Lab 1.1 - Prep CentOS


This installation will utilize centOS v7.6.


The lab assumes that each VM is a single interface only. If multi-interface be sure to update default route to use the interface required for your deployment. Openshift always defaults to the interface with a default route.


The following commands need to be run on all three nodes unless otherwise specified.

  1. From the jumpbox open mRemoteNG and start a session to each of the following servers. The sessions are pre-configured to connect with the default user “centos”.

    • okd-master1
    • okd-node1
    • okd-node2
  2. “git” the demo files


    These files should be here by default, if NOT run the following commands.

    git clone -b develop ~/agilitydocs
    cd ~/agilitydocs/openshift
  3. Ensure the OS is up to date

    sudo yum update -y
    #This can take a few seconds to several minutes depending on demand to download the latest updates for the OS.
  4. Install various support packages

    sudo yum install -y vim ntp make python git curl tcpdump
  5. Reboot to ensure fully operational OS

    sudo reboot
  6. For your convenience we’ve already added the host IP & names to /etc/hosts. Verify the file:

    cat /etc/hosts

    The file should look like this:


    If entries are not there add them to the bottom of the file be editing “/etc/hosts” with ‘vim’

    sudo vim /etc/hosts
    #cut and paste the following lines to /etc/hosts    okd-master1    okd-node1    okd-node2
  7. The lab VM’s have updated host names and should match the “hosts” file. Verify the hostname:


    If the hostname are incorrect on any of the VM’s use the appropriate command below:

    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname okd-master1
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname okd-node1
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname okd-node2
  8. Create, share, and test the SSH key. Master only


    SSH keys were configured to allow the jumphost to login without a passwd as well as between the master & nodes to facilitate the Ansible playbooks. The following steps are only necessary if SSH connectivity fails.

    Create the key:

    ssh-keygen #Accept the defaults.

    Share the public key with each node:

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ centos@okd-master1
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ centos@okd-node1
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ centos@okd-node2

    Test SSH connectivity from master to nodes:

    ssh okd-master1
    ssh okd-node1
    ssh okd-node2
  9. Install NetworkManager (openshift required)

    sudo yum install -y NetworkManager
    sudo systemctl start NetworkManager && sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager
  10. Install the docker packages

    sudo yum install -y docker
    sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker
  11. Verify docker is up and running

    sudo docker run --rm hello-world

    If everything is working properly you should see the following message
