Lab 8.4: AWS BIG-IP HA VE Creation and Onboarding using the API --------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: Estimated time to complete: **30 minutes** In this lab, we are going to create and onboard from scratch a cluster of BIG-IPs in AWS using BIG-IQ. Using what you learned in previous labs, you can run the same below steps using the BIG-IQ UI to create and onboard the VE. .. include:: /accesslab.rst Tasks ^^^^^ 1. Open Visual Studio Code, then use the **Visual Studio code REST client extension** and authenticate to BIG-IQ (follow |location_link_vscode_restclient3|). 2. If not already done, run through `Lab 8.1 Prepare your AWS Account`_. .. _Lab 8.1 Prepare your AWS Account: ./lab1.html 3. First, let's get the Cloud Environment Reference. Using Visual Studio Code REST client, use the **BIG-IQ API** call and replace the method and URL with ``GET``. Save the **selfLink** value. Example: ``"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/environments/cbda6942-0224-391a-885f-681fec4f8b94"`` 4. Click right and duplicate the tab. Replace the method and URL with ``POST``. Copy/Paste the below from the validator to the body under the call using the REST client VS code extension. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 5 { "name": "bigipvm-cluster01", "veName": "bigipvm-cluster01", "environmentReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/environments/cbda6942-0224-391a-885f-681fec4f8b94" } } .. note:: You **MUST** accept the terms of the instance in AWS before you can launch the image. Accept the EULA here_ .. _here: Let's retrieve the ``privateKeyFilename`` by doing a GET on the same URI: ``GET``. Keep a note of it as we will need it later. 5. Repeat previous step to create the 2nd VE. Don't forget to update the veName. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 5 { "name": "bigipvm-cluster02", "veName": "bigipvm-cluster02", "environmentReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/cloud/environments/cbda6942-0224-391a-885f-681fec4f8b94" } } Let's retrieve the ``privateKeyFilename`` by doing a GET on the same URI: ``GET``. Keep a note of it as we will need it later. 6. Login as **david** and navigate to Devices > BIG-IP VE Creation and see the 2 BIG-IPs created in AWS using the BIG-IQ API. |image23| 7. By logging into the AWS Console with your ephemeral account, you can see the newly created EC2 instances. BIG-IQ has also created a Network Interface Card, Security Group, Storage Account, and a Public IP Address. |image24| Note the Private DNS and IPs which will be used later. This information could be retrieved using the `AWS API`_. .. _AWS API: +--------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | BIG-IP VE Name | Public IP | Private DNS | Private IPs | Private Key Filename | +====================+================+=============================================+===============+=================================================+ | bigipvm-cluster01 | | | | /var/ssh/restnoded/bigipvm-cluster01_57989.pem | +--------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | bigipvm-cluster02 | | | | /var/ssh/restnoded/bigipvm-cluster02_10783.pem | +--------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ 8. Copy below example of an DO Declaration into a JSON validator. The validator is your IDE (Integrated development environment). Use the IDE available within the lab environment, click on the *Access* button of the *Ubuntu Lamp Server* system and select *Visual Studio Code*. You can also use an online tool such as ``_. .. note:: It is recommended to `validate your DO declaration`_ against the schema using Microsoft Visual Studio Code. .. _validate your DO declaration: .. Make sure all highlighted information are correct (targetHost=Public IP, Private Key filename, Private DNS and IPs). .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 46,50,55,57,58,66,72,76,78 { "class": "DO", "declaration": { "schemaVersion": "1.5.0", "class": "Device", "async": true, "Common": { "class": "Tenant", "myDbVariables": { "class": "DbVariables", "configsync.allowmanagement": "enable" }, "myLicense": { "class": "License", "licenseType": "licensePool", "licensePool": "byol-pool", "bigIpUsername": "admin", "bigIpPassword": "u7BnD@4f5" }, "myProvision": { "class": "Provision", "ltm": "nominal", "asm": "nominal", "avr": "nominal" }, "myNtp": { "class": "NTP", "servers": [ "" ], "timezone": "UTC" }, "admin": { "class": "User", "shell": "bash", "userType": "regular", "partitionAccess": { "all-partitions": { "role": "admin" } }, "password": "u7BnD@4f5" }, "myConfigSync": { "class": "ConfigSync", "configsyncIp": "" }, "myFailoverUnicast": { "class": "FailoverUnicast", "address": "" }, "myDeviceGroup": { "class": "DeviceGroup", "type": "sync-failover", "owner": "", "members": [ "", "" ], "autoSync": true, "asmSync": true, "networkFailover": true }, "myDeviceTrust": { "class": "DeviceTrust", "remoteHost": "", "localUsername": "admin", "localPassword": "u7BnD@4f5", "remoteUsername": "admin", "remotePassword": "u7BnD@4f5" }, "hostname": "" } }, "targetUsername": "admin", "targetHost": "", "targetPort": 8443, "targetSshKey": { "path": "/var/ssh/restnoded/bigipvm-cluster01_57989.pem" }, "bigIqSettings": { "clusterName": "cluster-aws-lab", "conflictPolicy": "USE_BIGIQ", "deviceConflictPolicy": "USE_BIGIP", "failImportOnConflict": false, "versionedConflictPolicy": "KEEP_VERSION", "statsConfig": { "enabled": true } } } 9. Open Visual Studio Code, then use the **Visual Studio code REST client extension** and authenticate to BIG-IQ (follow |location_link_vscode_restclient3|). 10. Using Visual Studio Code REST client, use the **BIG-IQ AS3 Declaration** call and replace the method and URL with ``POST``. Copy/Paste the DO declaration from the validator to the body under the call using the REST client VS code extension. 11. You can use GET to the URI ```` to track whether a declaration is successful or get information on why it failed. Note the ``id`` will be return when doing the initial POST during previous step. .. code:: "result": { "class": "Result", "code": 202, "status": "RUNNING", "message": "processing" }, You can also check the following logs on BIG-IQ and BIG-IP under ``/var/log/restjavad.0.log`` and ``/var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log`` 12. Login as **david** and navigate to Devices > BIG-IP Onboarding and see the BIG-IP being provisioned. |image25| When onboarding is completed, you will see the task completed successfuly: |image26| The GET on the URI monitoring the task will also show a success message. .. code:: "result": { "class": "Result", "code": 200, "status": "OK", "message": "success" }, .. note:: In case the onboarding task fails, look at the error message, make necessary fix to the DO declaration and retry. If the first attempt fails after setting the admin password, you may need to remove the ``"targetSshKey": { .. },`` and ``"admin": { "class": "User", ... }`` sections and add ``"targetPassphrase": "u7BnD@4f5",`` under ``targetUsername`` to the declaration. 13. Repeat the same steps to onboard the 2nd VE. Don't forget to update all the necessary highlighted values. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 46,50,55,57,58,66,72,76,78 { "class": "DO", "declaration": { "schemaVersion": "1.5.0", "class": "Device", "async": true, "Common": { "class": "Tenant", "myDbVariables": { "class": "DbVariables", "configsync.allowmanagement": "enable" }, "myLicense": { "class": "License", "licenseType": "licensePool", "licensePool": "byol-pool", "bigIpUsername": "admin", "bigIpPassword": "u7BnD@4f5" }, "myProvision": { "class": "Provision", "ltm": "nominal", "asm": "nominal", "avr": "nominal" }, "myNtp": { "class": "NTP", "servers": [ "" ], "timezone": "UTC" }, "admin": { "class": "User", "shell": "bash", "userType": "regular", "partitionAccess": { "all-partitions": { "role": "admin" } }, "password": "u7BnD@4f5" }, "myConfigSync": { "class": "ConfigSync", "configsyncIp": "" }, "myFailoverUnicast": { "class": "FailoverUnicast", "address": "" }, "myDeviceGroup": { "class": "DeviceGroup", "type": "sync-failover", "owner": "", "members": [ "", "" ], "autoSync": true, "asmSync": true, "networkFailover": true }, "myDeviceTrust": { "class": "DeviceTrust", "remoteHost": "", "localUsername": "admin", "localPassword": "u7BnD@4f5", "remoteUsername": "admin", "remotePassword": "u7BnD@4f5" }, "hostname": "" } }, "targetUsername": "admin", "targetHost": "", "targetPort": 8443, "targetSshKey": { "path": "/var/ssh/restnoded/bigipvm-cluster02_10783.pem" }, "bigIqSettings": { "clusterName": "cluster-aws-lab", "conflictPolicy": "USE_BIGIQ", "deviceConflictPolicy": "USE_BIGIP", "failImportOnConflict": false, "versionedConflictPolicy": "KEEP_VERSION", "statsConfig": { "enabled": true } } } 14. Login as **david** and navigate to Devices > BIG-IP Onboarding and see the BIG-IP being provisioned. |image27| 15. Login as **david** and navigate to Devices > Devices see both BIG-IPs have been added to BIG-IQ. They can be now used to deploy application services and security policies. |image28| 16. Using Visual Studio Code REST client, use the **BIG-IQ AS3 Declaration** call and replace the method and URL with ``POST``. Copy/Paste the AS3 declaration below to the body under the call using the REST client VS code extension. Note the target address is one of the BIG-IP public address of the BIG-IQ HA Cluster (you can use either active or standby). We are using demo backend application server ```` running the Hackazon Web App. This AS3 application service will deploy an HTTP application service to optimize HTTP traffic toward the app server(s) on port 8080. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 11,25 { "applicationDescription": "This is an HTTP AS3 Application service", "applicationName": "myWebApp", "appSvcsDeclaration": { "class": "AS3", "action": "deploy", "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.12.0", "target": { "address": "" }, "aws": { "class": "Tenant", "webAppServiceHttp1": { "class": "Application", "schemaOverlay": "AS3-F5-HTTP-lb-template-big-iq-default-v1", "template": "http", "serviceMain": { "pool": "Pool", "enable": true, "profileHTTP": { "use": "HTTP_Profile" }, "virtualPort": 8080, "profileAnalytics": { "use": "Analytics_Profile" }, "virtualAddresses": [ "" ], "class": "Service_HTTP" }, "Pool": { "members": [ { "adminState": "enable", "servicePort": 80, "serverAddresses": [ "" ] } ], "class": "Pool" }, "HTTP_Profile": { "fallbackRedirect": "", "fallbackStatusCodes": [ 404 ], "class": "HTTP_Profile" }, "Analytics_Profile": { "collectIp": true, "collectGeo": true, "collectUrl": true, "collectMethod": true, "collectUserAgent": true, "collectOsAndBrowser": true, "collectResponseCode": true, "collectClientSideStatistics": true, "class": "Analytics_Profile" } } } } } } |image29| 16. Test the application service by opening a browser and typing the Virtual Server IP address/port ````. You should see the *Hello, World* website. |image30| 17. Go back on the BIG-IQ application dashboard and look at the HTTP analytics. .. |image23| image:: pictures/image23.png :width: 60% .. |image24| image:: pictures/image24.png :width: 60% .. |image25| image:: pictures/image25.png :width: 60% .. |image26| image:: pictures/image26.png :width: 60% .. |image27| image:: pictures/image27.png :width: 60% .. |image28| image:: pictures/image28.png :width: 80% .. |image29| image:: pictures/image29.png :width: 60% .. |image30| image:: pictures/image30.png :width: 60% .. |location_link_vscode_restclient3| raw:: html instructions