Secure the Application

Securing the ChatBot is very important but before doing that even more important is securing the full application.

In order to achive this we will do a WAAP config protection on our application which at the same time will actually help us some of the OWASP Top 10 GeniAi attacks.

We will enable and configure the following:

  1. App Firewall - F5XC Web Application Firewall based on negative security
  2. API discovery and protection based on Arcadia Crypto OpenApi Spec which will allow us to protect the APIs and enforce positive security
  3. Bot protection
  4. DDOS protection

We have already published the application, now we will finish the security configuration.

  1. We will start by configuring our App Firewall policy

    Web App & API Protection → App Firewall → Add App Firewall → Fill the bellow data → Save and Exit

    Object Value
    Name arcadia-waf
    Enforcement Mode blocking
  2. Create an API definition based on the pre uploaded Arcadia Crypto OpenApi Spec

    Web App & API Protection → Api Management → Api Definition → Add API Definition → Fill the bellow data → Save and Exit

    Object Value
    Name arcadia-api-definition
    OpenAPI Specification Files Add Item → shared/arcadia-crypto-oas/v5-24-09-04
  3. Now we will go to the Load Balancer config and do the rest:

    Web App & API Protection → Load Balancers → HTTP Load Balancer → Click the 3 dots under the arcadia-re-lb row → Manage Configuration → Edit Configuration

    1. Attach the Web Application Firewall policy to the HTTP Load Balancer

      Object Value
      Web Application Firewall (WAF) Enable
      Enable $$namespace$$/arcadia-waf
    2. Enable BOT protection

      Object Value
      Bot Defense Enable
      Bot Defense Region EU

      On the same place click Configure under Bot Defense Policy → Configure → Add Item → Fill the bellow data → Apply → Apply → Apply

      Object Value
      Name chatbot
      HTTP Methods POST
      Prefix /v1/ai/chat
      Select Bot Mitigation action Block
    3. Enable API Discovery and API Protection

      Object Value
      API Discovery Enable
      API Definition Enable → Choose $$namespace$$/arcadia-api-definition
      Validation API Inventory

      Click View Configuration under API Inventory → Fill in the bellow config

      Object Value
      Request Validation Enforcement Type Block
      Request Validation Properties Enable all options
      Fall Through Mode Custom

      Click Configure under Custom Fall Through Rule ListAdd Item → Fill in the bellow config → Apply → Apply → Apply → Save and Exit

      Object Value
      Name only-apis
      Action Block
      Type Base Path
      Base Path /v1