Lab 1 - Workload config

  1. We now need to create the workload that will define the configuration on how and where to deploy the Stocks POD
  1. Distributed Apps -> Applications -> Virtual K8s -> Click on $$vk8sName$$ -> Workloads -> Add VK8s Workload

    Object Value
    Name arcadia-stocks
    Select Type of Workload Service
  2. In the same screen -> Configure -> Under Containers click Add Item -> Fill the bellow data -> Apply

    Object Value
    Name stocks
    Image Name
  3. In the same screen -> Under Where to Deploy the workload choose Regional Edge Sites -> Configure -> Fill the bellow data -> Apply

    Object Value
    Input box system/tn2-lon
  4. In the same screen -> Under Advertise In Cluster click Configure -> Toggle the Show Advanced Fields switch -> Fill the bellow data -> Apply -> Apply -> Save and Exit

    Object Value
    Port 80
    Target Port Different than Port
    Different than Port 8080
    1 Click Config