 2
Kubernetes Disruptions overview.
Sentinel Service¶
After installing dSSM, a dSSM Sentinel Service is created that receives data from TMM on TCP service port 26379, and forwards to the dSSM DB Pods using the same service port number. Ensure the Service port is available, and the cluster has CoreDNS enabled. In this example, the SPK components will need to resolve the f5-dssm-sentinel.spk-utilities hostname.
Example dSSM Service:
Name: f5-dssm-sentinel
Namespace: spk-utilities
Port: sentinel 26379/TCP
Ensure you have:
- Uploaded the SPK Software.
- A workstation with OpenSSL installed.
- A workstation with Helm installed.
Use the following steps to install the dSSM DB and Sentinel Pods.
Change into local directory with the SPK TAR files, and ensure the Helm charts have been extracted:
cd <directory>
ls -1 tar
In this example, the SPK files are in the spkinstall directory:
cd spkinstall
ls -1 tar
In this example, the dSSM Helm chart is named f5-dssm-3.0.38.tgz:
csrc-0.4.2.tgz cwc-2.0.17.tgz f5-cert-gen-0.5.2.tgz f5-cert-manager-0.5.12.tgz f5-dssm-3.0.38.tgz f5-toda-fluentd-3.0.25.tgz f5ingress-1711.0.3.tgz rabbitmq-2.0.5.tgz spk-docker-images.tgz
Create a new Project for the dSSM Pods:
Note: If you created a Project for the Fluentd Pod, switch to the project with
oc project spk-utilities
.oc new-project <project>
In this example, a new Project named spk-utilities is created:
oc new-project spk-utilities
Add the dSSM serviceAccount to the Project’s privileged security context constraint (SCC):
Note: The f5-dssm serviceAccount name is based on the Helm release name. See Step 6.
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n <project> -z <serviceaccount>
In this example, the f5-dssm serviceAccount is added to the spk-utilities Project’s privileged SCC:
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n spk-utilities -z f5-dssm
Generate the mTLS Secret for the TMM and dSSM communication channels:
Note: The mTLS certificate can take up to 1 minute to generate.
openssl dhparam -out dhparam2048.pem 2048 openssl base64 -A -in dhparam2048.pem -out dhparam2048-encode.pem echo "apiVersion: v1" > dssm-certs.yaml echo "kind: Secret" >> dssm-certs.yaml echo "metadata:" >> dssm-certs.yaml echo " name: dssm-certs-secret" >> dssm-certs.yaml echo "data:" >> dssm-certs.yaml echo " dhparam2048.pem: `cat dhparam2048-encode.pem`" >> dssm-certs.yaml
Install the Secret to the dSSM Project:
In this example, the Secrets install to the spk-utilities Project:
oc apply -f dssm-certs.yaml -n spk-utilities
The command response should state the Secrets have been created:
secret/dssm-certs-secret created
Install the Secret to the F5ingress Project:
In this example, the Secrets install to the spk-ingress Project:
oc apply -f dssm-certs.yaml -n spk-ingress
The command response should state the Secrets have been created:
secret/dssm-certs-secret created
Create a Helm values file named dssm-values.yaml, and set the
parameters:In this example, Helm pulls the f5-dssm-store images from registry.com:
image: repository: registry.com sentinel: fluentbit_sidecar: image: repository: registry.com db: fluentbit_sidecar: image: repository: registry.com cert_client_sidecar: image: repository: registry.com
Required: If you deployed the Fluentd Logging Pod, you can send logging data to the f5-fluentd container by adding the
parameters to the values file:sentinel: fluentbit_sidecar: fluentd: host: '<fluentd hostname>' db: fluentbit_sidecar: fluentd: host: '<fluentd hostname>'
In this example, the Fluentd container is deployed to the spk-utilities Project:
sentinel: fluentbit_sidecar: fluentd: host: 'f5-toda-fluentd.spk-utilities.svc.cluster.local.' db: fluentbit_sidecar: fluentd: host: 'f5-toda-fluentd.spk-utilities.svc.cluster.local.'
Change to the dSSM database Project:
oc project <dssm project>
In this example, dSSM is in the spk-utilities Project:
oc project spk-utilities
Install the dSSM Pods:
Important: The string f5-dssm is the Helm release name. If a different release name is used, ensure the name is added to the privileged SCC.
helm install f5-dssm tar/f5-dssm-<tag>.tgz -f <values>.yaml
For example:
helm install f5-dssm tar/f5-dssm-3.0.38.tgz -f dssm-values.yaml
All dSSM Pods will be available after the election process, which can take up to a minute.
Important: DB entries may fail to be created during the election process if TMM installs prior to completion. TMM will connect after the process completes.
oc get pods
In this example, the dSSM Pods in the spk-utilities Project have completed the election process, and the Pod STATUS is Running:
NAME READY STATUS f5-dssm-db-0 3/3 Running f5-dssm-db-1 3/3 Running f5-dssm-db-2 3/3 Running f5-dssm-sentinel-0 3/3 Running f5-dssm-sentinel-1 3/3 Running f5-dssm-sentinel-2 3/3 Running
The dSSM DB Pods should be bound to the persistent volumes:
oc get pvc
In this example, the dSSM Pod’s PVC STATUS is Bound:
NAME STATUS VOLUME data-f5-dssm-db-0 Bound pvc-c7060354-64d2-456b-9328-aa38f19b44b5 data-f5-dssm-db-1 Bound pvc-8358b993-bf21-4fd7-a0fa-ee84ec420aac data-f5-dssm-db-2 Bound pvc-de65ed0f-f616-4021-a158-e0e78ed4539e
To securely connect the TMM and dSSM Pods, to the SPK Controller Helm values file requires the following paramaters:
Important: Set the
parameter to the Project of the dSSM Pod. In this example, spk-utilities.tmm: sessiondb: useExternalStorage: "true" customEnvVars: - name: SESSIONDB_DISCOVERY_SENTINEL value: "true" - name: SESSIONDB_EXTERNAL_SERVICE value: "f5-dssm-sentinel.spk-utilities" - name: SSL_SERVERSIDE_STORE value: "/tls/tmm/mds/clt" - name: SSL_TRUSTED_CA_STORE value: "/tls/tmm/mds/clt"
Once the SPK Controller has installed, verify connectivity between the dSSM and TMM Pods:
oc logs f5-tmm-bcfd54cb9-tfqqv -c f5-tmm -n spk-ingress | grep 'server successful'
In this example, the dSSM and TMM Pods have successfully connected.
Feb 04 21:24:41.193114 tmm[36]: redis_sentinel_connected/1004: Connection establishment with REDIS SENTINEL server successful
Provide feedback to improve this document by emailing spkdocs@f5.com.