DevSecOps Workshop in Azure > Class1 - Learn DevSecOps in Azure with Terraform and GitHub > Module 2 - Deploy Nginx App Protect in your environment Source |
Lab 1 - Build and push the Nginx App Protect docker image¶
In order to expose the Sentence Application, we will deploy a NAP as a POD (not Ingress) in order to expose and protect the Sentence Application.
The docker image will stay static. It means, we don’t want to re-build a new image everytime a config update is done. It means configuration files will be imported from a source of truth (Github). A configuration update is:
- A new application exposed (nginx.conf)
- A NAP policy update (signature, violation exception …)
Create the Azure Container Registry secret in AKS¶
The NAP image is a private image. You are not allowed to push this image in a public repo. It means, your AKS needs to know how to connect to this private registry.
In Azure Container Registry, it is stray forward:
In the first lab, we created the AKS (K8S) and the ACR (Container Registry). At the end of the lab, we did a Terraform Export in order to get the username, password and registry name.
Retrieve the
andregistry name
from the Terraform ExportCreate the k8s secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry secret-azure-acr --namespace sentence --docker-server=<your_registry> --docker-username=<username-generated> --docker-password=<password-generated>
Check the secret is created
❯ kubectl get secret -n sentence NAME TYPE DATA AGE default-token-xhmzs 3 6d5h secret-azure-acr 1 6d5h
Your AKS is now able to download docker image from your Azure Container Registry
Build and push the Nginx App Protect docker image¶
directory, copy yournginx-repo.crt
Modifty the
script so it points to your GitHub repogit clone --branch dev<YOUR_REPO>/devsecops-nap.git /tmp/devsecops/ ......
This script is run at every boot. If you look at deeper in the script, you can see the script clones your GitHub repo (dev branch) in the nginx directory. It means the Nginx will run with the config files coming from the GitHub repo -> GitHub is our
source of truth
Build your docker image
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --no-cache --secret id=nginx-crt,src=nginx-repo.crt --secret id=nginx-key,src=nginx-repo.key -t <your_registry> .
Push your NAP image into your private registry
docker push <your_registry>