Review the Terraform Configuration Files ================================================================================ You will now review the Terraform configuration files to understand what they do. Terraform Directory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The **terraform** directory contains all of the configuration files needed to deploy the lab environment in AWS. #. In the **VS Code** terminal, list the Terraform directory. .. code-block:: bash ls terraform You should see several Terraform (\*.tf) files listed. The various components of the lab are deployed via separate configuration files to make it easier to manage. .. code-block:: bash ha-via-lb templates terraform.tfvars.example View Terraform Files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #. Review these files with VS Code by executing the following: .. code-block:: bash code . *'code' + + * Wait for VS Code to launch a new window and display the project directory in the left panel. | .. tip:: If the font is too small or too large, you can adjust the size by pressing **** (control-plus) or **** (control-minus). | #. Click on the **terraform** directory to expand it. #. Click on each file that corresponds to the sections below. VS Code provides Terraform syntax highlighting when the **HashiCorp Terraform extension** is installed. Terraform Providers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Providers enable configuration of dependencies for resource providers (e.g., minimum version for AWS, Azure). .. list-table:: **Providers** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Defines the AWS Terraform Provider dependencies. | Terraform Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables allow you to create flexible and scalable Terraform deployments by eliminating hardcoded values in each configuration file. .. list-table:: **Terraform Variables** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Defines all Terraform variables (and some default values) used in the other configuration files. * - terraform.tfvars.example - Examples of explicitly configured Terraform variable values. This is a template for your own **terraform.tfvars** file, which will set (or override) values for the variables defined in the **** file. | Virtual Network -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network objects types are defined in separate Terraform configuration files. .. list-table:: **Virtual Network Deployment** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Creates the **hub** VPC, subnets, and route tables (to Internet and app VPC). * - - Creates the **app** VPC, subnets, and route tables. * - - Creates the **Transit Gateway** to route traffic between the **hub** and **app** VPCs. This simplifies the peering of VPCs. * - - Creates the Internet Gateway. A route table in the file defines a default route to the Internet Gateway. An **Internet Gateway** provides external access to resources within the VPCs. * - - Creates the NAT Gateway for outbound Internet access from the application subnet. This is needed for the app servers to perform their onboarding. A route table in the file is associated with the 'internal' subnet to send app server outbound traffic to the Internet Gateway. * - - Creates the network Security Groups that control access to/from the VPC Subnets. A Security Group protects the BIG-IP public management IP - allowing only connections from your jump host's public IP address. * - - Creates an Elastic IP address (EIP) / public IP and associates it to a private BIG-IP Virtual IP Address. This allows Internet clients to reach a BIG-IP Virtual Server. .. note:: Access to lab Public IPs is restricted by a Security Group that contains your jump host public IP address. | EC2 Instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each EC2 VE instance is defined in a separate Terraform file. .. list-table:: **EC2 VM Deployment** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Creates Terraform data sources containing the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) IDs for the BIG-IP VE and Linux app server EC2 instances. They are filtered based on the **f5_ami_search_name** and **linux_ami_search_name** variables. The most recent image version is selected When multiple AMI IDs are returned. * - - Creates an AWS Key Pair for SSH access to BIG-IPs and Linux app servers. A copy of these values will also be stored locally (**f5lab.key,**) Also creates a random 16-character password for the BIG-IP admin user account (used for BIG-IP GUI access). * - - Deploys a demo application server instance in AZ1 of the **app** VPC. Creates a **Network interface** (app_az1 subnet). * - - Deploys a demo application server instance in AZ2 of the **app** VPC. Creates a **Network interface** (app_az2 subnet). * - - Deploys a BIG-IP VE instance in AZ1 of the **hub** VPC. Creates the following: - 3 **Network interfaces** (hub_bigip1_mgmt, hub_bigip1_external, hub_bigip1_internal) - An EIP / public IP that is associated with the BIG-IP's private management self IP to provide remote administration access). - F5 onboarding configuration (BIG-IP Runtime Init and F5 Automation Toolchain extensions) * - - Deploys a BIG-IP VE instance in AZ2 of the **hub** VPC. Creates the following: - 3 **Network interfaces** (hub_bigip1_mgmt, hub_bigip1_external, hub_bigip1_internal) - An EIP / public IP that is associated with the BIG-IP's private management self IP to provide remote administration access. - F5 onboarding configuration (BIG-IP Runtime Init and F5 Automation Toolchain extensions) .. note:: Access to the lab BIG-IP Management Public IPs is restricted by a Security Group that contains your jump host public IP address. | F5 Automation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The base system settings and network configuration are provisioned using **F5 Automation Toolchain** extensions. .. list-table:: **BIG-IP Onboarding** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - templates/f5_onboard_3nic_custom.tmpl - Template for rendering **BIG-IP Runtime Init** and **Declarative Onboarding** configuration data. A cloud-init script is created that will: - Install and executes the BIG-IP Runtime Init onboarding tool - Install F5 Automation Toolchain extension packages for DO, AS3, CFE, and TS - Deploy a DO declaration to configure the base system settings (glboal settings, admin user/password, SSH key, resource provisioning, etc) and network settings (3 interfaces, VLANs, self IPs, routes) The **** and **** files reference this template to generate their onboarding configuration file. The rendered template output will be saved to local files (**bigip1_f5_onboard.rendered** and **bigip2_f5_onboard.rendered**) which you can view after applying the Terraform. See the following links for more details: - |runtime-init_link| - |do_link| | .. list-table:: **App Deployment with AS3** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Creates ECDSA key and certificate files (**,,,**) * - - Creates an AS3 declaration file with ECDSA certificates. This is used with the **F5 VS Code Extension**. * - - Creates a JSON file containing the BIG-IP public management IP addresses. This is used with the **F5 VS Code Extension**. | .. list-table:: **HA via API with CFE** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Creates an S3 Bucket and IAM policy for use with the Cloud Failover Extension. | .. list-table:: **HA via LB** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - ha-via-lb/ - Creates an AWS Network Load Balancer for BIG-IP HA failover | .. list-table:: **Telemetry Streaming** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Creates Amazon CloudWatch resources for analytics integration. | Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Terraform files are included to support this lab. .. list-table:: **Miscellaneous Configuration** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Filename - Description * - - Determines the jump host's public IP address. Referenced by the security groups that restrict access to the lab Public IPs. * - - Creates a Postman environment variables file based on Terraform variables and dynamic data. * - templates/f5lab_postman_env_template.json - Template for the Postman environment variables file that is generated by | Terraform Outputs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output values are included in some of the Terraform files (rather than consolidated in a separate file). The outputs are covered in the next section. .. |runtime-init_link| raw:: html f5-bigip-runtime-init .. |do_link| raw:: html f5-declarative-onboarding