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Pulling Docker containers

If you are an F5’er, then you have access to an internal docker registry.

If you are reading this, then you should also know what that registry is. If not, then visit this link

These instructions are only relevant to you if you are an F5’er. If not, feel free to skip over this document.

How it works

At this registry there is an organization named f5ansible. There are several repositories in this organization. For instance,

  • f5ansible/py2.7
  • f5ansible/py3.5
  • f5ansible/py3.6
  • etc

You get the idea.

Each of these images is, as their name implies, a different Docker environment for each version of Python that we develop and test upon.

These containers are also named in the various image keys inside of the docker-compose file contained in this repository. For example,

    image: f5ansible/py2.7:devel
      context: ..

All of the containers that you see are built nightly at midnight by a trigger that is fired when a Jenkins job completes. That job is found in this jenkins-job-builder file.

  • test/pipeline/ci.f5.f5-ansible-public-to-private.yaml

Therefore, when you come in the next morning (assuming you work in Seattle) you will have a new set of docker images available to you.

Configure registry authentication

The first step required to get these updated containers on a regular basis is that you must log in to the registry service mentioned above and get a set of encrypted credentials that the service can provide you with.

Clicking the settings for your account (upper right corner of the registry) you will be presented with the option of a CLI password.

Click the associated link and you will be asked to verify your current password. Enter it as required.

In the modal dialog window that appears you have the option of choosing Docker Configuration. Click that tab.

Follow the instructions on screen to properly configure your ~/.docker/config.json file.

Updating the site docker-compose

F5 has its own registry for containers. To configure your docker-compose files to use it, start by locating the following file

  • devtools/

Next, copy this file, renaming it to the following.

  • devtools/

Finally, open the file for editing. Inside of the file is a descriptive header that will instruct you on how to edit the file. In particular, you need to add the URL of the F5 Docker registry. If you do not know what this is, ask a co-worker for assistance.

Getting the images

With the above setup and configured, you can pull the images using the docker-compose command. For example,

SEA-ML-00028116:f5-ansible trupp$ ./devtools/bin/f5ansible container-pull

This should initiate a download of the necessary containers.