F5 XC EMEA Workshop > Class 6 - AI Gateway > Protecting the ChatBot with AI Gateway Source |
Route based on language¶
One of the AIGW capabilities is to use processors to tag prompts and make routing decisions to the correct LLM.
We are going to configure our first processor. The processor will indetify the prompt language and it will tag it so that the AIGW Core will route it to a specialized LLM.
In our application we want to fully support the French language. To achive this we have deployed a specialized model ( mistral ) for the Italian language.
Copy paste the config new config and push it to the AI Gateway.
cat << EOF > /home/ubuntu/aigw/lab3.yaml mode: standalone adminServer: address: :8080 server: address: :4141 # The routes determine on what URL path the AIGW is listening routes: - path: /api/chat policy: arcadia_ai_policy timeoutSeconds: 600 schema: openai # What policy is applied to the route policies: - name: arcadia_ai_policy profiles: - name: default # To what LLM endpoint we forward the request to services: - name: ollama executor: http config: endpoint: "http://$$ollama_public_ip$$:11434/api/chat" schema: ollama-chat - name: ollama-mistral executor: http config: endpoint: "http://$$ollama_public_ip$$:11434/api/chat" schema: ollama-mistral # What do we do with the request, at the moment we just forward it profiles: - name: default inputStages: - name: analyze steps: - name: language-id services: - name: ollama - name: ollama-mistral selector: tags: - "language:it" # Here we will find all our processor configuration processors: - name: language-id type: external config: endpoint: "http://aigw-processors-f5:8000" version: 1 namespace: f5 EOF curl --data-binary "@/home/ubuntu/aigw/lab3.yaml" http://localhost:8080/v1/config
Go ahead and chat with the ChatBot in Italian, Come va la tua giornata, amico mio, tutto bene? .