Inserting AI Gateway in the traffic flow

Now that we have an understanding of what AI Gateway is and how it works we will need to achive the bellow architecture.

  1. First we need to modify the Arcadia Crypto App to point to the AIGW instead of the Ollama endpoint

    Go to the UDF DeploymentComponents → Click Access on MicroK8sWebshell

    Copy paste the bellow command.

    sed -i "s/$$ollama_public_ip$$:11434/" /home/ubuntu/arcadia_crypto/arcadia.yaml
    kubectl --kubeconfig /home/ubuntu/.kube/config apply -f /home/ubuntu/arcadia_crypto/arcadia.yaml
  2. Next we need to prepare the AIGW configuration. At the moment AI Gateway is in early access and the configuration will be done through yaml files.

    Go to the UDF DeploymentComponents → Click Access on AI GatewayWebshell.

    Once we got the linux bash go to /home/ubuntu/aigw/ directory, all config will be done here.

    cat << EOF > /home/ubuntu/aigw/initial_config.yaml
    mode: standalone
      address: :8080
      address: :4141
    # The routes determine on what URL path the AIGW is listening
      - path: /api/chat
        policy: arcadia_ai_policy
        timeoutSeconds: 600
        schema: openai
    # What policy is applied to the route
      - name: arcadia_ai_policy
          - name: default
    # To what LLM endpoint we forward the request to
      - name: ollama
        executor: http
          endpoint: "http://$$ollama_public_ip$$:11434/api/chat"
          schema: ollama-chat
    # What do we do with the request, at the moment we just forward it
      - name: default
          - name: ollama
  3. Now that we got our initial config ready bring up the AI Gateway with docker compose.

    docker compose up -d
  1. Bring up the logs to see the traffic going through the AI Gateway* with the bellow command and go chat with the **ChatBot

    docker logs aigw-aigw-1 -f