Lab 1.1 - Install OpenShift

Via RDP connect to the UDF lab “jumpbox” host.


Username and password are: ubuntu/ubuntu

  1. On the jumphost open a terminal and start an SSH session with kube-master1.

  2. “git” the OKD Installer and Client tools


    These files are preinstalled on the Jumpbox image. If files are missing use the following instructions.

    1. Download the linux client tools

      Client tools for OpenShift

    2. Untar both files

      tar -xzvf openshift-client-linux-4.8.0-0.okd-2021-10-10-030117.tar.gz
      tar -zxvf openshift-install-linux-4.8.0-0.okd-2021-10-10-030117.tar.gz
    3. Move “oc” & “kubectl” to “/usr/local/bin”

      sudo mv oc /usr/local/bin
      sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
    4. Move “openshift-install” to user home directory

      mv openshift-install ~
  3. “git” the demo files


    These files should be here by default, if NOT run the following commands.

    git clone -b develop ~/agilitydocs
  4. Go to the Terraform deployment directory

    cd ~/agilitydocs/terraform
  5. Create openshift ignition config


    This config is specific to the F5 UDF environment.

  6. Export KUBECONFIG for cluster access

    export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/ignition/auth/kubeconfig
  7. Prep terraform (Run each command one by one)


    If any errors are returned from the following commands, be sure to report them to the lab team.

    terraform init --upgrade
    terraform validate
    terraform plan
  8. Deploy cluster


    Due to the nature of UDF this process can sometimes error out and fail. Simply rerun the command until the process finishes.

    terraform apply -auto-approve
  9. Update local hosts file with openshift api info


    This script finds the external LB’s public IP and adds an entry to /etc/hosts. This is required to find and connect to the newly created cluster from the jumpbox.

  10. Once terraform successfully creates all the openshift objects, you can view the the node status.


    Run this command several times until all node status is “Ready”.

    oc get nodes
  11. To add the worker nodes to the cluster we need to approve the worker node CSR’s.


    It may take several minutes before the “Pending” CSR’s appear.

    View all CSR’s

    oc get csr

    Approve pending CSR’s


    This command will need to be run twice. Run “oc get csr” between attemtps to see the approved and newly created pending csr’s.

    oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty oc adm certificate approve
  12. Watch for cluster operators deploy.


    This process can take up to ~10 minutes

    watch -n3 oc get co
  13. Connect to the openshift web console



    To find the console password

    cat ~/agilitydocs/terraform/ignition/auth/kubeadmin-password

    username = kubeadmin

    password = see hint above


    The console will not be available until the “console” operator finishes deploying.