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DevSecOps Workshop in Azure¶
Workshop under construction
Welcome to the DevSecOps Workshop in Azure - 2022
The content contained here leverages a full DevOps CI/CD pipeline and is sourced from the GitHub repository at https://github.com/f5devcentral/DevSecOps-Workshop. Bugs and Requests for enhancements can be made by opening an Issue within the repository.
This workshop is focused on DevSecOps methodolgy with Nginx solutions. It covers:
- The deployment of the workshop environment in Azure via Terraform
(Module 1)
- Azure Container Registry to store your Nginx App Protect docker images
- Azure Kubenetes Cluster
- Understanding of DevSecOps methodology with Nginx solutions and you will be the CI pipeline (manuel apply)
(Module 2)
- Github as source of truth
- Terraform as infra and config as code
- Yourself as a CI
- DevSecOps methodology with Nginx solutions with Terraform Cloud
(Module 3)
- Github as source of truth
- Terraform as infra and config as code
- Terraform Cloud as a CI

- An Azure tenant with the subscription
- Azure CLI
- Kubectl CLI and/or k8s tools like Lens/k9s
- Nginx App Protect license
- Terraform
- Docker desktop or CE
- As a reminder, Docker Desktop is not free anymore for organizations
- For F5ers, you can learn how to install Docker CE on Mac and Windows here https://f5.sharepoint.com/sites/CoP-ModernApps/SitePages/replace-Docker-Desktop-on-macOS-and-Windows.aspx