Lab 1.4 - F5 Container Connector Usage

Now that our container connector is up and running, let’s deploy an application to test both route domans / partitions.

For this lab we’ll use a simple pre-configured docker image called “f5-hello-world”. It can be found on docker hub at f5devcentral/f5-hello-world

To deploy “f5-hello-world” on ose-master1 and ose-master2 create the following files:

  1. Create a file called f5-hello-world-deployment.yaml

     1apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
     2kind: Deployment
     4  name: f5-hello-world
     6  replicas: 2
     7  template:
     8    metadata:
     9      labels:
    10        run: f5-hello-world
    11    spec:
    12      containers:
    13      - name: f5-hello-world
    14        image: "f5devcentral/f5-hello-world:develop"
    15        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    16        ports:
    17        - containerPort: 8080
    18          protocol: TCP
  2. Create a file called f5-hello-world-service.yaml

     1apiVersion: v1
     2kind: Service
     4  name: f5-hello-world
     5  labels:
     6    run: f5-hello-world
     8  ports:
     9  - port: 8080
    10    protocol: TCP
    11    targetPort: 8080
    12  type: ClusterIP
    13  selector:
    14    run: f5-hello-world

Now we need to creat the f5 configmap of the application for each partition.

  1. Create a file called f5-hello-world-configmap-10.yaml on ose-master1

     1apiVersion: v1
     2kind: ConfigMap
     4  name: f5-hello-world
     5  namespace: default
     6  labels:
     7    f5type: virtual-server
     9  schema: "f5schemadb://bigip-virtual-server_v0.1.7.json"
    10  data: |
    11    {
    12      "virtualServer": {
    13        "frontend": {
    14          "balance": "round-robin",
    15          "mode": "http",
    16          "partition": "okd10",
    17          "virtualAddress": {
    18            "bindAddr": "",
    19            "port": 80
    20          }
    21        },
    22        "backend": {
    23          "serviceName": "f5-hello-world",
    24          "servicePort": 8080,
    25          "healthMonitors": [{
    26            "interval": 5,
    27            "protocol": "http",
    28            "send": "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
    29            "timeout": 16
    30          }]
    31        }
    32      }
    33    }
  2. Create a file called f5-hello-world-configmap-20.yaml on ose-master2

     1apiVersion: v1
     2kind: ConfigMap
     4  name: f5-hello-world
     5  namespace: default
     6  labels:
     7    f5type: virtual-server
     9  schema: "f5schemadb://bigip-virtual-server_v0.1.7.json"
    10  data: |
    11    {
    12      "virtualServer": {
    13        "frontend": {
    14          "balance": "round-robin",
    15          "mode": "http",
    16          "partition": "okd20",
    17          "virtualAddress": {
    18            "bindAddr": "",
    19            "port": 80
    20          }
    21        },
    22        "backend": {
    23          "serviceName": "f5-hello-world",
    24          "servicePort": 8080,
    25          "healthMonitors": [{
    26            "interval": 5,
    27            "protocol": "http",
    28            "send": "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
    29            "timeout": 16
    30          }]
    31        }
    32      }
    33    }
  3. We can now launch our application:


    oc create -f f5-hello-world-deployment.yaml
    oc create -f f5-hello-world-service.yaml
    oc create -f f5-hello-world-configmap-10.yaml


    oc create -f f5-hello-world-deployment.yaml
    oc create -f f5-hello-world-service.yaml
    oc create -f f5-hello-world-configmap-20.yaml
  4. To check the status of our deployment, you can run the following commands:

    oc get pods -o wide
    oc describe svc f5-hello-world
  5. To test the app you need to pay attention to connect to the jumphost, open browser and got and