Lab 3.1: SSLo configuration through declarative API --------------------------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **20 minutes** In this lab, **Larry** will provide to **David** with a new JSON blob so that **David** can deploy a SSLo Outbound service with one Declarative API call. Service creation with one Declarative API call ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Connect to ``Visual Studio Code`` by clicking on the link under ``Access`` menu on ``Ubuntu`` machine (follow |location_link_vscode_restclient|). .. |location_link_vscode_restclient| raw:: html instructions #. VSC will open, and on the left menu, click on file ```` in ``project`` directory .. image:: ../pictures/module3/click_postman_SSLo.png :align: center :scale: 60% #. Now, on the right frame, you can see the different ``Postman`` calls. We will run them, one by one. It is important to understand each of them #. The ``first call`` is to authenticate against the BIG-IQ, and get a token. Use the first call (line #9). Click on ``Send Request`` .. image:: ../pictures/module3/authenticate.png :align: center :scale: 60% #. You should see on the right frame, the response from BIG-IQ. Now, you have a token, and you can send REST calls to BIG-IQ. #. It is time to send our ``declarative API call`` that will configure our required configuration. #. The JSON blob (the declarative call) is below. You can notice the different sections (Topology, SSL_Settings, Security Policy, Service_Chain, Service) .. code :: javascript { "template": { "TOPOLOGY": { "name": "sslo_NewTopology_Dec", "ingressNetwork": { "vlans": [ { "name": "/Common/VLAN_TAP" } ] }, "type": "topology_l3_outbound", "sslSetting": "ssloT_NewSsl_Dec", "securityPolicy": "ssloP_NewPolicy_Dec" }, "SSL_SETTINGS": { "name": "ssloT_NewSsl_Dec" }, "SECURITY_POLICY": { "name": "ssloP_NewPolicy_Dec", "rules": [ { "mode": "edit", "name": "Pinners_Rule", "action": "allow", "operation": "AND", "conditions": [ { "type": "SNI Category Lookup", "options": { "category": [ "Pinners" ] } }, { "type": "SSL Check", "options": { "ssl": true } } ], "actionOptions": { "ssl": "bypass", "serviceChain": "ssloSC_NewServiceChain_Dec" } }, { "mode": "edit", "name": "All Traffic", "action": "allow", "isDefault": true, "operation": "AND", "actionOptions": { "ssl": "intercept" } } ] }, "SERVICE_CHAIN": { "ssloSC_NewServiceChain_Declarative": { "name": "ssloSC_NewServiceChain_Dec", "orderedServiceList": [ { "name": "ssloS_ICAP_Dec" } ] } }, "SERVICE": { "ssloS_ICAP_Declarative": { "name": "ssloS_ICAP_Dec", "customService": { "name": "ssloS_ICAP_Dec", "serviceType": "icap", "loadBalancing": { "devices": [ { "ip": "", "port": "1344" } ] } } } } }, "targetList": [ { "type": "DEVICE", "name": "" } ] } #. Click on ``Send Request`` and check the right frame of the screen. .. image:: ../pictures/module3/send_decl_config.png :align: center :scale: 60% #. Now, let's check the status. To do so, we will use another REST call. #. Scroll down on the right side and copy the ``access-workflow ID``. This ID is the last string in ``selflink`` attribut. In this example the ID is ``a8d44084-0ace-4cd9-99d0-c9ba789ef128``. You might need to click on the link and then copy it from the URL in the new tab to get it copied. .. image:: ../pictures/module3/access_workflow_id.png :align: center :scale: 60% #. On the left side scroll down to the section "Check status" and replace the ID by the one you just copied. #. For example: ``GET https://{{bigiq}}/mgmt/cm/sslo/tasks/api/a8d44084-0ace-4cd9-99d0-c9ba789ef128 HTTP/1.1`` #. Now click on ``Send Request`` #. You should see a ``200 OK``, and ``status : Finshed`` .. image:: ../pictures/module3/response_check_status.png :align: center :scale: 60% #. Connect to BIG-IQ GUI as ``david`` and double check under ``SSL Orchestrator`` that the ``Topologies: sslo_NewTopology_Dec`` got created. .. image:: ../pictures/module3/BIG-IQ_SSLO_Topo_view.png :align: center :scale: 60% .. note:: Congrats, with one call, you deployed a new SSLo Topology including SSL_Settings, Security Policy, Service_Chain and Service