F5 XC EMEA Workshop > Class 4 - API Protection > Dynamic API Protection Source |
Enable API code scanning discovery¶
F5 solutions can detect and protect APIs during the full API develoment lifecycle which includes also to learn API endpoints and further information to e.g. build the schema from the source code the developers create and maintain on the code repository.
We use the “Sentence application” source code for this lab: https://github.com/ca-scans/sentence-source-code-v2
There is also a video and a FAQ available for F5 employees
Enable Code Base Integration¶
- Goto Web App & API Protection > API Management > Code Base Ingration
- Add a new “Code Base Integration” with the following values
- Name:
- Code base:
Github Integration
- Github UserName:
please check the "internal" tab in the UDF deployment for the username
- GitHub Personal Access Token:
please check the "internal" tab in the UDF deployment for the token
- Name:

- Click on Configure under “GitHub Personal Access Token” to enter the token into “Secret to Blindfold”.

- Click Apply and Save and Exit
- Go to settings and change it as shown in the screenshot below to display further information. The Health status should change from “INITIALIZING” to “CONNECTED”.

- XC is going to scan the code, so give it some time until you see further updates on e.g. the “Number of API Repositories”

Assign the Code Base Integration to the Load Balancer¶
- Edit your Load Balancer, go to the API Protection and enable API Discovery (keep the default settings)

- In the same configuration screen, look for API repositories and click on Configure
- In “Select Code Base Integrations” click on “Add Item”
- Select the previously created Code Base “github-sentence”
- Select “Selected API Repositories”
- Select ca-scans/sentence-source-code-v2

Select Apply twice and Save and Exit